From the actor crossing the bridge, to Michael walking on the middle bridge, and then to the bridge falling, judging from the video in Hua Xia Martin's memory, there are about ten minutes in between.

Now the actors have started to cross the bridge.

That said, I still have about ten minutes to prepare.

Martin's eyes quickly scanned the backstage control room, looking for something useful.


He saw a knob that operated the metal crossbar from which Wia was hanging.

He'd seen the staff use it before.

As soon as you turn the knob to the right, the metal bar will slowly fall, and the dancers hanging from the sky will also fall from the sky.

Moreover, the twist can also adjust the speed at which the crossbar lands, and the further it rotates to the right, the faster it lands.

Martin immediately looked up and saw the metal crossbar hidden above the stage, and the Wia on the crossbar was not collected, and five five-meter-long Wia fell there.

So how do I get up?

Martin looked at the stage, and on the right, there were several trees in the background, all of which were supported by steel bars.

He counted the height, and it was enough.

So the only question now is the timing of your own actions-

Can't be too early, or you'll be wondered how you would know that Michael was going to fall?

It can't be too late, the whole fall process is only a few seconds, and the slightest hesitation will lead to irreparable things.

Then the only opportunity to make a move is at the moment when the bridge falls.

Soon, the actors were already walking through the passage of the bridge, and Michael Jackson was dancing on the bridge while doing his classic space walk, and then danced on the bridge.

Rotation, stepping, sliding, hip ......

The bridge began to rise slowly.

Bang bang bang, bang bang bang......

There were fireworks all around, and the smoke was filled, and Michael seemed to be flying through the clouds.

I have to say that the stage design of each of Michael's concerts has taken a lot of thought, and it is the hard work of countless behind-the-scenes personnel!

The bridge rises higher and higher......

Martin's ears heard the voice of the director behind the scenes: "What's the matter, why is Michael's bridge still going up?Blatter, are you drinking too much, stop !. mother's troubles~!"

"Director, director, can't stop, can't stop, this bridge is out of control!"

The staff member named Blatter, sweating profusely, desperately pressed the remote control in his hand, his face was full of panic.

Damn, how can this be, it's so good during the rehearsal?

The director slammed the walkie-talkie in his hand to the ground and yelled, "Hurry, hurry, go find the maintenance personnel." "

"It's too late!"

A clear voice sounded in the director's ears.

He turned his head to see an extremely handsome face, "Martin, what do you mean by that?"

"You see, once the bridge rises to the limit, the rotating rollers will be crushed by the rebar, and what will happen then?"

"Falling !!"

The director reacted quickly, and his face turned pale instantly.

"So what to do?"

He subconsciously asked Martin.

Martin smiled slightly in his heart, but said with a cautious look on his face: "I want to find a way to save him, you quickly find the medical staff at the scene and prepare for first aid." "

"How to save?" the director's question had not yet been asked, and the pulley positions at the four corners of the bridge that had reached the top of the bridge sounded with a "boom boom" sound of metal shattering.

"Not good!"

The director exclaimed.


The bridge that had risen to the top also stumbled heavily at this time.

"Do as I say!"

Martin had already crossed the director's fat body as he spoke, and walked straight to the whirlwind.

Twist it violently and rotate it to the right to the maximum. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"Hey, you-"

"Let him do it!"

A staff member was about to stop it, but was stopped by the director, and then snatched the walkie-talkie from the other staff member's hand, and while calling the on-site medical team, he stared at Martin to see how he saved people.

Rushed to the doctor in a hurry, at this time the director had no idea, and Martin became his last straw!

In the next second, the director's mouth was wide open, and he could completely stuff a big hamburger.

After a spin, Martin trotted towards the stage, speeding up about ten meters from the set on the right side of the stage.

Pedal Pedal ......

He stepped on the trunk of the tree with both feet, took several steps upward, then bent his knees, kicked his feet violently, spread his arms, and leaped into the air like an eagle.

This scene was faithfully recorded by the cameras on the scene and fed back to the big screen and the TV screens of thousands of households.

"Ah~!" exclaimed from the audience.

At this time, Michael, who was standing on the bridge, had already sensed that something was wrong, and one hand was tightly grasping the metal railing of the bridge, covered in cold sweat, and his heart was beating wildly.

But his strong psychological quality made him still hold the microphone firmly and continue to sing.

Then, a great sense of weightlessness came.

Exclamations rang out again at the scene.

At this time, Martin had already jumped into the air, his left hand accurately grabbed Weiya who fell from the crossbar, swung towards the bridge by inertia, and reminded loudly:

"'Michael, stand still!'"


How could he be behind me?

He wanted to look back, but Martin's reminder seemed to contain a huge "persuasive power", allowing him to resist the reflex of turning around.

Then he felt a tightness in his waist, and the man had already flown out of the bridge with a huge inertia, swinging in the air.

In the images of the big screen and the TV screen, Martin is holding a tightrope with one hand and Michael Jackson with the other hand, swinging over the bridge like a swing, which is almost like a movie special effect.

At this time, the scene was already in an uproar.

What's going on?

At this time, the bridge suddenly accelerated and fell, and smashed to the ground.

Some people reacted and said there was an accident! Martin saved Michael!

Under the effect of gravity, Wia, who had swung to the highest point, swung back, and Martin's biggest thought at this time was-

The plan is successful, just ...... It would be even more perfect if Michael was replaced by a big beauty!

And Michael Jackson had also come back to his senses at this time, and while his mouth was mechanically continuing to sing unfinished songs, his heart was full of great gratitude to Martin.

If this were a game, it would have been said - Michael Jackson, intimacy +100, or something like that.

Martin also admires this one, it's all like this, and he hasn't forgotten to sing, what a powerful professionalism this must be!

But Michael is just following his muscle memory and letting his mouth run wild.

The on-site director on the other side also came to his senses and hurriedly said to the staff on the side: "Quick, reduce the landing speed of the crossbar, otherwise they will fall to the ground." "

Before he finished speaking, he had already pushed the staff away and personally rotated the twist to the left.

The crossbar slowly fell, and Wia's swing range became smaller and smaller.

Eventually, Martin and Michael landed safely.

There was silence for a moment, followed by thunderous applause.

(Brothers, please take care of it, evaluation, flowers, collections, and rewards are all here, thank you.) )。

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