The New Zealand government quickly figured out what the problem was.

In the office of the Governor, Jenny Shipley is browsing the website.

As New Zealand's top leader, her usual job is very- uh, very idle!

As long as there are no diplomatic visits, her daily affairs are limited to some regular administrative tasks, which she usually leaves to her four assistants.

Only some major decisions, she will handle them personally.

But such a major decision may not come out in a year.

Recently, government offices have received a flood of phone calls that have been found to be due to a post on a Yahoo forum.

And now Jenny Shipley is reading the post.


She clicked on the video curiously, and then her eyes were deeply attracted.

For sensual animals like women, beautiful things are more likely to impress them.

In the sunset, people are like silhouettes, in the breeze, hair is flying, on the top of the mountain, there are outstanding and abundant postures, and there are pointed ears and retro robes......

Is this really an elf?

Jenny Shipley started to scroll through the comments below, and her heart was moved when someone mentioned the Lord of the Rings crew.


"Boss, there's a call from the Prime Minister's office asking about the elves. "

"Oh, is even the Prime Minister alarmed?"

Peter Jackson was so happy that he bared his teeth.

What a good thing!

It shows that the influence of this matter has spread.

"In this way, you can find someone to add a few fires to this post and continue to expand the popularity. Also, notify familiar media and tell them the news. Made, I'm waiting for them to find out for themselves, how many days have it been, and these reporters are not sensitive to the news on the Internet at all?"

It is not yet the next generation, and most journalists do not have the awareness to look for news on the Internet.

"Okay, you go ahead and I'll call back the Prime Minister's office. "

With the behind-the-scenes push of the Lord of the Rings crew, rumors about elves intensified.

Many media outlets have also begun to reprint the news.

The addition of the media also completely detonated the hot spots.

New Zealand, United States, Europa...... The question of whether New Zealand has a spirit or not is being discussed everywhere throughout the West.

Even the girls from Martin, who were far away in the United States, called to ask if Martin had seen the elves.

"Peter, this marketing was a success!

Martin patted Peter Jackson's arm appreciatively.

Peter laughed, "I have to take responsibility for your money, Martin, and you are the first capitalist to support me in the filming of The Lord of the Rings Trilogy." "

"In a Chinese saying, there are many good horses, but there are very few people who can identify good horses. "

"Martin, you're the one who can recognize good horses!"

Speaking of this, Peter Jackson remembered the scene when he begged his grandfather to sue his grandmother to pull investment, and he was full of emotion.


It was September 1999.

Martin flew back to Los Angeles for the premiere of Hide and Seek.

Click! Click! Click!

The red carpet was filled with the sound of shutter clicks, and Robert De Niro smiled and greeted the reporters around him, standing there for them to take pictures.

"Mr. De Niro, this is your first time in a Martin film, is there any difference between the roles in this movie and your previous roles?"

A tall, white male reporter asked in a loud voice.

"Anyway, every movie is a different experience, and I love all the roles I've played, and there's no comparison. All I can say is that this movie will blow your mind. "

"Mr. De Niro, how does it feel to work with Martin?"

A female reporter squeezed in with her chest muscles and asked.

"Feelings? I feel angry—"

The reporters around him suddenly became excited, could it be that Nile and Martin were not in harmony? (If you read a violent novel, you will go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Robert De Niro took in the expressions of the reporters and said with a narrow smile:

"Because Martin's acting skills are so good, I have to show 200% every time, otherwise I will be compared to him. "

At this time, a reporter from the News of the World suddenly asked:

"May I ask Mr. De Niro, in the process of working with Martin, have you ever had even the slightest doubt that at his age, can you really write these movie scripts and bestsellers?"

Robert De Niro looked at him and said:

"I never doubted that in the course of my contact with him, I felt more and more that Martin was a true genius, and that there was nothing to doubt that he could write such novels and screenplays. "

With that, De Niro shrugged his shoulders, waved to the reporters, and walked to the end of the red carpet, not intending to answer any more questions.

At this time, a black sedan drove to the front of the red carpet, and after the waiter opened the door politely, Martin got out of the car-

The dark blue suit is very slim, and the same dark blue tie is sandwiched with a ruby red tie clip as an embellishment, and the white suit lined with it looks refreshing and handsome.

After Martin got out of the car, he didn't immediately walk the red carpet, but waited by the car door for a while, and Nicole, who was wearing a beautiful long dress, got out of the car and smiled and held Martin's hand.

At the premiere of "Hide and Seek", Tom Cruise was not present, and Nicole simply asked Martin to walk the red carpet together.

A few months have passed, Martin has grown a little taller, and now he is not much shorter than Nicole Kidman, and the two have a surprisingly good match when they walk together.

"'~Hell, why do I think they're husband and wife??, Martin just had his 14th birthday, right?'

"Normal, Nicole Kidman has a face that does not age, and Martin's temperament seems very mature, and the most important thing is - Martin's height is a good match for Nicole!"

A reporter smirked.

Low laughter rang out all around. (That's good)

When Martin walked to the media interview area, he straightened his tie, and the reporters realized that the red color of his tie clip was not dyed, but set with a whole crystal clear ruby.

It was a birthday present from Nicole.

Martin loved it, but what he liked even more was the wonderful night night that came with the gift.

Nicole completely let go of her body.


Martin smiled wickedly and murdered a large film factory.

"What the hell, how can this kid be so good-looking, every time he shows up, I don't have enough film. "

"Martin's facial features are the most perfect I have ever seen, and Tom Cruise and Leonardo are dwarfed in front of him. "

"He's definitely the darling of the camera, even overshadowing Nicole's demeanor. "

(Brothers, please take care of it, evaluation, flowers, collections, and rewards are all here, thank you.) )。

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