"You're going to get out of danger. You're going to live, you're going to have many children, and you're going to watch them grow up, and you'll live in peace in your old age, resting in a warm bed. And not here tonight, not to die like this. "

"Winning a ticket, Rose, is the luckiest thing of my life...... It allows me to get to know you. I'm thankful for it all, Rose. You'll have to admit it, Rose. Promise me that you will live, and you will never give up, no matter what happens, no matter how little hope may be. Promise me, Rose, that you will not break your word. "

"I feel like life is a gift and I don't want to waste it. You never know what your next hand will be. You have to learn to accept the ...... of life."

"God wiped away all their tears, and there was no more death, nor sorrow nor parting, nor pain, because the past was gone. "

In the cinema, the three girls were already crying.

Martin sat between Jessica and Lindsay with a blank face, listening to the sobs on both sides, and his heart was unwavering.

It's not that because he's a succubus, he has no feelings, on the contrary, the succubus has the strongest feelings, it's just-

He's watched this movie three times

When it was released, I watched it alone with my bodyguard Gordon. (Gordon: Alone?).

After that, I watched it again with Grant and Linda.

Then Miranda dragged him around as well.

Now I watched it a fourth time with the three girls.

Although the feelings of the succubus are strong, the movie is just a movie-

The love in the Titan Rick is fake, although it is very beautiful, but after watching it so many times, Martin is already chewing wax.

Coming out of the cinema, several girls took the trouble to ask Martin, "IJump, YouJump?".

Martin could only reply vigorously: "YouJump, IJump!".

And then in exchange for a series of silver bell-like laughter.

The mouth is dry.

Alas, what a sin!

How many women's tears and money James Cameron has earned with this movie!

Martin is envious!

As they got into Martin's car, Gordon turned around and asked, "Are you sending the girls home?"

Martin looked at Jessica and the others.

Lindsay said suddenly: "Go to my house, there is no one in my house, my parents have gone out to play, my younger brothers and sisters have been sent to my grandmother, I am the only one in the house, can you accompany me?".

Lindsay's voice was a little sad, pleading.

Martin glanced at the girl, who was also a model of depravity among child stars in the future, and the rotten parents behind her had a great influence on her.

Lindsay was born on July 2, 1986 in New York, the son of Michael, a former Wall Street trader, and Dina, a singer and dancer.

She is the eldest daughter in the family, and has two younger brothers and a younger sister.

In 1990, her father, who had not been married, was arrested in 1990 on suspicion of insider trading, leaving the family struggling to make ends meet and her mother having little earning power.

made Lindsay, who was only more than three years old, take on the burden of the family.

Lindsey signed a contract with Ford Modeling at that time and became a child star, shooting more than 60 commercials a year.

By the time her father Michael was released from prison in 1993, Lindsay had already made a name for herself as a child star.

If it weren't for her own influence, Lindsay would have filmed "A Natural Couple" in 1997 and started her career as a household name as a child star.

Lindsay grew up with one work after another, and her childhood was auditions, on set, for the next audition, for the next set...... It has become a cash cow for parents.

But what she got was not the happiness of the family, but the divorce and separation of her parents.

In fact, after Lindsay's father Michael was released from prison, he and his wife Dina had a quarrel until they were about to separate and divorce, but for some reason they got back together later.

After that, it was constantly divided and merged.

This has almost become an inescapable nightmare for Lindsay, her father's mania is out of control, and her mother's hysteria are all seen by her as a child.

Later, Lindsay's father, Michael, was sentenced to three years in prison for blatantly failing to pay bills when staying in a hotel and beating up a sanitation worker's truck in the way.

After being released from prison, Lindsay's parents divorced.

But that's not the end of the nightmare.

Since Lindsay became famous, her parents haven't looked for any serious jobs.

Alcoholism, promiscuity, and smoking, became the most common scenes in the lives of these two.

What's even more terrifying is that they did not hesitate to push their daughter into the fire pit for the sake of money.

Father Michael, for money, tries to sell Lindsay's private diary written at the alcohol rehabilitation center.

Mother Dina forced Lindsay to dance at a filmmaker's birthday party for money, and then began to let her daughter take erotic movies.

Under the influence of her original family, Lindsay quickly degenerated, in order to numb herself, she became addicted to alcohol and du, although she also wanted to cheer up, and voluntarily entered the center for rehab alcohol and du many times, but in the end it ended in failure.

As Lindsay's star road slipped, earning less and less money, her two wonderful parents did not care about their daughter, but after the divorce and each had a new love, they continued to sit together as Lindsay's parents on the interview seats of various shows, talking about Lindsay's private affairs, and eating their daughter's human blood steamed buns.

Later, as she indulged in various addictive items, Lindsay's work status became worse and worse, and her income became lower and lower.

Dina, the mother, simply persuaded her daughter to accept the $1 million check from Playboy magazine and took a series of full LUO photos and videos.

This move also completely restricted Lindsay's drama and development, and lost the negotiation qualification to choose resources independently.

In order to make money, Lindsay can only take everything, and then the more she picks up, the worse it gets, and she has no choice but to do it.

For example, in the 2013 erotic (sex) thriller "Grand Canyon", Lindsay's shooting in this low-budget film was only 100 US dollars a day.

It is really sad and lamentable!! that the child star has fallen from a household name to this point

From his memory, Martin can see that Huaxia Martin likes Lindsay very much, but Lindsay during the period of "Natural Pair", "Youth Ball Queen" and "Mean Girl", and he regrets Lindsay very much later.

At the same time, in memory, Martin can also see that the criminal record of Lindsay's strange parents is simply a basket.

And Lindsay, who lacks love, will also have an extremely rich love history in the future, she is too easy to fall for in love, dumped by men, dumped by women, and then fell into an alcoholism scandal again.

The most humiliating time was when he attended a party hosted by her (sexual) lover Samantha at her home without being told and was kicked out in public.

After this public dumping incident, Lindsay's life completely collapsed and entered a bad career.

Perhaps, I can save her.

Martin thought to himself.

(Brothers, please take care of it, evaluation, flowers, collections, and rewards are all here, thank you.) )

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