Back in Los Angeles, Martin started to get busy.

To continue filming the remaining fragmentary footage of "A Natural Pair".

Talk to Random House about the publication of his next book, Ready Player One.

There are also new developments in the review of his new script "The Sixth Sense" at several major film companies.

Fortunately, there is Jeff, a reliable agent, who takes on most of the things for him.

After the filming of "A Natural Pair" was completed, he flew to New York with his father Grant to meet Motura.


New York.

Columbia Records Headquarters.

In his palace-like office on the top floor, Martin met the tall, handsome head of Columbia Records.

"Hi Motura. "

"Hi Grant. "

The two handsome men hugged each other tightly and patted each other on the back, showing an unusual friendship.

After parting, Motura looked at Martin to the side.

Martin hurriedly said hello, "Hello Mr. Motula." "

"Hello, little Martin, do you remember, I saw you when you were a child. If your father was willing to join Judaism, maybe I would be your godfather now. "

"Don't even think about it, our family is devout Christians. "

"Yes, then-devout Christian gentleman, what do you want to do now to find me, a heretic, to burn me?".

The two looked at each other and burst into laughter.

Martin laughed awkwardly, and he couldn't get the laughter of these two at all.

"Alright, Motula, let's get down to business, you should have heard my son's music, what do you think?".

"How? You actually asked me how I felt, haven't you heard?"



Grant gave an embarrassed expression.

He really hadn't heard of it yet, he was a little busy some time ago, and he only recently found time.

In order not to waste time, Martin sent the sample directly to Motula.

Motura shook her head and sighed, "If you had heard it, you wouldn't have asked such a question, you know, I envy you, you have a genius son." His music—".

Motura paused and organized his words, "How to put it, his unaccompanied musical expression is a pioneering achievement, not like the 'acapella' or vocal imitation of the instrument, but a new form of music that expresses rhythm entirely with a variety of guttural sounds. "

"What's even more impressive is his level of composition, every piece of music on this EP is a classic, the kind that can be passed on. "

"Let me put it this way, his musical talent is no less than that of Mozart, Beethoven, Liszt, these great masters. "

Grant has been dumbfounded, my son's musical talent is so awesome?

"Motula, is it so exaggerated?".

"No, I'm definitely not exaggerating. "

Motura walked up to the bar and asked, "Grant, what would you like to drink?" bourbon, gin, or tequila?".

"Tequila. "

"What about you, Martin?"

"Milk. "


Motura scratched her head with her little finger in embarrassment, "I don't have milk here." "

"So, juice?".

"Well, no. "

Martin looked at Grant, "If my father allows me, I'd like to taste some of your wine." "

"Don't even think about it!".

Grant flatly refused.

Then he said to Motula: "Just give him a glass of ice water." "

"Well, ice water has. "

Motura poured Martin a glass and said apologetically, "Saura, I forgot I don't have a child's drink here." "

"It doesn't matter. Martin took a sip of ice water.

"Alright, let's get down to business. "

Motura sat down on the sofa opposite, showed a good look, and said lightly

"Let's be sure of one thing now, Martin Jr. is a songwriter and he owns all the rights to all five pieces from this mini-album?".

"Yes, he does. Grande said.

"Very well, so the second question, Martin Jr.'s record contract shouldn't have been signed yet, right?"


"Very good!".

"Then Columbia is willing to sign Martin Jr.'s record contract, but we also want to own 50 percent of Martin's original work. "

"This can't be!".

Grant jumped.

Then the two began to argue, completely lacking the enthusiasm of the reunion of their friends just now.

Martin watched with interest as the two argued.

In the end, Motura finally relented.

Martin will sign a three-year contract with Columbia Records, during which all the works created by Martin will be 20% owned by Columbia Records, and Columbia Records will help Martin produce and distribute the ...... of the record

Because now this record Martin has already been made, Colombia is only responsible for distribution and promotion.

Soon, Motula's assistant drew up the contract and both parties signed it.

Then Motula and Grant became good friends again, and they began to talk passionately as if the previous dispute did not exist.

Martin blinked, thinking it was magical.


After negotiating the record, Martin returned to Los Angeles and got busy again.

It's just busy going to school, dealing with inquiries from classmates who are very curious about movies, and harassment from Dorothy and Lindsay.

"Martin, try the chocolate I brought. "

"What's so good about chocolate, Martin, you see, it's a cookie made by my mother, it's delicious. "

"Martin, I don't know this question, can you teach me?".

"Dorothy, you're not in our class, why do you keep coming. "

"Lindsay, believe it or not, I'm beating you. "

"Martin, she's going to beat me, this rude woman. "

Martin: "Shut up, let me be quiet for a moment." "

The surroundings were quiet.

Mark Zuckerberg looked at this scene with envy, thinking that it would be nice to have two girls who were jealous of me, and I didn't care if they were beautiful or not.

Back home, Martin receives another phone call, it's Jessica's.

This little girl is going to join the group again, an unknown crew, playing a small supporting role similar to a background board.

"Martin, I had already won the supporting role with lines, but I was forced away by a guy with a background. That little bitch and the casting director are said to have done something they shouldn't have done, that damn shameless guy. "

Since Martin returned to Los Angeles, Jessica has often called him, and after the two got acquainted, Jessica didn't bother to pretend to be well-behaved, and spoke more casually.

Martin doesn't care, if she is really a well-behaved girl, how can she be mixed up in Hollywood until now, she has long been eaten and wiped clean or eliminated because she can't adapt to it.

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