The lights come on and the film ends.

Many people came over and congratulated the crew, and Martin received the most "congratulations" and "compliments".

"Martin, your performance was fantastic, congratulations. "That's what Tom Cruise said.

"Congratulations, Martin, you've got another fantastic role, and seriously, when you look behind Willis, I really thought I had something behind me. "This is ~ Nicole's admiration.

"I didn't expect it, little one, your acting skills simply amazed me. James Cameron walked over with a sigh on his face and shook Martin's hand solemnly.

The most direct is Harvey Weinstein: "Martin, we made it, I already had a hunch that the film was going to be a big hit, and we were going to get rich." "

After saying that, he had some heartache for the 40% share that was divided.

That's going to be a lot of money, for sure!


The movie is over, but the premiere is not over yet.

The main creators of "The Sixth Sense" came to the stage one by one to meet with everyone and answer questions from reporters.

After routinely questioning the producers, directors and Bruce Willis, almost all reporters focused their attention on Martin.

Reporter: "Martin, you have delivered another wonderful performance, from "Natural Pair" to "The Sixth Sense", how did you manage to portray every character so realistically and convincingly?"

After thinking about it, Martin spread his hands and said, "Although I don't want to brag about myself, I can only attribute it to talent." "

"Maybe it's because I wrote the story myself, and the personalities, backgrounds, and habits of each character seem to be in my head, and I just need to imitate them. "

Reporter: "Martin, is the script of this movie really from you? I want to know how as a 12-year-old child, how do you portray the feelings about family, communication, and life in the movie?"

Martin glanced up at the reporter's badge, the succubus's powerful eyesight allowed him to read the words on the reporter's badge even from a short distance.

News of the World?

The newspaper, the weekend edition of The Sun, an English tabloid, entered North America with News Corp many years ago.

In the memory of "Huaxia Martin" in his mind, in the future, this newspaper will be closed because of the "wiretapping incident".

It is said that the newspaper's reporters have always been versatile, can follow, pick locks, disguise, and install bugs...... after the collapse of the "News of the World", many reporters in the newspaper went to work as private investigators, and they did a good job.

Martin took the name of the newspaper to heart, and said with a smile: "It's simple, observe! Balzac wrote Eugenie Grande, but he was not a miser, Shakespeare wrote The Prince's Revenge, and he was not a prince, and Disney Brothers made Donald Duck and Mickey Mouse, but they were not ducks and mice—"

Laughter came from the audience area.

After a pause, Martin continued: "There are many more such examples, I will not list them all, but I will just tell you that humans are distinguished from animals not only because of their upright walking and use of tools, but also because of our imagination. "

"What's more, what is portrayed in the movie – the distrustful of their children in the family, the isolation and bullying in school, and the unsatisfactory in life, don't all happen all around us all the time?"

"As a writer, you should have eyes that are good at discovering the truth, and in fact, I think you as a journalist should be the same. "

The reporter was still unconvinced, arguing: "Shouldn't the role of a journalist be to question everything?"

Martin smiled: "No, questioning is never the goal, it and curiosity are just the mindset that journalists need in their quest for truth." "

"A journalist's job is not to question, but to expose the truth, and when you publish your article in a newspaper or other media, you have to make sure that it is the truth, and not to cover up lies and fabrications with ambiguous words that are said to be possible. "

Bang bang, bang bang......

In the audience, Tom Cruise stood up and applauded vigorously.

He has been annoyed by those paparazzi recently, and he has long had a lot of "grass and mud horses" in his heart, and Martin's words made him feel happy.

At this moment, he was extremely identified with Martin.

With Tom Cruise taking the lead, warm applause rang out in the audience, perhaps those actors and directors empathized with Martin's words, and those ordinary audiences were because of Martin's wonderful speech.

Isn't it a testament to a twelve-year-old kid's ability to say such logical, coherent, and theoretically consistent words in a random interview without preparation?

Ask for flowers

The reporter of "News of the World" was speechless for a while, never imagined that this child would be so difficult, and sat down in a daze.

The next person to ask a question was a reporter from the Los Angeles Times, who has always been friendly to Martin.

He threw the question to the brightest starlight presence on the scene - Tom Cruise.

"Tom, why are you here today for the premiere of Martin's films, do you know each other, or did Martin invite you?"

Tom was reluctant to go out today, but now he looks at Martin very pleasing to the eye, and he is in a good mood and says with a smile: (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"I didn't know Martin before today, I only knew him through the newspapers, on TV. "

"Martin didn't invite me to today's premiere either. "

Tom Cruise's words caused a whisper in the audience.

How does it sound like Tom Cruise came on his own?


Tom Cruise was quick to give them the answer.

"Martin sent my wife Nicole a copy of the script he wrote, and Nicole liked it so much that she had to bring me to Martin, so," he said, spreading his hands, "I'm coming!"

Tom Cruise knows how to market, and deliberately pretended to listen to his wife, which really caused a round of applause and good-natured laughter.

Then he continued: "Originally, I just accompanied Nicole, but after watching this movie, I felt that this trip was not in vain, I saw the unparalleled acting skills of a little genius. "

"I don't think anyone in their right mind will question Martin's identity as a creator after watching this movie. "

"Because if you weren't the creator of the script, how could you comprehend a character so profoundly and moving?!"

"In this film, Bruce Willis played his full acting skills, very brilliantly, but no offense – I think in this film, his shine is completely overshadowed by Martin. "

At this point, Cruise made an apologetic look at Bruce on stage.

Bruce smiled and waved at him, indicating that he didn't care.

(Brothers, please take care of it, evaluation, flowers, collections, and rewards are all here, thank you.) several).

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