People in the box garden, join the chat group of Wanjie

In Little Garden, join the Myriad Realms Chat Group Chapter 239

That guy Gilgamesh killed me!

At this moment, Merlin came to this conclusion.

"Don't worry, I'm just a human being who is practicing, and I won't hurt you, Mr. Merlin, you don't have to be so afraid." "I remember that you are a half-nightmare, and you have no human feelings."

"Although I suddenly want to turn you into a woman, put you in a half-leaf maid outfit, and throw it in front of that doctor in Chaldea." Looking at the smiling Ye Luo.

Merlin breathed a sigh of relief because of the previous words, after all, he really didn't feel any malice from the other party.

But the latter sentence made his hair stand on end again.

This mysterious man gave him the feeling of a smiling devil, which is more terrifying than directly showing ferocious malice.


Who comes, save him.

Is this where Nightmare can stay? .

Chapter 374: The Mysteriously Appeared Arms vs. Warcraft

He's just a weak, harmless, innocent magician who bites his tongue when he mages, okay?

Clairvoyance can only be used as a high-level scout.

Why do you have to encounter such an existence.

And for some reason, most of his strength was spent in that direction.

I can only use it for paddling, and I have no resistance at all when encountering such a thing.

As the saying goes, Merlin's big crisis!

And according to the other party, does he also come from the existence in the universe?

Shouldn't it be from the Youxing Civilization?

That is a terrifying existence that can knock down all the ancient civilizations and gods on the ground with a random starship.

But by fate, Ye Luo happens to have a starship, which is the Vimana.

At this moment, a helpless voice came from the other side.

"Okay, master, don't bully others, this Merlin will be scared stupid by you." "Obviously he was summoned to help Uruk."

"I haven't done anything yet, apprentice, let me remind you first, he is a famous old pervert, and, forget it, I won't talk about it." It's better to give Merlin some face.

In fact, after he came to Uruk, he paddled very well.

You can clearly see him, talking to women on the road at every turn.

And Merlin looked gratefully at the source of the sound, and then his eyes lit up.

What an outstanding girl.

Although her appearance was blocked by the mask, she could still feel that the other party was an overpowering beauty, and judging from her perception, Merlin couldn't help but exclaim, "So strong."

180 As for Ye Luo's strength, he couldn't see it at all.

It was also because of this time that Merlin knew that there was such a magical place in a remote corner of the city.

Moreover, after those treasures are placed on the wall, once they are touched by hand, they will be like waves and cannot be touched at all.

It's as if the treasure is in another time and space.

This made him just watch eagerly.

There are some treasures inside, things that even he wants to have.

It's too outrageous, even the king's treasury of Gilgamesh would cry when he saw the scene here.

Then Merlin suddenly realized something.

It doesn't make sense that after the king knew about such a place, he would be indifferent to these things.

That person's desire to collect has reached its peak.

It is estimated that he has already suffered a big loss here, right?

Then he didn't tell him, which made him almost overturned here. The malice of this era is so scary.

Next, there should be no other malice, right?

After that, Merlin often ran here, and he felt that this place might be a key to fighting the Three Goddess Alliance.

And regarding the matter of helping, Merlin asked the king to bring out a lot of resources and treasures to discuss with Ye Luo some use and suggestions.

It can be regarded as a super huge help for today's Uruk, right?


So after that period of time, Uruk's power has been strengthened at an epic level, and even Ushiwakamaru and Leonidas were pleasantly surprised, only to know that Uruk has this master craftsman.

Since then, they have often brought gifts to visit Ye Luo.

And one day, Ye Luo suddenly saw something different in his eyes, which made him smile. "Is it finally coming, Chaldea?"

Gilgamesh's clairvoyance, which was not always effective, also saw this scene after a few days.


Romani. Akiman is checking the information at the moment.

And to orange-haired girls Fujimaru Tachika and Mash. Kyrielight explained.

"Lixiang, Matthew, what you are going to this time is one of the oldest civilizations. It was the end of the Age of Gods, the land of ancient Mesopotamia before 2600 AD!" Debugging equipment and instruments, and reporting the current situation. "Spirit transfer preparations are complete! The target is set to 2600. B.C. Uruk." "Unsummoning process begins!"

Following everyone's report, Fujimaru Tachika and Mash also walked into the instrument and began the final wait. "Start the spiritual transformation!"

"Fujimaru Tachika, Mash. Kyrielight, the whole process of spirit seed transfer is complete, ready to go at any time!" Romani. Akiman also gave the final order. "Seventh Grand_order, demonstration begins!"

With the surge of light, by the time the two of them reacted, they were already in the sky, and they were still in the posture of falling directly and quickly.

This made them scream.

Another Fufu also made a sound, but its sound didn't sound like panic, but rather helpless.

It actually fell from the sky again, I really want to vomit.

It's easy to make it flashback to that nightmare all right.

And the girl Fujimaru Tachika on the side, seeing this situation, she yelled hastily. "It's over, it's over, we're going to fall!" "Matthew, I can only rely on you."

"Yeah, leave it to me Lixiang, I will never let you get hurt." "Mr. Galahad, lend me your power!" "Come on, the ideal city far away!"

Under Mash's treasure, the two fell directly to the ground, causing a lot of commotion, but fortunately, Mash's treasure unfolded in time, and they were fine.

After they adjusted their state, they looked around and were surprised to find that this place turned out to be a ruined town? The surrounding area is desolate. Logically speaking, this should be the largest city in this place in history. Why is there such a deserted scene.

In addition, when Mash's treasure was unfolded just now, it was ejected by some barrier. There is obviously an enchantment here, which is guarding against something.

That is, is Uruk in trouble?

About this, it was said by a big sister with a gentle voice.

The other party has an appearance that fits the perfect image.

It is Da Vinci, the famous profiteer of the Magic Workshop.

Fujimaru Tachika and the others also heard this analysis, and began to raise their vigilance, and there is also that big light belt in the sky in this era.

In order to find out what happened, they started investigating around here.

At this time, because of the movement they made, they also attracted the attention of a large number of monsters. They were brown-red monsters with golden hair and terrifying fangs.

It's somewhat similar to a saber-toothed tiger.

They exude a bloody breath.

Chaos, bloodlust, rage.

And there are a lot of them.

As soon as they saw Fujimaru Tachika, they rushed over here.

Facing such a situation, Fujimaru Tachika also had a serious face. "Mash, prepare to fight!"

But at this moment, the sound of the horse's braying and the sound of the horse's hooves on the ground also came from afar, and all the monsters' attention was attracted there.

This surprised Fujimaru Tachika and Matthew.

I saw that it was neat and orderly, and there were batches of strange black Warcraft horses, with black flames burning blazingly at the soles of their feet.

And the ones sitting on it are uniform and orderly standard cavalry!

They are all well-equipped, with many weapons on their bodies, and strange longbows behind them.

Under this charge, the menacing cavalry was even more oppressive than the monsters.

Its momentum is like a flood!

Its speed is as fast as electricity! "Pull the bow!"

Under the command of the leading captain, the cavalry quickly took their longbows from their backs and took out bright red arrows that looked like flames.

It also has a magical feel to it.

Then they got ready to go, aimed at the positions of those monsters and shot from the sky. The overwhelming rain of arrows caught fire in the air, and fell to the earth like bolides with blazing and scalding heat waves.

This made Fujimaru Tachika a little dumbfounded in the distance, is it true?

This is the arms and technology that the oldest era can have? .

Chapter 375 Is the Age of Gods So Fierce? The Broken Son of Tiamat

I saw that the arrows shot by these cavalrymen fell to the ground like bolides, burning the surroundings with blazing flames.

Even the slow-witted monsters sensed that something was wrong, and panic appeared in their eyes, roaring uneasyly, and scratching the ground with their claws.

By the time they were about to evacuate, it was too late. "Boom boom boom boom boom one by one"

The arrows turned into attacks directly covered the monsters one after another, and the violent impact sounded from here, splashing a scene like a sea of ​​fire, and a large number of sparks collided with the ground.

Not to mention the monsters, they were roasted by the flames immediately, and the ones that were closer were blown to pieces and flew out.

The turbulent heat wave also continued to spread towards the surroundings, one after another like ripples.

This hot breath rushed directly to the faces of Fujimaru Tatsuka and Matthew, causing them to cover their faces with their hands.

Hiss, the temperature is so high.

Then a piece of overripe meat flew to the feet of the two of them, exuding the smell of freshly baked barbecue~. Mash looked at this scene in shock.

"Okay, that's amazing. Senior, did you see that this is the cavalry sent by Uruk?"

"Yeah, the troops that will appear at the former site of the largest city in Uruk should be right."

Fujimaru Tachika was also surprised again and again, her wide eyes had been paying attention to this cavalry squad that appeared mysteriously.

"I really didn't expect this to be the fighting level that one of the oldest civilizations can have. It's like this when it comes up." "As expected of the end of the Age of Gods, it must be because of this time that such a weapon can appear?"

Obviously the number of people is not too many, but the armor on their bodies is very sophisticated, and they wear swords, short blades, daggers, and weapons similar to ejection on their arms.

And with such a strange bow and arrow hanging on the back, it can create such a destructive effect.

Almost fully armed.

If you can make a troop dress up like this, you can guess the level of the enemy they are going to face.

Even now, the sea of ​​fire caused by the bow and arrow is still burning, forming a natural barrier on both sides, and the monsters just now have been almost cleaned up.

And the monsters who heard the movement in the distance looked at the flames with fear in their eyes, and did not dare to come over.

The cavalry didn't care about the monsters in the distance, they put away their bows and arrows and rushed towards Fujimaru Tachika and the others.

The leader of the team took off his helmet, revealed his hair and appearance, and said with a smile: "Sure enough, there will be two unknown girls here." , There are many monsters."

"We are the fifth squadron of the third Uruk cavalry brigade. We are ordered to pick you up. Come with us." "Female, female?!"

Fujimaru Tachika was taken aback. After the captain of the knight team took off his helmet, his long hair and delicate appearance made him look like a classy woman.

And, isn't this the most ancient of times, why is this happening.

"? Is there anything strange? Now is the time when we in Uruk are united. Both men, women and children are contributing their efforts to fight this war." "As humans in the age of gods, we will not just Such surrender."

In the eyes of the female captain, she was full of firm belief and will, which made Matthew and the others nod.

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