In the distance, Ye Yixin and everyone suddenly felt that the world was spinning and light-headed under this sound wave, and the Pokémon guarding around them gradually became blind-eyed and heavy-breathed.

And Luo Chen and the others, who were close at hand, roared in their ears and their brains ached, and this sound wave actually penetrated the mental barrier of the three Pokémon and affected the three of Luo Chen!

The three Pokémon were also hit hard.

Even Reggie Lock's body trembled, but immediately after, a cannon of his electromagnetic cannon slammed into the body of the giant Spirit Eater Tree.


There was a loud bang, accompanied by a rain of blood, and the demonic roar of the Spirit Devouring Tree turned into a wail.

The mental impact on everyone also disappeared immediately, but their brains were groggy, and it took a long time to recover.

After Ye Yixin and the others recovered, they didn't think about it, they collectively retreated, how far they could retreat.

Qin Yunfeng rubbed his temples and said, "Is the spiritual interference of this Spirit Devouring Tree so strong, I feel that if we let it howl a few more times, we will all be finished." "

Qingying Liu frowned: "This is also the first time we have encountered this situation, this time the Spirit Devouring Tree is obviously much stronger than the previous ones, the scope and intensity of the spiritual interference are a bit unbelievable, it is estimated that there are too many of them, which has caused a qualitative change."

It should have been Mentor Su and the others who launched an attack just now, so they interrupted the interference of the Spirit Devouring Tree, and it is estimated that there will be a spiritual impact next, so we should be careful and let the Pokémon who know the skills of the telekinesis try to wrap us with a telekinesis barrier as much as possible. "

Their Pokémon are not superpowers, and there are also telekinesis skills, but the released telekinesis is not too strong, so they chose to stay and not go to the front to join in the fun.

But the current situation can only protect oneself with all one's mental power, although the mental power is weak, but something is better than nothing.

On the battlefield ahead, after Luo Chen came back to his senses, he immediately let Reggie Rock attack with all his strength, this Soul Devouring Giant Tree is a tree after all, and it must be afraid of flame attacks.

Thinking of this, Luo Chen gave an order.

"Reggie Lock, use the Flame Fist! Burn it for me!"

The Spirit Devouring Giant Tree obviously understood Luo Chen's words, and its thousand giant mouths roared in unison, while waving vines hundreds of meters long and ten meters thick towards Luo Chen.

While releasing his telekinesis with the three Pokémon to maintain the spiritual barrier and block the spiritual interference of the Spirit Devouring Giant Tree, Luo Chen transmitted to Reggielock: "Reggielock, release the destruction of the death light and shatter the vine!"

The attack on the Soul Devouring Giant Tree can only be postponed, after all, the sky and the earth are big, and the small life is the greatest, if you let it whip it down, you will be able to explain yourself!

Reggie Rock dispersed the fist of flame that had just been condensed, and raised his arms flat, a strong light appeared between his arms, and then a ray of destruction shot towards the huge vine!

In the sound of explosion, the vine cracked inch by inch, and was shattered, but the destruction ray did not disappear, as Reggie Rock turned around, the destruction death light swept on the body of the Soul Eater Giant Tree, and the huge impact force blasted the giant tree backwards again and again, and then fell down with a bang!

Its body was also crippled, and blood gushed out like a river.

The roar was intermittent, and countless vines and branches around him danced wildly, like a heavenly demon dancing wildly.

Seeing that Reggie Lock's destructive light was so powerful, Luo Chen was overjoyed, and after receiving the special attack of the charging beam, Reggie Lock's special attack was no weaker than the attack.

"Reggie Lock, now, Flame Fist!"

Reggie Lock's fists burst into flames, burning violently, and as he swung his fists continuously, several powerful pillars of fire roared towards the Soul Eater Giant Tree like a fire dragon!

Boom –

Several loud bangs rang out, and a monstrous flame rose upward, and the body of the Soul Devouring Giant Tree was quickly ignited by the flames, and all the trees around it were entangled in flames.

In the crackling and burning sound, the huge body of the Soul Devouring Giant Tree, which was hundreds of meters, was all wrapped in flames within ten seconds!


A piercing scream rang out, the Soul Eater Giant Tree kept tumbling, and the surrounding dead wood forest was also ignited by the flames, and the fire spread rapidly, sweeping all around!

The area was so blazing that you could see the flames from afar.

Even in the midst of this torrential rain, the flames were spreading around.

After all, there's dead wood everywhere here, just a bit.

Rain can't suppress the flames in this environment.

And the Soul Eater Giant Tree obviously didn't have any means to control the fire on its body.

As a tree, from the moment it is set on fire by the flames, it is already sentenced to death.

And Reggie Rock is still attacking with a flaming fist, and the body of the Soul Eater Giant Tree is rapidly being burned down.

Luo Chen turned back to Su Man and said, "Will this kind of fire attract other creatures to come?"

Su Man glanced around and said, "Probably not, all the creatures in this Dead Wood Forest should have been transformed into enslavers by this Soul Eater Tree Group, and the powerful creatures outside the Dead Wood Forest will not take the initiative to approach this side."

I am afraid that such a flame will cause a major fire, and it will be difficult to clean it up when the time comes. "

Luo Chen nodded.

"It's easy to do, just keep the flames under control. "

It's just that Reggie Rock can't condense all the flames around him like the Yan Emperor, and now he can only rely on others, and Fiona is the best choice.

He took out the Poké Ball and released Fiona again.

As soon as she came out, Fiona frowned.

"Feina!" (Protest!I don't want to fight in this kind of hell place!)

Luo Chen stretched out his hand and rubbed Fei Ona's head, and said with a smile: "Didn't you let you fight here, did you see the fire around you?" Fly around, control the flames within this range, and don't let the fire spread." "

Fiona glanced at the surrounding fire, which had spread far away, and thought that the edge of the flames should not have the stench of this place.

So he nodded, patting his chest.

"Feina~" (Meaning, leave this little flame to me!)

He flew towards the end of the flames to stop them from spreading.

Seeing that he was flying a little high, Luo Chen hurriedly shouted behind him: "Don't fly too high! There is an invisible insect hidden in the sky!"

"Fena!" (got it!)

But then, Luo Chen frowned deeply.


Su Man and Li Shi looked at him together, now that this Soul Devouring Giant Tree is no longer a concern, did Luo Chen find something again?

Li Shidao: "What's wrong?"

Luo Chen looked up at the sky and said, "Before, I sent that Sky Beast up dozens of meters into the sky, and the Void Worm was attracted, but this Spirit Devouring Giant Tree is hundreds of meters tall, why didn't the Void Worm in the air come?

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