After a day of relaxing with the girls, Martin boarded the plane to New Zealand refreshed.

The flight was boring, so Martin put on a blindfold and closed his eyes to recall the scene of the "play" with the girls last night, and the scenery of them taking turns to put on the dress.

What a great day!

"Thinking" always makes time pass quickly.

Twelve hours later, when the plane landed at the airport in Wellington, Martin didn't even have some details to recall.

As soon as he got off the plane, Martin received a call from his agent Jeff, "Martin, I have coordinated with Peter, your scenes will be filmed as intensively as possible, and we can't let you spend a year in New Zealand." "

"Oh, by the way, Eisner's assistant contacted me again, and they raised the cost of buying the rights to Pirates of the Caribbean to 15 million. "

"Hehe, think beautifully, I'm a five. Martin sneered, "Keep putting it on hold." "


Hanging up Jeff's phone, Gordon walked over.

"Martin, we've contacted the crew, are we going to stay here for the night, or are we going to Queenstown right away?"

"Let's just go. "

Peter Jackson's chosen location for filming is located in Queenstown, Otag.

It is a beautiful town surrounded by the 447 South Alps (not the Alps of Europa), and Queenstown got its name from the fact that the colonists believed that the beauty of the place should belong to the queen.

From Wellington to Queenstown, the scenery is breathtaking.

In June, Los Angeles is entering the summer, and the temperature is starting to get hot, but here it is about to enter the winter, with an average temperature of about 10.

(PS: In New Zealand, summer is from December to February, and winter is from June to August.) )

Peter Jackson had arranged for the Lord of the Rings cast to receive formal training in equestrianism, archery and cold-weapon combat.

Then he returned to Wellington to learn manners, body and even a special way of pronunciation – a more noble, otherworldly, elven way of speaking.

However, Martin does not need to learn equestrian and archery, because his level can be called a professional level, and even stronger in actual combat.

So Peter Jackson found him a sword teacher and asked Martin to learn swordsmanship.

Martin originally wanted to tell Peter Jackson that his swordsmanship was also superb, but when he saw that there was also a beautiful woman like an elf who was learning swordsmanship with him, he immediately extinguished this thought.

Liv Taylor, who plays Twilight, the elven princess of Ringu, in the film.

The 22-year-old Liv Taylor is at the peak of her appearance, although her face is a little too long, but her facial features are exquisite, especially a pair of blue eyes, which are almost the same as Martin, but less deep and more clear.

(PS: The author privately thinks that Liv Taylor's eyes are the most beautiful place on her body, and that kind of blue really makes people feel like seeing the vast sea.) But this girl's face is also really long, her own father is the lead singer of the band "Aerosmith" - Stephen Taylor, who once said: God gave my daughter a donkey-like face, but also gave her angelic features. )

When he saw Martin, Peter Jackson greeted him warmly and gave him a big hug.

"Welcome to Queenstown, I've got a little welcome party for you, come on, come on, I'll introduce you......"

"This is Elijah Wood, our male lead, as Frodo Baggins. "

"This is Ian McKellen, as Gandalf. "

"This is Viggo Mortensen, who plays Aragorn. "

"This one doesn't need to be introduced, Orlando Bloom, as Faramir. "

"Welcome, Martin. "

"Thank you!"

"This is Cate Blanchett, who plays the queen of the elves, Galadriel. "

"This is Liv Taylor, who plays the elven princess - Arwen Twilight. "

"Hi Martin, I'm your book lover, when will the second part of Harry Potter come out?"

The girl was very cheerful, and when she shook Martin's hand, her fingers scratched lightly in his palm, and then let out a mischievous laugh.

Looking at the girl up close, Martin noticed that she had a very large forehead, which was what caused her to appear to have a long face.

But the proportion of facial features is very good, almost the golden ratio.

If you cover your forehead with (adfj) bangs, you will be a flawless beauty!

Liv Taylor's beauty is inherited from her mother, who was famous in rock circles when she was young.

Don't get me wrong, her mother is not a rock musician, but a well-known "bone (flesh) skin" in the circle, which is commonly known as "Guo'er".

Bibible was a supermodel in the 70s, passionate about rock music, and once traveled between various band celebrities, and did not hesitate to record many of the journeys of American rock music at that time in bed, calling Ash "flesh skin".

Her story was also made into a movie. (The title of the film is "Almost Famous (AlmostFamous)", interested brothers can take a look, the heroine is not bad, and there are benefits.) )

Liv Taylor was born with two fathers, as Bibible was with rock musician Todd Rondgren, but that didn't stop her from hanging out with other rock musicians.

Among them, the most intimate relationship is the lead singer of the band "Aerosmith" - Stephen Taylor. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

After coming and going, there is Liv Taylor.

Instead of breaking up with Bibibul, Todd Landgren raised Liv Taylor, who he regarded as his own and wrote his name on the birth certificate.

Don't be surprised, the rock scene in America is just that messy.

And Bibibul is not an ordinary bone (flesh) skin, but a godmother-level bone (meat) skin-

Normal flesh and bone skin are proud to sleep with a certain rock celebrity, while rock celebrities are proud to sleep with Bibibbul.

What is the founding member of the Rolling Stones, the godfather of punk music, and the most influential guitarist in history...... They all bowed down under Bibi's pomegranate skirt.

So Toddlandgren didn't mind Bibible playing outside at all.

Even the breakup of the two a year later was proposed by Bibibul.


After the two broke up, Todd Landgren still came to visit Liv Taylor from time to time, and also single-handedly covered Liv's education expenses to fulfill his duties as a father.

What's even more interesting.

Probably out of kinship, Liv Taylor watched a Steven Taylor concert when she was 8 years old, and immediately became a fan of Steven Taylor, and immediately put Steven's poster on the bedside when she turned around. ,

It wasn't until she was 11 years old that she knew that her idol was her own father.

After the father and daughter recognize each other, Liv changes her surname to Liv Taylor, but still uses her adoptive father, Todd's surname, as her middle name.

For Liv, both fathers are her family,

Her adoptive father shined on her childhood, and her biological father, Stephen, also hurt Liv to the bone.

Stephen invited his daughter to star in the MV of his song, and also made a cameo appearance in his daughter's movie "The End of the World", expressing his support for his daughter's acting career with practical actions.

Because she grew up in pampering, Liv Taylor has a very cheerful personality.

At the same time, I don't know if it's because she inherited her mother's genes, she has no resistance to talented people.

And Martin, it's just the perfect template for the other half of her heart, uh, except for age.

(Brothers, please take care of it, evaluation, flowers, collections, and rewards are all here, thank you.) )。

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