People in the box garden, join the chat group of Wanjie

In Little Garden, join the Myriad Realms Chat Group Chapter 224

The next moment, one after another artillery fire flew out of Tony's armor, especially the two energy particle cannon devices on his shoulders, exuding a dangerous atmosphere and constantly gathering energy.

After turning, he slammed directly towards the opponent.

But the opponent didn't dodge at all, just stretched out his hand, the surrounding walls twisted and stretched, and then formed a barrier, directly blocking his attack.

The dense artillery fire was terrifying, but it bombarded it.

And logically speaking, even the wall would have to be blasted away. As a result, the original powerful power can only blast a few black marks on it now?

Thunder, little rain.

It's as if the walls have been thickened.

real or fake.

Tony, who was watching, was taken aback, and couldn't help shouting: "The space is distorting?!!"

"Is this magic? There is magic in this world?"

Moreover, under the reminder of Jarvis, Tony suddenly realized that the surrounding space seemed to be constantly backlogged, becoming more complicated and distorted.

If this continues, the space for him to move can be said to be getting smaller and smaller, and then he will be completely squeezed.

The opponent's attack method can be said to completely restrain him to death.

So, Tony, who was planning to use the last resort, suddenly dropped a mysterious device from his armor, and then floated up.

Split into several rectangular items that wrap around Tony's sides.

Exudes a terrible energy breath.

The whole body of the rectangular object lights up, and the red rays are aimed at the surrounding walls that are being squeezed at 360 degrees. The particle beams are released directly, and the sound of energy gushing out is filled with harsh noises. .

Shows the magnitude of the power.

This is a more terrifying move than the previous energy particle cannon.

Now, it should be able to blow away these walls, right?

Tony thought so.

Then, after a while, Tony, who was wearing the latest version of his armor, was trapped by the surrounding walls and could only look at his situation with a dark face.

Tony: ...

Even so, it didn't do much.

He suspected that he was dreaming.

The other party, who is so sacred!

The mysterious yellow-robed man who made these actions finally spoke out. "Tony Stark, you are a person cursed by knowledge." "But, you are not cursed like this?".

Chapter 350 I'm done talking, I'll send you on your way

When saying these words, Gu Yi's calm voice was also mixed with a little weirdness.

As the supreme mage of this term, she possesses the Eye of Agamotto that all mages of all ages have to protect, which is called the infinite gemstone in this universe.

There are six such gems.

Power, time, space, soul, reality, and mind~. The Eye of Agamotto is actually a mage's treasure built with the time gem as the core. With such a thing, she can witness all the development of the timeline in this world.

It can also be said that it can understand the past-future.

So she has seen too many developments in the world, prosperity and decline, continuous development and continuous destruction, human beings, gods, superpowers, mages, all kinds of things.

She has realized that even if she closes her eyes, she can know what will happen next.

Tony Stark, on the other hand, is a human being with an extremely terrifying talent in knowledge in this world, and there are few in the world who can match him.

Of course, if you really want to say it, the purple sweet potato of a certain eternal family is also like this.

They are all, cursed by knowledge.

But in this period of time, Tony has already developed beyond the outline, right?

Look at this equipment that is armed to the teeth, it is more than a little bit more luxurious than his normal timeline.

Why did Tony change so much?

And Gu Yi finally made a sound, which also made Tony Stark raise his head very hard, puzzled. He asked aloud: "What do you mean, cursed by knowledge? Isn't it the dream of every person who studies science to have more knowledge?" "Also, who are you, I am a famous entrepreneur, Philanthropist, there should be no reason to provoke an existence like you." At this moment, he was full of puzzlement, why did the originally peaceful and peaceful world suddenly become like this?

According to the voice of the other party, the other party is still a female mage.

It is really inexplicable, why such a mage came to the door.

Could it be that the appearance of Thor's Hammer triggered changes on this planet, causing those beings who were originally hidden in the shadow of the world to start moving?

In the words of everyone in the group, is this the so-called gear of fate starting to turn?


Thor, the god of thunder, is not evil.

If I knew it earlier, I would have called him a few more times!

This guy made the peaceful world start to turn. At the beginning, there was a person who could control the space, but what's next?

Who knows what terrible things will appear?

"With the ability of human beings, mastering too much knowledge, the more you know, the more painful it will be, especially the existence with huge beliefs and wills, because human beings have limits." "And, before you But he is a well-known arms boss."

When Gu Yi's profound gaze suddenly looked over, it made Tony feel cold all over.

How do you feel that you have been seen through by the other party?

The more you want to use human power to achieve greatness far beyond yourself, the more pain, struggle, and sacrifice will follow.

This is the true portrayal of Tony Stark's life. "Okay, now that you understand, I'll send you on your way."

At this moment, Gu Yi raised his hand and once again condensed the golden disc with magic power.

It made Tony Stark's face change drastically.


What do you mean I understand, I understand a ghost.

Why do you still want to kill me.

How could it be so unreasonable!

"Stop it, have we misunderstood, mage?"

However, in an instant, he came to him, then raised the disk in his hand, and was about to wave it down.

This made Tony react, and hurriedly sent an emergency call for help in the chat group.

Tony Stark: "Help, someone is going to kill me, I'm going to die soon, big guys, come and save me. @叶洛,@果叶姬色,@铭泪,@尼切Erina. @米斯拉,@蝴蝶忍." Narutaki: "??? What, just now I was saying that I was going to die in danger, you said you could come and save me." "Why do you turn around and step into It's in danger."

Good guy, I really pay attention to a feng shui rotation, which made Ming Taki feel shocked.

And this kind of thing.

Didn't Tony just say last time that there are not many people who can defeat him in his world? It's really bragging that you won't pay taxes.

But it's not time to care about these, it's time to find a way to save Tony from him immediately.

In a hurry, Narutaki rummaged through the belts he got from various worlds.

Nakiri Erina: "...What's going on, what's going on, aren't you in your own company, and you have so many technological devices." "How could someone kill you?"

Ye Luo (administrator): "Don't worry, the other party won't really kill you." "Leave it to me, you don't have to use it."

When Ye Luo sent this message, Ye Luo also appeared beside Tony, reaching out to block Gu Yi's attack.

For a moment, sparks shot out, making the sound of cutting.

But Ye Luo waved it away.

This kind of attack was obviously useless to him, such a sudden change did not surprise Gu Yi.

On the contrary, that was what she hoped for.

After Ye Luo appeared, Gu Yiye suddenly disappeared, moved away from him, and looked at him quietly. He said softly, "Oh, that's true."

Regarding this, Ye Luo smiled instead, and did not make any attack, but looked very casual.

Slightly raised his hand.

The restrained Tony was released directly, and those walls returned to their proper appearance.

Tony, who fell down, removed his armor, returned to his normal appearance, took a few breaths of sweat, and then hurriedly stood up.

Looking at this group member who came to support, his eyes were filled with the joy of surviving after the catastrophe. "Great, Ye Zi, you came here first."

"If it weren't for you, I would have been knocked off by the other party just now! It's so cruel!" Tony, who was grateful, said with lingering fear.

Because of going through such a life-and-death crisis, Tony Stark didn't notice how Ye Luo came to him without his consent.

And Ye Luo also nodded towards Gu who was in front of him.

"It's our first meeting, Your Excellency. What you've been waiting for is my appearance, right?" Eight.

Chapter 351 Existence Exuding the Brilliance of a Saint

Gu Yi, who was wearing the mage's yellow robe, also took off his hood at this moment, revealing his true face.

That is a woman like a monk, but this kind of bearing is far beyond what humans can possess.

With eyes as calm as water, she faced everything calmly.

At this time, Ye Luo didn't react much, but Tony Stark was taken aback, for real, he turned out to be bald!

But he didn't dare to say this.

He was the one who had just been cleaned up by others just now, and he was completely powerless.

How dare you talk nonsense, it's outrageous.

Why does magic always restrain him so outrageously?

He couldn't beat the magic of Butterfly Ninja in the group. Now that he has finally improved his armor and added so many technologies, he is still beaten by hanging. Could it be that scientific technology is inferior to the ability of magic? Iron Man Tony Stark fell into silence. "one six three"

Looking at Ye Luo, Gu Yi spoke out unhurriedly.

"Yes. There must be some external factors driving Tony Stark's sudden change." "Who are you?"

"Why can't I see your past and future, and I can't detect other information. You should not exist in this world, right!" Although Ye Luo didn't show any intention of attacking, the attitude he showed was very Be friendly.

But Gu Yi still treated it with cautious and suspicious eyes.

Because of the kind appearance, there are many demon gods who secretly want to overthrow the world.

As the supreme venerable, she will not be so easily confused.

The reason why she would attack Tony Stark is to see how much he has changed now.

The other is the main goal.

Force out the man behind Tony Stark.

When the life of the other party is in danger, the person behind the scenes may show up.

Sure enough, the other party appeared.

But what was strange was that Gu Yi found that he couldn't see through this mysterious young man, as if the other party was really just an ordinary human being.

This kind of ability, on the contrary, shows that the opponent is even more difficult.

It is the first one that Gu Yi has seen so far and cannot see through the origin.

And Ye Luo just shook his head, "As the Supreme Mage, it's normal for you to be on guard, but there's no need to be so guarded against me, Mage Ancient One, I don't have any thoughts about this planet." "Tony is just my My friend, it is reasonable for me to help him when he encounters difficulties." After saying this, he clapped his hands.

This mirrored space was really like a mirror, and it began to shatter into pieces, revealing the real world, and they returned to Tony's personal office again.

Usually only he and Xiaojiali can come in here.

The mirror image space released by Gu Yi was directly destroyed by Ye Luo.

What did this move make her feel? The other party also possessed a very high spatial ability. This gesture of easily cracking her spells is very scary, and Ye Luo's own spatial ability comes from being the master god of the underworld. Wakaba Hime's knowledge.

In that universe, even the dragon clan of the lower god, Qiuli Qiuli, can move freely in space on the planet, and even move into the starry sky.

Not to mention their spatial ability of the main gods is even more exaggerated.

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