The three of them crossed the ice wall, drove all the way, and quickly flew to Ye Yixin's side.

The three of them detailed what had happened before them, and then continued to explore the surroundings.

But Luo Chen thought that their speed was too slow, so he said that he would go ahead to explore the way, and clean up the monsters by the way, and after Su Man's approval, he took a communicator handed over by Su Man, and took the double-headed tyrannosaurus and the giant pincer mantis on the road alone.

The rest of the people looked at each other.

Ye Yixin smiled bitterly: "It is estimated that this guy is used to being a lone ranger, and he doesn't like to act with everyone..."

Everyone was helpless, they originally wanted to follow Luo Chen into some dangerous places that they didn't dare to enter before, to see if they could harvest any treasures, but now it's okay, people have slipped away by themselves.

Yutai Xinyan said with a skeptical expression: "You say, Luo General Assembly won't just run away, leave us alone?"

Qin Yunfeng nodded and said, "Eighty percent, and he only stayed in the secret realm for two days, and he was going to leave in two days, saying that there was an important matter to deal with, so we should not rely on him too much." "

Yutai Xinyan was stunned.

"Luo Da only stayed in the secret realm for two days?"

Qin Yunfeng: "That's what he said. "

Su Man looked in the direction Luo Chen had left, his gaze deep.

Leaving in two days?

Yesterday, the person in charge of the Imperial Capital Alliance personally came to the Realm Luochen to go to the Alliance, but he still came to today's secret realm as promised.

And I heard that I went back to the academy yesterday afternoon.

At first, she was still curious, didn't she say that she was going to attack the Secret Society, and it was done in less than half a day?

Now it seems that the operation should not have started yet, and it will be two days before the official operation.

The rest of the people also looked very sorry when they learned that Luo Chen was going to leave in two days.

The strongest person in the team actually wants to slip away in advance?

What can you do in two days?

They all live in the secret realm in months, and two days are not enough for them to officially start their expedition.

At the front of the team, Luo Chen used his mental power to support the double-headed tyrannosaurus and the giant pincer mantis to fly with all his might, and soon passed through the entire dead wood forest.

There were no enemies along the way, not even birds, insects, and ants, and it was estimated that all the creatures in the dead wood forest had been killed by the group of devouring trees.

Out of the dead wood forest, there are several small hills of tens of meters around, and the mountain bag is also a desolation, after these small hills, and then go one hundred and ten meters forward, there is a cliff of two hundred meters, and under the cliff is a wasteland, boundless.

"I didn't think this dead wood forest was on a plateau. "

Luo Chen stood on the cliff and looked into the distance, in the gray mist, he couldn't see the end of the wasteland below, and he couldn't find any buildings on the wasteland.

It was still dark in the air.

Luo Chen looked at the cliff.

"I don't know if flying down here will provoke those bugs. "

For those bugs, although he is jealous, he is not afraid, he just thinks that they are too weird, and the strength and number also give people a slight headache, so try not to provoke them if he can.

But if they really get involved, Luo Chen doesn't think they can hurt him.

So he flew directly down the cliff and flew two hundred meters above the wasteland.

After more than ten minutes, there was still no movement around, and even the wind was very light.

"It seems that the sensational range of those insects is further up, and the Deadwood Plateau will attract the attention of the Void Worm if it is less than a hundred meters up, but this wasteland is low, and it is okay to fly at a position of two hundred meters or so. "

He told Suman this information through the communicator, then lowered his height, released his telekinesis, and searched below to see if he would encounter any creatures.

After a long time, the psychic force detected a large monster wandering not far below.

Luo Chen prepared the double-headed tyrannosaurus and the giant pincer mantis for battle, and flew over.

It was a lion-like creature, but three or four times larger than a lion.

Its body was like gold, golden and red, and the mane on its neck was like a sword, the roots were straight, and the two huge fangs were even more cold.

The appearance is mighty and domineering, handsome and extraordinary.

When Luo Chen flew towards him, it also sensed Luo Chen's arrival.

The golden lion roared in the sky.


The body soared directly into the air and pounced on Luo Chen!

Luo Chen.

"Yo, this bounce power, it's a pity not to go to the Olympics, giant pincer mantis, bullet punch!"

The giant pincer mantis suddenly rubbed its fists and sharpened its palms, a long-lost battle!

And the opponent is still this unknown creature, which makes the giant pincer mantis even more excited!


He shook off Luo Chen's telekinesis, and his right fist smashed towards the golden lion like a bullet.

With a bang, the golden lion was smashed back to the ground, and the giant pincer mantis itself was shocked and flew upside down by the impact of the golden lion.

Luo Chen caught the giant pincer mantis with his telekinesis.

"I didn't expect this golden lion to be quite strong, a giant pincer mantis, and a sword dance!"

After the sword dance was strengthened, the giant pincer mantis used its bullet punch again and quickly rushed over.

The bullet fist is a fast-attacking skill, and the attack speed is naturally as fast as lightning, even if the golden lion's body is extremely fast, it is also a little unguardable!

Its body was repeatedly hit by the giant pincer mantis.

Enraged, it let out a loud roar, raised its right claw and fiercely unleashed several powerful claw winds at the giant pincer mantis in front of it.

At the same time, he roared, "Crushing Claws!"

Luo Chen was taken aback, this guy can talk?

The golden lion's claws tore through the earth, carving deep ravines in the earth.

"Giant Pincer Mantis, use high-speed movement to dodge attacks!"

The speed of the Giant Pincer Mantis increased rapidly, and then in a series of movements, it moved away from the range of the Golden Lion.

The golden lion's eyes were awe-inspiring, looking at Luo Chen, it sensed that this human being was the backbone, and killing him should be able to end this battle.

It arched its body, and the countless manes on its neck were hardened, shooting out sword-shaped hairs that were harder than steel.

"Infinite Arrows!"

A series of sounds of breaking the sky sounded, and the rain of arrows in the sky shot towards Luo Chen like a storm.

"Twin Tyrannosaurus, Dragon Wave!"

The two heads of the double-headed tyrannosaurus shot out two strong waves of power in unison, destroying the rain of arrows that came over one after another.

"Giant pincer mantis, bullet punch!"


The giant pincer mantis roared angrily, and with a wave of its fists, it attacked the golden lion like lightning and wind!

The golden lion was holding on to the Twin Tyrannosaurus, and before he had time to dodge, his body was smashed into the air, and then he was hit by the Evil Wave that the Twin Tyrannosaurus used next, and he was seriously injured.

It struggled to get to its feet, its body was relatively agile, but its ability to resist blows was really not high, and after being hit one after another, it was now on the verge of limiting.

The golden lion cursed in his heart.

I was really unlucky, I walked well in my hometown, but I saw a spatial rift, and after passing through, I arrived at this ghost place!

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