The crew moved to Kaitok Regional Park, north of Wellington.

This is about to become the Rivendell of Middle-earth.

The set is ready.

Martin entered the dressing room early in the morning and asked the make-up artist to glue two pointed ears to him, which were made of silicone, the closest material to human skin.

It took an hour just to be so sticky that people couldn't see the flaws.

But Martin got used to it.

While working as a makeup artist, he was eating breakfast and laughing with the makeup artist.

After the ears are glued, it is time to put on that pale blonde wig.

This "wearing" is not a simple "wearing", but to make the wig and the fake scalp on Martin's head fit tightly~.

So it took another half an hour.

By the time Martin glued his ears, put on his wig, and walked out in his off-white linen cape, the morning sun had fully risen.

The park is full of tourists.

Many people looked at this side from afar and with curiosity.

And when Martin strolled out of the morning morning glow in Ketok Park, those who were curious and watchful were stunned!

"Who's that?"

"It's beautiful!"

"What kind of movie is this making, in front of this face, the old lady is also going to contribute a movie ticket. "

The breeze was blowing, the long golden hair was flying, and Martin was suddenly in a mood, and there was a "fairy dance" in the morning sun.

This is the real "Elf Dance", which was created by the elves on the Gods and Demons Continent to commemorate the goddess of the forest, the dance movements are not complicated, nor intense, elegant and peaceful, like a breeze in the morning, which makes people feel comfortable.

Martin's blue eyes reflected the color of the sky, the sun shining in his eyes, and his delicate countenance, which was sometimes obscured by his hair, and sometimes completely revealed......

The harmonious pace and body movements made him feel as if he was completely integrated into this forest, this breeze, this ray of sunshine, this morning......

The clear air of Wellington and the picturesque scenery of Ketok seem to add a perfect layer of "special effects" to Martin's dance.

The exclamations around him were gone, and only the eyes that were staring at him were fixed.

In the eyes of these people, the handsome young man who danced in the wind seemed to glow, as if he was really an elf who came out of the forest......

After the dance, Martin, who was exhausted, returned to the tent, leaving only the unfinished tourists and the "audience" of the same crew.

Peter Jackson, who was not far away, excitedly said to the photographer next to him: "Groot, shoot, have you taken a picture? Don't say no, or I'll kill you." "

Groot, the photographer, who was also excited, stammered: "Shoot, shoot, God, I think this will be the most memorable work in my life! "

Outside another tent, Orlando Bloom exclaimed, "This dance is so beautiful, is it improvised, he is such a darling of art!"

Elijah Wood, beside him, shook his head and sighed, "No, he is clearly God's favorite!"

As the actors finished their makeup, today's filming began.

The staff in charge of the horses led Martin's pure white steed over.

This horse is actually the one from Grandpa Martin's farm.

At this time, this divine horse was elegantly bowing his head and eating the grass on the ground.

The prop master handed Martin the bow and quiver, and the assistant helped him carry them.

So, the elven prince in Tolkien's novel and Legolas Green Leaf in Peter Jackson's play really appeared in the early morning in Ketok Park.

Martin turned on his horse, and with a flick of his right hand, three arrows appeared between his fingers, and then deftly rested on the bowstring.

Whoosh, he shot three arrows at a target not far away, each of which hit the bull's-eye.

Martin smacked his feet and urged the horse, and in the gallop, the arrows shot out like beads, and the bullseye positions of the three arrow targets were suddenly filled with arrows.

After the test firing, Martin urged the horse to come to the target, leaned from the horse's back to the horse's side, and shot like lightning, and collected the arrows on the target one after another.

His actions caused another round of exclamations.

Among the onlookers from afar, someone had already taken out their cameras to record this scene.

"Preparation of each department, Action"

Martin, who was standing next to the horse, was already ready, pressed the saddle with one hand, and got on the horse vigorously.

Then with a slight clamp of his legs, the horse began to trot, and the main camera began to move with it, filming Martin's heroic posture as he gently followed the horse on the horse's back.

At the same time, two cameras were pointed at Martin's front and side at the same time.

0 begging for flowers 00 (read the violent novel, go to the Feilu novel network!)

The frontal camera is responsible for the close-up of the "person", which captures Martin's long flying light blonde hair, delicate facial features, and deep eyes.

The camera on the side is responsible for the close-up of "man and horse", which completely captures Martin's upright posture, bumpy quiver and raised cape as he gallops on his horse.


Peter narrowed his eyes, already thinking about what kind of light and hue to add to the "Legolas" in front of him—

Well, it has to be the kind of bright, sunny ...... Uh-huh, everything in the shot has to be clean......

In the distance, visitors outside the fence could see a beautiful pointy-eared elf riding from the forest, graceful and dignified, and the fairyland-like beauty of Kaitok Park was stunningly beautiful.

"It's a worthwhile trip today!"

"Hey man, I just saw you talking to the staff, do you know what the movie is?"

"It's The Lord of the Rings!"

"The Lord of the Rings, Tolkien's magnum opus?" one of the visitors, apparently a Tolkien fan, exclaimed in surprise: "Then this must be the prince of the elves, he is simply a restoration of the description of elves in Tolkien's book!

"Me too!"

"I don't care if I'm an elf or not, or Tolkien, just for this handsome guy, just for this shot, I'll contribute one, no, two, no, three movie tickets!"

A young woman said.

Not far away, Richard Taylor, who was watching the shooting, couldn't help but laugh.

Although the filming of the film has only just begun, he already has a hunch that his old friend will be a big success!

He was so happy for his old friend!

Then, there is the shot of Legolas dismounting, which of course is also for the sake of being handsome.

Martin dismounted in three different positions, each of which met the requirements of a pleasing to the eye—

Under the precise control of his magic, even the angle at which the cloak was raised, the timing of the hair flying, and the frequency with which the horse's mane swayed were all just right.

Peter Jackson was amazed, and thought that God had brought a gust of wind to save face.

(Brothers, please take care of it, evaluation, flowers, collections, and rewards are all here, thank you.) zero).

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