Luo Chen didn't ask any more, and the men in charge of the guards asked in vain.

I went back to their priest to see if he knew anything.

The group walked towards the distance, and soon after, a wooden house built on the water appeared in Luo Chen's sight.

Around the wooden house, there is also a thick wall made of rough wood, about five meters high, and there are sentry posts every twenty meters, on which stands a man and a sacred bird, who are responsible for guarding the surrounding situation.

It's more of a water village than a town.

Luo Chen entered the gate of the water village under the leadership of Hao Na and others, and saw the wooden buildings in the water village.

These wooden houses are built in a similar way, one meter above the water, supported by wooden piles below, and connected by wooden roads, wooden bridges, and corridors.

There are also some pavilions and pavilions around, which are relatively delicate and gorgeous, some houses are also several stories high, the corridors and cornices are built very well, and some places are also planted with flowers and trees, which are dotted with a lot of natural beauty here, typical Kyushu ancient style buildings.

And it is built on the water, it is a water town, the scenery is outstanding, and the beauty is breathtaking.

The most important thing is that he even saw the emblem of the Gold and Silver Academy engraved on these buildings!

This building was definitely designed by the seniors of the academy!

To be sure, these Terrans have been helped by the seniors of the Academy!

But why didn't the academy record these things?

Suman also said that the academy had never seen a living person in this world.

Was it because she didn't have enough authority to see the information, or did the senior who helped these people not tell the story?

Or maybe that senior didn't return to Gaia?

A few people landed on a wooden platform, which was supposed to be the town's harbor.

Luo Chen took back the Poké Ball from the Red Tyrannosaurus and the Giant Pincer Mantis, leaving only the Twin Tyrannosaurus and the Golden Sword Lion Beast to follow him.

Hone personally led Luo Chen to a wooden hall in the center of the town.

I also met a lot of residents along the way.

These residents were very surprised to see Luo Chen, his clothes were much more gorgeous than the residents here, and there were two tall monsters, the Golden Sword Lion Beast and the Twin Tyrannosaurus, which naturally made the residents talk a lot.

The inhabitants, both men and women, wore animal skin clothing, and the men almost always wore a sword made of bone or stone to their waists, and only a few warriors like Höner were armed with a small amount of iron armor and iron spears and swords.

It can be seen that there is a shortage of iron ore resources here, and there is no cloth to make cloth clothes.

It should be that people here rarely go outside of Daze for activities, after all, there are dangers everywhere, and they can only be self-sufficient in Daze.

Slaughtering some creatures that live in or enter Daze for food, and making their skins into clothes and bones into weapons, there are many trees in Daze, which are more than enough to build houses.

Other resources are more difficult to obtain.

But there are quite a few of the three gods here, and there are three gods frolicking everywhere in the complex, and if they are attacked here, they are the core force that guards this place.

Hao Na saw Luo Chen looking at the Three Divine Birds, so he spoke: "Since the Sea God cultivated the Three Divine Birds, we have lived here with them, and their lives have been longer than humans, and their numbers have increased over time, and now they have far exceeded the number of us humans.

Some mythical birds will build nests all over Daze, and at the same time guard all corners of Daze, and it is with their protection that the whole Daze can be attacked by those monsters outside. "

Luo Chen nodded, this sea god is indeed sheltering a living being, in this desolate world, it is estimated that there are not many such life sources.

"System, what is the strength of these three divine birds?"

"Yes, the strength of the adult Divine Bird is the worst, and it also has the strength of a level 50 blue qualification Pokémon, and some of them live a little longer, and they all have the level of high-level Pokémon, plus there are a lot of them, it is more than enough to protect a living being in this world. "

After the two entered the palace, Luo Chen looked at the layout of the palace, there were a total of eight warriors on both sides of the palace who were responsible for guarding this place, and each of them had a divine bird on their shoulders.

The main hall is very wide, with nine wooden pillars on the left and right sides of the beams.

There are some wooden carvings around, as well as some potted plants.

The main hall is divided into the front hall and the inner hall, the front hall is Luo Chen's current location, twenty meters forward along the twelve steps up is the inner hall, the inner hall space is slightly smaller, there are many chairs placed in two rows, and the center is a large wooden seat.

An old man sat there, his face full of vicissitudes, his long pale hair tied behind him, also dressed in animal skins, and holding a bird's head cane in his hand.

Above the seat, an imprint is engraved.

Luo Chen followed Hao Na to the inner hall, Hao Na told the old man about the situation, and then stood aside.

The old man glanced at the double-headed tyrannosaurus, and then looked at Luo Chen, his wrinkled face had a pair of bright eyes, he looked at Luo Chen, and slowly said: "Friends from another world, welcome to your arrival, I am the sacrifice here, you can call me the sacrifice of the sea, I don't know which world you are from?"

Luo Chen glanced at him a few times, and did not answer his words, but asked rhetorically, "Who designed the exterior of your building here for you?"

The Sacrifice of the Sea was silent for a moment.

"It was handed down from the ancestors, and there are drawings left by the ancestors in the clan. "

Luo Chen smiled: "I don't know if you can show me?"

The sea priest said, "What do you want to do with that?"

Luo Chen said calmly: "Maybe the person who designed the drawings for you is from the same world as me. "

The Sea Priest and Hone on the side both had shocked expressions.

Hao Na exclaimed, "How is it possible?"

Luo Chen smiled: "There is nothing impossible, the architectural style here is exactly the same as the ancient architecture of our world, and the most important thing is that." "

He paused, raised his hand and pointed to the large sigil above the back of the sacrificial seat, and said, "This sigil of yours is the emblem of our academy!"

The two of them turned their heads in unison to look at the clan emblem above their heads.

Hone muttered, "Our ancestors are from another world?"

Luo Chen shook his head and said, "No, you are natives of this world, but a senior from my world came here back then, and met your ancestors and helped them.

This building should have been designed by that senior, and perhaps your sea god has something to do with our world, because we also have creatures called the three gods there. "

After a long silence, the priest asked, "Have you ever heard of the name Dr. Gold and Silver?"

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