People in the box garden, join the chat group of Wanjie

In Little Garden, join the Myriad Realms Chat Group Chapter 243

"I don't know, I can only continue walking, I believe I will know later."

Fujimaru Tachika also shook her head and couldn't say much, and went to the depths of this lonely alleyway with her school girl.

That ore is quite heavy. If she, Gu Dazi, hadn't grown a lot after experiencing so many singularities, I'm afraid it would be very difficult now.

Really, along the way, I have experienced a lot with my school girl.

After a period of time, she finally saw a house at the end, and there were no other complete buildings around, all of which were dilapidated ruins.

It seems that after the passage of time, there is only such a house left in the originally prosperous place.

There was also the sound of hammering iron, knocking continuously.

Their eyes lit up, and they both hurried up. What appeared in front of their "180" was a casting room filled with all kinds of weapons, and when they walked through the curtain to reach the inside, it suddenly became more spacious. few.

Inside is a larger space.

I really didn't expect that in this house in a remote corner, there is something special.

Both Fujimaru Tachika and Mash were stunned for a moment, and then Mash hurriedly pulled her clothes, "Senior, look quickly, don't those weapons hanging on the walls look familiar?" This made her look over At that time, I was also shocked.

Apart from many unfamiliar weapons, she also saw the treasures of the partners she met in the singularity in the past.

Whether it is the brilliance of the holy sword, or the flying flag, the small main ship of the Golden Deer is also hung there, and she can find the treasures of every heroic spirit she meets.

It reminded her of the days when she faced and fought with everyone.

Here, there are so many treasures?

Probably, it was just an imitation. After all, everyone has gone back. It is impossible to appear in this place.

So when Fujimaru Tachika turned her head and wanted to find the owner of the shop, she was suddenly taken aback.

Because a man suddenly appeared next to her, neither she nor Matthew felt it, which was really terrible, when.

And after seeing the other party's appearance, Li Xiang took a few steps back in embarrassment, and bumped into the school girl.

She finally knew why the Goddess Ishtar told her not to think otherwise.

These two people, wouldn't there still be a relationship dispute.

Ye Luo disappeared here again, and appeared beside the counter with a smile in his eyes.

"Fujimaru Tachika, your story is very exciting. Your hard work and the bonds you have formed are the hope of saving the world. Even the hero Karji who was created to save the world, at this point No one can compare to you." "Welcome to the Seventh Singularity. Absolute Warcraft Front. Babylonia." "I've been waiting for you for a long time." "Huh?!!"

How does this make her feel that she has been seen through by the man in front of her, whether it is the past or the present state.

This is, has she met a more miraculous existence?

And this one is so young!

As for Kargi, does it refer to the ten incarnations of Vishnu in Indian mythology, the last incarnation? "Don't hold the ore all the time, give it to the one who is blacksmithing, I know why you are here."

After subconsciously handing the ore to the blond woman with a mask, Fujimaru Tatsuka reacted abruptly.

Surprised, he said, "Do you also have clairvoyance? So knowing everything about us, you naturally know that we are coming?" "By the way, the ore was brought here by the goddess Ishtar."

"Clairvoyance?" Ye Luo thought for a while, "It's okay, but it's much easier to use than their half-baked clairvoyance. As for the others, I also know." Among clairvoyance, Solomon's is actually the most useful one.

Both Merlin and Gilgamesh have their own shortcomings, and it is difficult to peek into the future and the past well.

"Ishtar was only thinking about things on Uruk at the beginning, not in the sky. So after I killed those gods, she was still alive, and then she was summoned by the witch, and now she looks like someone else .” Fujimaru Tachika:! ! !

Matthew:! ! !

"Destroyed, god? Is it still a group?" The two of them were shocked and screamed.

Even the masked girl who was forging iron stopped quietly after hearing this.

It turned out that she finally knew the truth.

The reason why the gods suddenly disappeared at the end of the age of gods when humans and gods were still in contact was because they were all killed by the master. …

Even if I chose the second option, Master still sent those gods on the road for me.

And Ma Xiu also tentatively asked in shock: "Then these treasures are also imitations you created based on the pictures you saw?" "Imitations?" Ye Luo looked at her in surprise, "No Oh, these weapons today have surpassed the original version." "Even if those heroic spirits come here, they have to admit this."

For example, it was the case with Merlin before, his staff was obviously not as good as the one here.

This made him jealous, but there was a way.

I really don't understand why this man can create a weapon that is stronger than the original version. This is to prevent everyone from living.

Once again, a heavy news hit the hearts of both of them, and Matthew also opened her mouth. She really didn't expect that there would be such a person in this singularity.

As early as when I came here, I have been wondering what kind of existence this person is.

I didn't expect to overthrow all the previous ideas as soon as we met.

Create an existence that is stronger than the original Noble Phantasm, no, how is this possible.

And Ye Luo also took out a strange weapon from the box at the back, it was something like a sword but not a sword, an umbrella but not an umbrella.

Handed it to Matthew.

"Gilgamesh asked you to come here to trade for a new 0.8 weapon, that guy, I dare not come."

"Remember to make good use of this weapon, it can attack and defend." This made Matthew very embarrassed and surprised.

"You, just gave it to us like this, don't you need us to do something?"

"Of course, that's why I've been waiting for you all this time. What I want is..." At this time, Ye Luo reached out and gestured to Fujimaru Tachika, which stunned her, and after a careful look.

I was shocked again and again, and my face turned red a lot. "It turned out to be me?!! You want me?"

"No, no, this is not good, I'm just an ordinary girl." Ye Luo's hand then moved, pointing to the crystal pendant on her waist. "What I want is your crystal pendant in exchange." Fujimaru Tachika: ...

Chapter 382 Mission Complete, Recover the Crystal Pendant

When Ye Luo pointed at her directly at first, it frightened her.

Huh, but this crystal pendant is a treasure inherited from her family.

This made her hesitate a bit, and then Ye Luo nodded towards her forehead.

Let Fujimaru Tachika see a brand new picture.

It was in a very distant era, when a meteor flew across the sky and fell on the planet. It was just a spar, and was picked up after a period of time.

After being collected by many people, it was made into a pendant by a human being in the middle, and this spar was embedded in it.

Since then, this crystal pendant has been handed down among the descendants of that human being.

Until now, it has been handed down to Fujimaru Tachika.

Then Ye Luo's calm voice rang in her ears.

"This thing fell out of me, so I will take it back this time. Thank you very much for keeping it. Lixiang." Looking at the echo of the crystal pendant and Yeluo, Fujimaru Lixiang was also emotional. "So this is ah."

Returning the item to Ye Luo made him smile and pat the orange-haired girl's head.

In this way, Tiamat will not get such items, and the world will not be in danger of destruction.

Can 12 be able to return to the original normal story.

Although even this is still relatively difficult for Lixiang, after all, the other party is a mother god of creation.

However, the possibility of victory has appeared.

The words before, no matter how you look at it, they will usher in the end of total annihilation, which is based on the condition that Ye Luo did not show up.

And Ye Luo also received a notification from the chat group, indicating that his mission had been completed, a large amount of points had been credited to the account, and the reward for casting exclusive equipment had also been received.

This allowed Ye Luo to check the conversion status of a chat group by the way.

After recovering this power, the original energy has increased a lot.

[Chat group, how long will it take for my utopian flag conversion to end. 】

[Ding, with the addition of this energy, the time is cut in half again to two hundred years. 】

After getting the time information, Ye Luo nodded. At first, it was six hundred years. After a period of time and this halving, only two hundred years remained.

This also means that it is enough to complete the remaining task.

During this period of time, the next mission also appeared there, but the group members were still hesitant, and it was the destruction of the world or something, which was really enough.

However, for Ye Luo, the second task didn't take much time at all, because Ye Luo already had a general idea in mind.

Get someone else to work for him.

That flag can already be declared to appear.

Self-protection +1. With that thing, it is hard to die.

And the group also received this reminder, which surprised everyone.

Chat group.

Tony Stark: "Wow, does this mean that the energy has been successfully recovered? According to the description above, it is completely a needle in a haystack to find that thing." If you don’t find it, you will be destroyed by the terrible Creator God.” God or something is still a very strong existence for Tony Stark.

And the place where he sent this message was in Karma Taj.

After receiving an invitation from Gu Yi to study, he readily went there.

Why not?

This made Nick Fury very headache later, because he found that Tony Stark suddenly disappeared in their eyeliner, and none of the agents knew where Tony disappeared.

It's outrageous.

Could there be a way that their S.H.I.E.L.D. could not discover?

And Tony Stark in Karma Taj was very novel at first, because those apprentices were learning and using magic.

That golden shield, lines or something, exudes golden particles.

It seems amazing and not scientific at the same time.

Obviously it is the ability of the same series as Gu Yi.

Is this the world of magic?

Then he will live here for the time being, and he will practice for a while first, and the company can also control and command remotely.

It was the environment of Karma Taj that made Tony's face twitch.

Quite, a bit of inheritance.

Although he did not expect to have wifi in the room, a certain mage said abruptly at the time that we are also in line with the outside world, not the old coffin. Really, he wouldn't think he was very humorous, right? Then Tony saw that the password was [Shamballa].

It was translated as Shambhala. After chatting with Ye Luo for a long time, he immediately remembered that the name "Shambhala" in Buddhism and Hinduism alludes to a mysterious hidden kingdom.

I don't know why Ye Luo is so clear about the information of Indian mythology.

After staying in Karma Taj for a while, Tony Stark also understood that this was referring to Karma. Taj is a hidden paradise in the downtown of Nepal.

However, this net rubbish is also true.

Internet speed is really no one.

Fortunately, there is also a chat group and his advanced technology, otherwise people who are used to modern technology suddenly come here, it must take a lot of time to get used to it.

As for his words, other group members also spoke out.

Narutaki: "Hey, be confident, maybe you don't need any gods of creation if you go, maybe there are many other gods waiting for you." Nakiri Erina: "Indeed, Mesopotamia In the myth of Mia, there is not just one god, but a lot of them." Butterfly Shinobi: "And then I just give it away for free." 180 Tony Stark: "...Hey, hey, anyway, I have been changing all the time. Strong, you look down on me too much." "When my magic armor comes out, I will definitely kill you indiscriminately." "...Probably the kind."

Group members: ....

Ruoye Jise (administrator): "@叶落, the task is completed, are you not coming back now?" Ye Luo: "The things here are coming to an end, soon." Seeing this, Ruoye Jise returned a line.

Although Ye Luo seemed to have stayed in that world for a long time, in fact, he had only been in Hakoniwa for a few days.

So sometimes, Ye Luo felt that with this time difference, it would be good to practice slowly in other worlds at first.

But for now, so-so.

On Uruk's side, Fujimaru Tachika also perfectly completed Gilgamesh's task, and showed him the weapon.

This surprised him.

It seems that there is indeed something unusual about this master.

So let them take action.

As for Chaldea, after hearing about Fujimaru Tateka's work in the foundry, Romani immediately beat her chest and regretted it, saying that she was too stupid.

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