"Hey dear, did you sleep well?"

Grant greeted Martin, who came downstairs.

"It's amazing!" Martin laughs, "I love my pillows." "

"Then don't come back so late. "

Linda is still unhappy that Martin didn't come home until the early hours of the morning after last week's premiere.

Martin laughed and stopped talking.

He knows Linda too well to complain a few words and pass, but if you dare to talk back to him, then prepare for the storm of your mother!

Grant gave him a helpless look and pretended to look at the newspaper.

Mrs. Aranda, the butler, brought Martin's breakfast.

"Wow, meat buns?!" Martin looked at Mrs. Aranda in surprise, "When are you going to cook Chinese food?"

Mrs. Aranda smiled, "I know you like Chinese food, so I specially learned it, how about tasting it?"

Martin took a sip of the aroma of the bun, then took a hard bite, and the juice flowed out, and the aroma overflowed.

"It's delicious, it's great!"

Lady Aranda laughed happily.

Grant looked at the bread and ham in front of him, and suddenly felt that it didn't smell good.

"Dad, do you still read 457 in the newspaper?"

"Ah, what?"

"Do you still read the newspaper?"

"Oh, don't look at it, here you go. "

Grant blinked again, "It's all good news. "

All good news indeed.

After successive successes, even the News of the World wanted to hack Martin, but it couldn't move.

With an investment of 30 million and a box office of 27 million US dollars in the first three days of the first weekend, "Hide and Seek" became the new box office champion of North American films. Martin succeeded again, but I am no longer surprised that his name has become synonymous with success, Martin's success is no longer news, failure is. —The New York Times

Once again, Martin showed his age-inappropriate sophistication, Robert De Niro's performance was as steady as ever, and director John Poulson brought the audience a heartfelt shock and fear with a slow and steady fear in this debut thriller, and the film was permeated with a chilling atmosphere throughout. —Los Angeles Times

"A film that is both artistic and commercial at the same time, and even more strange is that it is a thriller horror film, and Martin's screenwriting skills are so good that I can't believe I would say such words to a 14-year-old child. There's also the soundtrack, where Martin's extensive use of rhythmic and varied music, coupled with the film's constant flashbacks and the sudden appearance of some inexplicable characters, creates a suffocating tension for the film. A thumbs up!" – Chicago Sun

The wonderful performances of the two actors make the film present an atmosphere that makes people "ponder".

The performance of the old actor Robert De Niro is as stable as ever, but unfortunately the script does not give him much room to play, the character itself has neither ups and downs of psychological changes, nor great joys and sorrows in life for him to sway, except for the ending paragraph, the rest of the time is just expressionless.

Martin, who was 13 years old at the time, narrowed his age in the film, successfully allowing people to see the emotions of a ten-year-old boy in the face of fear, and his apt performance gave the character a tragic and pitiful quality.

—The Washington Post


The Olsen family in the villa.

Elizabeth put down the newspaper depressedly and couldn't help but complain: "Hell, no one is judging me, isn't my performance good?" "

"My dear, your performance is very good, it's just that you don't have many roles in the play, don't care. Janette comforted her daughter.

"Wait, I've found it—" Elizabeth jumped up in excitement and read a newspaper in her hand, "Elizabeth Olsen, the young actor who also gave a good performance in the film, may be the next hopeful star." "

Although it was only a short sentence, it still made Elizabeth happy.

Then, the phone rang.

The maid came over and answered, "Hello, this is Olsen's ......"

"Madame, Mademoiselle, it was Martin calling, and he asked Mademoiselle to answer the phone. "

"Ah——, it's Martin, I'll go!" Elizabeth screamed again.

After a while, Elizabeth, who had answered the phone, ran back with an extremely excited step, shook Janette's shoulder, and said in a clip unique to a little girl:

"Mommy, Mommy, Martin asked me to go to the beach, can I go? Can I go?"

"Stop, I'm going to be stunned by you. "

Janet quickly patted Elizabeth's little hand and asked, "Martin invited you?

"Well, yes, and his classmates and some good friends. "

Janet put his mind at ease, but still said cautiously: "You can go, but you must have a sister with you." "

"yes, I'll go talk to Mary and Ashley. "

With that, Elizabeth hurried upstairs.


Lindsay Lohan's home. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

The little girl excitedly put down the phone and shouted into the kitchen: "Mom, Mom, Martin asked me to go to the beach this weekend, can I go." "

In the kitchen, Lindsay's mother muttered, "Martin, it's Martin again, it's better to meet a few more producers, big bosses, or shoot more commercials if you have this time." If you have to go to such a good public school, the money is wasted......"

But she still replied: "Go, go, have a good relationship with Martin, and by the way, tell her that you also want to act in movies, the kind of protagonist." "


Scarlett Johansson and her mother live in a rented apartment.

"Mom, I'm hanging out with Martin this weekend, are you going to go along?"

"Martin is in charge of the pick-up?"

"Yes. "

"Then I won't go, and you won't be able to have fun with me. "


Grand Hilton Hotel.

"Hey, Martin, what's the matter with me? By the way, congratulations on the success of your new film. "

"Oh, go to the beach, which beach?"

"Venice Beach? It's nice, there's a lot of street performers, it's fun. "

"Well, I agreed. "

The little girl is still a little tsundere.


Miranda Kerr: "Sister, Martin asked me out on the weekend. "

Chris Kerr: "Go ahead. "


Jessica Elba: "OK, it's the weekend, I'll go." By the way, I'll bring another friend, okay? "

"Her name is Britney Spears. "

"OK, thank you!"


Dorothy Duster: "Dad, Martin asked me out for the weekend. "

"Dating you, just you?" asked Dorothy's father, John Duster.

"No, there are other friends. "

"Okay, I'll send you there. There was no disappointment or joy in John Duster's tone.

"No, Martin will arrange for someone to pick me up. "

(Brothers, please take care of it, evaluation, flowers, collections, and rewards are all here, thank you.) )。

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