People in the box garden, join the chat group of Wanjie

In Little Garden, join the Myriad Realms Chat Group Chapter 447

First, a representative of a country stood up.

"This time it's about the change of Xianshen Island in the Demon Special Zone. According to the information sent, a group of super-large artificial islands like giants appeared out of thin air."

"Based on its appearance, it should be the legacy of Cain the Blame God."

Another representative also nodded.

"That's right, Arcadia acquired the legacy of the dormant Saint Annihilation in the far eastern island country, and the local forces retreated. From the perspective of time, it is obvious that it was the movement after the inheritance was obtained.". "

At this time, the two True Ancestors thought of a Dragon Clan one after another.

The guardian marsh dragon - Glenda.

Since this thing was summoned, Glenda must have been awakened, with the help of Cain's witch.

Then they continued to listen.

And a blond masked man got a little excited.

"This can't go on like this anymore, Arcadia must be punished! They are too scary now, and they are the true ancestors and such a huge force. If this is added with so many inheritances of the gods, it is hard to imagine them What are you going to do?"

"Obviously no country is established, but it is much more terrifying than most countries!"

As soon as the representative's words came out, there was a little silence on the spot.

It seems to have touched the real core.

The atmosphere is a bit depressing.

Some representatives also reached out.

"I second!"

"Arcadia is a freak. It overpowers many countries with pure magical power. They are too scary now. Who will have the final say in the world? Is it the covenant country of our sanctuary organization, or the other party? "

"If they eat the inheritance of the holy annihilation and expand it further, the structure of the world will be completely distorted, and even we may bow our heads!"

As soon as these words came out, it was like throwing a boulder into the lake.

For a moment, countless waves were startled.

Although the legacy of the god of evil this time is terrifying, Arcadia itself is even more terrifying.

It's scary, everyone is very anxious about their inheritance, and now, it has detonated the anxiety in their hearts.

So the words of other representatives sounded here one after another.

"I also agree that they can no longer be allowed to obtain the huge inheritance of God of guilt. For the development of the world, they must be handed over for joint development!"

"Yes, hand it over!"

"Sanctions! We should join forces to suppress them! A single country can't match them at all, and even the Empire of the Night of the three adults can't match them alone."

"You can imagine how exaggerated they are!"

"Indeed, at this time, we must completely unite and gather our strength together, otherwise it will not be enough."

"At that time, they will be fighting against the whole world!"

Even other human nations quite agree.

Previously, the three major empires of the night were checking and balancing on the surface, and everyone remained in a relatively floating state. Although it was unstable, there was nothing major.

However, the appearance of Arcadia seems to have broken this balance.

How does this work?

If Arcadia decides to launch a war, it will be a terrible war that will affect the entire world, and all countries and forces will be involved.

Even if the three True Ancestors were removed, Arcadia would still be at a great advantage.

This is outrageous.

Arcadia has such energy.

On the one hand, the strength of Arcadia made them restless, and they wished to get rid of it quickly, and then snatch their achievements and technology. .

On the other hand, what if Arcadia really took the lead?

All kinds of reasons and interests have led to their fear of Arcadia, which existed long before the legacy of the gods.

This time, it served as an introduction.

But there are also relatively sensible representatives.

"` ˇLet's think about it carefully. If we want to target them, there are too many things involved in Arcadia around the world. Whether it is our domestic economy or force, we will suffer great trauma."

Some branches of Arcadia also promote the development of the country's economy and product trends, which is very important.

Sometimes it's more of a partner.

If you want to do it.

Kill one thousand enemies and injure eight hundred.

Blood loss.

Who makes Arcadia so weird, they are not an independent (Li De's) country.

It happened to be a super-large magical enterprise force.

Branches are still open everywhere, connected in series, and if you want to target them individually, it will cause a series of changes,

If it is a powerful empire, it will be easy to target to death.

Whether it is restricting business or reducing cooperation, secretly cooperating to target business, secretly dispatching various subordinates, and allowing magic criminals a series of methods are all pediatrics.

Gathered here are most of the powerful countries in the world.

But for the structure of Arcadia, they are depressed and want to vomit blood.


But at this moment, the Second True Ancestor showed an expression of restlessness and fear that the world would not be chaotic.

"Simple, only targeting the Arcadia Division where the Demon Special Zone String God Island is located, that's the big head."

"The previous world was too boring, finally, I can witness interesting things again, the Fourth Primogenitor and Arcadia, it's great!"

Chapter 704 Reunion and Trust Over a Long Time

His charming and touching voice sounded here, like a girl's coquettish yet majestic. The people present did not dare to have the slightest idea, and some were only in awe and joy.

In that case, is it true that the True Ancestor and the Empire of the Night are going to make a move?

Thinking about it, the true ancestors all felt that life was too boring, and I'm afraid they have been paying attention to things over there.

After all, this time even the Second True Ancestor, who has never seen the end of Shenlong, appeared.

Normally, all the important ministers in his hands would appear here for meetings.

Then the Second True Ancestor Aisodgul Yajiz pulled his purple hair and said with a smile.

"My unlucky son has been receiving [friendly care] from Itogami Island."

The True Ancestor under the mask showed an inexplicable and inexplicable expression, perhaps because the information he got from his son made him feel very interesting.

The direct descendants of the majestic true ancestor, who inherited the powerful beasts, can still be so deflated.

Yeah, it's pretty shocking.

Anyway, Iblisbeer has lived for hundreds of years, and he is no longer a yellow-haired boy, so he can still suffer such a big loss.

And the eyes of the war king forgotten by the first ancestor also became sharp, and he smiled with deep meaning.

"Oh, anyway, it's Arcadia who made such a big commotion and has such a huge legacy. We can't blame us for that."

"Such a large piece of meat was obtained by a majestic lion, so who will be the next piece of meat?"

"It's you?"

While talking, Ziy Julan Barada casually pointed his hand at a representative in front of him.

This made him shake his head hastily.

Then move on to another person.

"still you?"

The man also took a few steps back.

Ziy smiled happily.

"So, we have to form new checks and balances, don't we? We have to have such a big piece of meat!"

"That's only fair."

"This time, the sanctuary covenant organization is with the will of all, whether it is us of the true ancestor or you of the allies, so you understand what I mean? And squatting at home, no objection this time, right?"

"Hmph, even a rough guy beat around the bush like this."

With the contempt of the second primogenitor, everyone's eyes lit up.

Then they all spoke out.

"Understood. Next, we will send a joint statement to Arcadia. Such a huge inheritance of God of guilt should be jointly developed by everyone 633 to promote the harmonious development of the world."

"Isn't that the case with the Sanctuary Treaty? By the way, send the joint fleet and relevant personnel there at the same time. If you agree, you will settle in the ruins. If you don't agree, then..."

"Of course, if you have any opinions on the Fourth True Ancestor, you can only ask the two Majesties to negotiate."

The First True Ancestor was also very happy.

"Hmm, no problem. I'm also looking forward to meeting that one. I heard that No. 12 became the final winner. It's interesting."

"Presumably that one is also a smart person, who will reduce the recent movements,"

On the surface, it seems that the overall sanctuary structure united with the country to suppress Arcadia. In fact, these two true ancestors were itchy and wanted to go to Xiangami Island to find new fun.

And this time, they just gave them a reason.

Such an interesting place, why not go there in person.

Of course, the Forgotten King of War is considering whether to hide his identity and sneak past, or to pass in a grandiose manner.

Well, it's a conundrum.

Discuss with the youngest concubine later.

As the first true ancestor with seventy-two beasts, he has seventy-two blood companions.

It is the most among True Ancestors.

The three True Ancestors all opened the harem. After all, beasts require a lot of information, so matching can increase the amount of consultation, so as to master the power of beasts.

And the second true ancestor looks like a petite girl, but his harem is also full of women.

In his words, he likes to collect these beautiful girls, sweet, fragrant and beautiful.

Development of pussies and girls.

And here in the meeting, after the consensus was reached, the representatives of other countries withdrew one after another. They were all excited, especially the representative of the beautiful nut country.

What's more, he wants to get more inheritance from the gods, so as to make his country stronger.

Except for the three empires of the night, the strength of his country is one of the best, and it is quite greedy.

So about a storm against the Mozu special zone is coming, although Xianjin Island never cared about them.

After the others withdrew, the two True Ancestors once again looked at the missing Jiatan in doubt.

That is, the ruler of the "Chaos Realm (AGBG) Domain" of the Central American Night Empire - the third primogenitor, Garda Kukokan.

How strange.

Why did this guy go.

What age is it, can you still be absent due to failure to receive messages?

What Martian Gatan.


They are all vampires who keep pace with the times.

I can only ask about the situation with Jiatan's subordinates.

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