I see.

Then there is a way, there are no props on the system side that can deal with the injuries of the Golden Sword Lion Beast, Luo Chen has to wait here for his injuries to improve.

By the way, I asked about the current situation in the digital world.

But the Golden Sword Lion doesn't know anything about it, except that there is a war going on in the Digital World, and it's the angels and demons that are fighting.

Luo Chen's expression was as I expected.

The basic war in the digital world has not stopped, and various races and factions are hostile to each other, fighting all day long, unlike the Pokémon world, where the Pokémon are busy for life in the wild, and it is still quite peaceful.

Luo Chen asked, "Golden Sword Lion Beast, what level of strength is your strength in the Digital World?"

As far as Luo Chen knows, the performance of the Golden Sword Lion Beast in the anime is basically the bottom existence of the ultimate body, and the Lion Beast clan is a daily bento and is always killed.

The number of persecutions is basically the same as that of the flightless Groudor in Pokémon.

Both of them were ridiculed by the two fans, but although the bad guy Grouda is persecuted every day, his strength is really top-notch.

But the lion beast clan not only often becomes the target of persecution, but even their strength is very average, which makes people feel a little embarrassed for them.

The Golden Sword Lion held its claws and said truthfully: "In the Digital World, the strength of the Ultimate Digimon is the strongest, and I am the Ultimate Body, so my strength is passable, but in the Ultimate Body, my strength is very ordinary, but if I can evolve again, I can become the strongest in the Ultimate Body!"

Evolve again?

Isn't the Golden Sword Lion the ultimate body of the highest level?

Luo Chen said the question in his heart.

The Golden Sword Lion Beast smiled: "I still have two evolutionary forms, namely the Dire Tiger Beast and the Fanchang Lion Beast, both of which are powerful existences in the ultimate body, among which the Fanchang Lion Beast is more powerful than the Dire Tiger Beast, and the Fanchang Lion Beast also has several advanced forms,

In addition to being able to evolve into several super powerful Ultimate Bodies in conjunction with several other Ultimate Bodies, it can also evolve into the Burst Form of Panchang Lion or Marsmon!

Both of these are extremely strong ultimate bodies, and Marsmon is one of the gods of the [Twelve Olympus Protoss] with the same name as the [Royal Knights]!

If I can evolve into a Pancho Lion in the future, I can look forward to evolving into Marsmon!"

Luo Chen was dumbfounded when he heard it.

I'll go!

Is the Golden Sword Lion such a potential Digimon?

Dare to love those persecuted lion beasts and golden sword lion beasts that have not been able to grow up?

If they were given time to develop and evolve into the strongest Marsmon, they would be the strongest being in the entire Digital Continent!


He looked at the Golden Sword Lion Beast, which was also a promising Digimon, but it had been developing for too long and always died halfway through.

He asked the system in his heart, "How is the strength of the Mars Beast compared to the Divine Beast?"

The system said: "On par with the first-level gods, the Royal Knight is the top existence in the digital world, with the same strength and status as the first-level gods in Pokémon, and the Digimon with the same strength as the Imperial Knights are all at the first-level god level,

And their advanced form belongs to the super god beast level, just like the royal knights after obtaining [X antibody], they all have the strength to compete with the Mega Flame Sky Seat, or even stronger, and destroying the world is commonplace for them. "

Luo Chen frowned: "In the Digital World, there are quite a few Digimon with the same strength or even stronger strength than the Royal Knight, so the overall strength of the Digimon is much stronger than that of Pokémon?"

System: "The overall strength is that Digimon is stronger, but Pokémon has the existence of Arceus, a ceiling, and his strength is not much different from that of NEO, the supreme existence in Digimon, and they are all almost invincible gods!"

Moreover, there are also Mewtwo among the first-level gods who can carry the banner of combat power, and Mewtwo's strength is much stronger than most of the Xeon Digimon, but the other first-level gods are much worse than the Xeon Digimon. "


Luo Chen was stunned.

"Is Mewtwo's strength much stronger than other first-level gods?"

"Of course, Mewtwo is the strongest of all Pokémon except Arceus, not to mention Mewtwo's peak strength, just the Shadow Mewtwo, who fell into a weakened state after being possessed by the Dark Resonance Stone, has the strength to destroy a planet of the same volume as Gaia Star with one blow!

This is the first time that the system has told about the strength of Pokémon, and it is also the first time that Luo Chen knows information about Mewtwo!

Originally, in his assumption, Mewtwo's strength should be the same as that of Liekong Za and him, and he and Liekong Zai are the same, they both have Mega evolution and have the strength of a super divine beast.

But I didn't expect this guy's strength to be so much stronger than other Pokémon!

Burst stars!

Except for Arceus, the true god.

I'm afraid that there is only one popping star in Pokémon, right?

And there seems to be explosive star combat power among Digimon, and some even have the power to destroy the universe, but those are legendary existences, and they all require multiple Ultimate Digimon to evolve together, and the conditions for their appearance are extremely harsh, and there is basically no chance to appear.

So they can be excluded.

But even if you don't count them, for the Digital World, in the Pokémon world, it seems that no one can pose any threat except Arceus and Mewtwo, right?

After thinking about it like this, Luo Chen realized that the original Digital World was so terrifying, fortunately he didn't travel to that world at the beginning, otherwise maybe one day because of the battle between the two big guys, he would be bombarded into scum along with the Digital Continent...

Of course, the Pokémon world is also full of crises, the beasts are sleeping, and the Mewtwo boss doesn't know where to sleep, but fortunately the beasts have the habit of sleeping, otherwise if they hang out all day, they will have to do something.

He had been talking to the Golden Sword Lion for a long time.

I couldn't help but think that it would be cool if I could truly subdue this Golden Sword Lion and then help him evolve into Marsmon.

Standard first-level god-level combat power!

It's a pity that the system doesn't provide help to subdue other world creatures, so you can only rely on your own efforts.

Try to influence him with love.

Half a day later, the Golden Sword Lion Beast's body also improved a little, he stood up and moved his body, and prepared to move forward with Luo Chen.

But at this time, Su Man and others in the back also caught up.

The Golden Sword Lion Beast looked wary.

Most of the creatures in this world are crazy, and there is no shortage of battles when encountered!

But Luo Chen patted his body.

"It's okay, relax, these are my friends. "

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