But as long as mental interference doesn't work, they can only rely on the enslavers to protect themselves.

And the strength of these enslaved monsters is basically equivalent to level 40 Pokémon, and some of them are powerful with the strength of high-level Pokémon, but after all, they are a minority.

Luo Chen still has a lot of confidence to be unparalleled in this group of monsters.

He first released Reggie Rock and Fiona, and the two of them must be able to block the spiritual interference of the Soul Eater Tree Group.

Then he asked the system, "Can Paper Edgeworth resist this mental interference?"

The system said: "Paper Edgeworth and Bankiras can, one of them has double resistance to spiritual attacks, one is immune to spiritual attacks, and the others are okay, this group of devouring trees is very special, such a large group gathers together, and ordinary high-level Pokémon really can't withstand their impact." "

So Luo Chen released Paper Edgeworth and Bankiras again.

After the four Pokémon appeared, except for Reggie Lock, who had no sense of smell, the other three let out a sound in unison: "Vomit~"

Luo Chen raised his eyebrows, he almost forgot the stench here, the Pokémon don't have a telekinesis barrier, and it is indeed a little difficult for them to let them fight in this stench.

Luo Chen asked, "Can you fight?"

The three Pokémon all nodded with heavy faces, and only Reggie Rock looked puzzled.

"Reggie Rock?" (what's wrong with you?)

His limited intellect did not allow him to comprehend the anomalies of his three companions.

After receiving the Pokémon's affirmation, Luo Chen asked the two of them, Paper Edgeworth and Bankiras, to perform a sword dance and a dragon dance.

Then he held the second daughter behind him and said, "You two turn your heads, and I'll deal with them." "

Su Man and Li Shi glanced at each other, Luo Chen's four Pokémon they all knew, their strength was very strong, with them, they should be able to wipe out all these monsters, and they should be able to better protect them.

The two of them put Miss Goethe and Brimwin in full charge of defense, and the attack was left to Luo Chen.

Then standing behind Luo Chen, he glanced at the wriggling tree trunk in front of him, and suddenly felt a wave of nausea, so don't turn his head together.

With Miss Gothic and the three of them in charge of maintaining the telekinesis barrier, Luo Chen believed that this group of monsters would not be able to harm them.

He gave the Shell Bell that he had bought for the Two-Headed Tyrannosaurus to Reggie Lock, and replaced his power headband, which is the most suitable recovery item like the Bloodthirsty Sword for this kind of battle.

Combined with a suck punch that can restore 50% of the opponent's damage to the opponent, it is basically smashed without damage.

"Reggie Lock, use the iron wall, go to the front and attract the opponent's firepower. "

Reggie Lock, who already has top-level defense, is basically equivalent to a mobile fortress after using the iron wall to double its defense, and King Kong is not bad!

"Reggie Locke!"

Reggie Rock let out a mechanized cry and strode forward, standing about thirty meters in front of him, quietly watching the group of monsters that began to accelerate.

"Fiona, don't fly too high, there's a bug in the air, don't mess with them, just float as high as me, and then use the Frozen Beam to strafe them and freeze them!"


Fiona opened her mouth and shot out a frozen ray, shooting towards the monsters in front, and wherever the light passed, all those who touched it died, and the corpse was frozen into a hard ice sculpture, firmly frozen with the earth, forming an ice wall, blocking the charge of the monsters behind.

Slowed down the time it took for them to rush over.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Luo Chen asked Reggie Rock to use a charging beam to bombard, and Reggie Rock shot out a ray of lightning according to the group of monsters behind him, and each lightning beam blasted a large number of monsters into slag.

And with the increase in the 70% probability of the charging beam triggering the special attack, Reggie Lock's elemental power is getting stronger and stronger, and the power of the bombardment is also rapidly increasing.

Each beam of lightning exploded like a cannonball, shattering hordes of enemies.

The Spirit Devouring Tree in the distance was also hit by a lightning beam, a large number of tree trunks were instantly shattered, and a numb scream came from the tree group, and after those blood vessels burst, the blood rain between the heavens and the earth was filled, and the smell of blood was full.

But the three of Luo Chen were protected by the mental barrier released by Miss Goth, and they were not affected too much, the fishy smell and blood were blocked by the barrier, although the blood stains splashed on the barrier by the blood rain also made the three of Luo Chen feel nauseous.

Outside the barrier, Fiona, Paper Edgeworth, and Bankiras were miserable, the stench of countless corpses here was already unbearable, and now it was the rain of blood that poured them all over their bodies, and the smell of blood made them gag again and again.

Fiona quickly unleashed a ring of water that washed away the rain of blood on his body, and then formed a curtain of water around his body, preventing the blood mist in the air from soiling his body.

But the smell of blood and the stench could not be inseparable, and he could only cover his mouth and nose, and he really couldn't attack.

Paper Edgeworth and Bankiras have been strengthened, and their attacks are now extremely powerful, but in this environment, they haven't started attacking yet, and the smell alone has already overwhelmed them.

Luo Chen glanced at it, and among the four main Pokémon, only Reggie Rock was like a nobody, and one after another thunderbolt beams bombarded the monster group.

Luo Chen could only sigh with emotion.

It's a mass-produced divine beast, but it doesn't have a sense of smell at all, and it doesn't have too many subjective emotions, so I don't care about the blood stains on my body.

The whole thing is an emotionless rock fighting machine.

By this time, the monsters had jumped over the ice wall made by Fiona and pounced on Reggielock.

But how could Reggie Lock's body, which was countless times harder than steel, be able to shake it?

No matter how they tear apart, they will not move.

If Reggie Rock had a health bar, there must be miss, -1, miss, miss values constantly beating above his head.

Seeing that the monster was already close to Reggielock, Luo Chen asked him to switch to melee combat.

"Reggie Lock, use the Lightning Punch and the Freezing Punch!"

Reggie Rock waved his hands together, his left fist erupted with dazzling electric light, and the lightning fist electrocuted all the surrounding monsters into charcoal, and the monsters in the distance were also convulsed by the splashing electric current.

And his right hand came out with a cold air, reducing the temperature around him a lot, and with a punch, all the monsters within a few dozen meters were blasted into ice slag, and a large amount of freezing gas permeated, making this group of monsters tremble uncontrollably.

The cold mist and ice quickly turned into water under the influence of electricity, and the water flowed to all corners of the earth, becoming filthy blood after being stained with blood everywhere.

Coupled with the corpses and bones everywhere, it was a hellish scene.

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