It's naturally best to be able to survive in other worlds, but the premise is that you can live in that world, and if you get sick as soon as you enter that world, you will fall into madness.

Then you might as well continue to be a fisherman on the surface of this lake...

Only Shenkong and Dream Sound want to speak and stop.

The two of them glanced at each other, and they both saw a hint of helplessness in each other's eyes.

Want to find out the cause of this disaster?

How many people have wanted to find out the truth throughout the ages, but in the end?

I haven't even been able to find out a single hair, and you even said that you will wait until you find out what happened before you transfer us?

It is estimated that I will not live to that day in this life, and I will be choking in the next life.

As future successors, the two of them naturally know some secrets, and they naturally know about Dr. Gold and Silver.

Even the gold and silver doctors who saved their human race were unable to return home because they went to explore the truth of the world, where did Luo Chen get his confidence?

And Luo Chen said at this time: "In order to find out the reason as soon as possible, it is better for me to meet the sea god first, he may know some clues." "

The Sea Priest shook his head and said, "We can't do anything about this, Lord Seagod lives in a certain location in Daze, but we don't know where it is, and Lord Seagod hasn't come out for many years, but sometimes he talks to us telepathically." "

Luo Chen waved his hand indifferently.

"It doesn't matter, I'll just go to Daze and look around, as long as I know that the sea god lives in Daze, it's only a matter of time before I find him. "

The Sea Priest nodded: "Then eat first, and after you rest, I will arrange a boat to send you to Daze, whether you can find the sea god or not depends on your luck." "

Luo Chen did not refuse his kindness.

At the banquet they arranged, Luo Chen looked at the table full of fish and meat, and secretly admired.

Although the clothes worn by this group of people are very simple and simple because of the materials, the diet is still good, there are all kinds of big fish in the deep water of Daze, and there are lotus roots and some edible plants in the shallow water.

There are also horses, deer, cows, sheep, rabbits and other animals in the swamp, but there is a lack of seasoning, and there is basically no oil, salt, sauce and vinegar, etc., and although the food is rich, the taste is not good.

Luo Chen could only take out some spices from the space, but since he usually made a good lunch, there were not a lot of spices, just sprinkled some on a few handles around.

After eating, several people's eyes lit up and they were full of praise.

Even Mengyin ignored the image of the saint and began to feast.

It was a delicious spice they had never tasted before!

When the feast was over, the four handlers carried Luo Chen to the port, where a large black canopy sailboat was parked.

There are four water repellents in front of the canopy sailboat, which are responsible for pulling the sailboat forward when the wind is dry, and can also speed the sailboat when the wind is blowing.

There was a small bed in the tent on the ship, a simple tea set on the table, and food prepared next to it.

Looks like I'm ready to fight for a long time.

After Luo Chen got on the boat, the sacrifice of the sea suddenly stopped him, Luo Chen looked back at him and said, "What else is going on?"

After struggling for a while, the priest said to Mengyin: "You go with Luo Chen, your ability may be able to communicate with Lord Seagod and find the place where he sleeps." "

Mengyin thought for a moment, nodded in agreement, and boarded the boat.

Luo Chen was curious: "Do you have any special abilities?"

Mengyin said proudly, "I can communicate with everything. "

"Communicate with all things?"

Luo Chen looked at the sacrifice of the sea, the priest nodded, and explained: "Mengyin has a magical ability, able to communicate with all things, feel the breath of all things, just like the legendary druid, which is why I accepted him as a disciple and made it the next sacrifice." "

Luo Chen was surprised for a while, and looked at the pure and beautiful saintess in front of him again.

Can you communicate with all things, feel the breath of all things?

Is there still magic in this world?

Even a druid?

At this time, the system said, "What do you want? And the druid, this is the power of the waveguide, and this woman is the messenger of the waveguide." "

Luo Chen suddenly realized.

It turned out to be the power of the waveguide.

But if you think about it, the power of the waveguide is really similar to the druids, and they are able to communicate with everything.

This was the first time he had acted with someone who knew the power of the waveguide, and he wanted to discuss the role of the power of the waveguide with her, so he agreed that she would join him.

Then the Sacrifice of the Sea sent another bag of dry food to the ship.

Luo Chen left the Golden Sword Lion Beast and asked him to help protect the safety of this town, and the Golden Sword Lion Beast naturally had no objections.

He is a righteous and kind Pokémon himself, and he is also very merciful for the plight of these humans, plus there are deep water areas ahead, he doesn't like dog planing, so it's better to stay.

Luo Chen raised the sails, and Mengyin communicated with the four water-avoiding beasts, directing them out of the city gate and heading towards Dazezhong.

The two-headed tyrannosaurus rex was lying on the bow of the boat, looking at the surrounding water features, it was the first time he had come to this kind of water environment.

Luo Chen sat on a stool in the canopy, boiling the local tea leaves here, and after a while, a faint fragrance of tea came out.

He poured himself and Mengyin a cup, and then the two of them raised their teacups together and drank the tea.

This tea is bitter in the mouth, which makes Luo Chen frown, although he doesn't understand tea, but he can still tell the difference between good and bad, not to mention that he drank the real best tea at the minister at the alliance headquarters yesterday.

Compared with that tea, this thing is simply brewed with a cup of leaves...

Seeing Luo Chen's brows furrowed, Mengyin said softly, "Isn't this tea to your taste?"

Luo Chen put down the wooden teacup and said with a wry smile: "You are short of resources in this place, and I am used to drinking good drinks in Gaia Star, and this thing is indeed a little difficult to swallow." "

Mengyin nodded slightly.

"That is, our teas are all picked in the swamp, and the taste is naturally not very good, but for us, this is already an extremely rare drink. "

Luo Chen said: "I see that you seem to have sheep and horses here, and the milk they produce is drinkable. "

Mengyin said with a smile: "We also have animal milk in the city, but it is all for children to drink, and when they become adults, unless they are injured or sick and need to recuperate, they can only be with the river water and this tea." "

Luo Chen knows that animal milk also contains high nutrients, and what is most lacking here must be nutrients, and children and injured patients are the ones who need these the most.

Adults who are in good health can only smell the smell.

Luo Chen sighed in his heart, with the disaster of this world and the misery of human beings here, he can write a million-word long magic novel...

He took out a large jar of milk from the space and pushed it in front of Mengyin.

Poor baby, give you something to drink.

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