"Does Tom know this place?" asked Martin suddenly.

Nicole blushed and said, "No, he doesn't know, actually, I rarely come here myself." I only come here when I need to be alone. "

Martin smiled and pretended to be surprised, "So, it's just the two of us for tonight's dinner?"

"Yes, just the two of us. "

Nicole's face turned even redder.

The atmosphere became ambiguous.

Nicole doesn't know what's wrong with herself, am I seducing Martin?

Yes, I'm just seducing Martin!

She said to herself.

Although she knew that such behavior was not in line with secular morality and violated the law, she just couldn't control herself.

After the phone call with Martin to meet up in the evening, Nicole felt that her emotions had become wrong-

Excitement, anticipation, longing, and the idea of fantasizing about something embarrassing all poured out uncontrollably.

The clothes on her body, the place to eat, and even the food are all carefully chosen by her.

"So many oysters?"

Martin exclaimed in surprise when he saw the food on the table.

"This is the French Perón oyster, you said you like oysters the most, so I bought more. "

"There is also lobster, which is produced in the waters near the most famous island in Australia, Tasmania, and the meat is the most tender. "

"And scallops are ......"

Nicole's explanation of one dish after another.

"You did it yourself?"

"Yes, I'll cook it myself and try my craft. "

"Then I'll have to taste it. I didn't expect you to cook, Nicole!"

Nicole laughed, she does know how to cook.

But since winning the Australian Film Institute Best Actress Award at the age of 18 for her role in the TV series "Vietnam", she has never cooked herself.

Even his husband, Tom Cruise, has never tasted her craft.

This is one of the reasons why she chose seafood, after all, she has not cooked for too long, and the craftsmanship is rusty, and seafood does not need to be complicated to make delicious dishes.

Nicole was about to let Martin sit down on the chair, but she was suddenly stunned and asked in surprise, "Martin, have you grown taller again?"

It's just that I haven't seen him for a few days, and Martin seems to have grown a few centimeters taller.

Martin smiled and nodded: "I don't know if it's because of development, my height has risen a little fast recently~!"

Nicole gestured, and Martin's head was already above the tip of her nose and larger than her husband.

Nicole herself is one meter eighty-two tall, and she estimated it in her heart and exclaimed:

"You've grown up so fast, you were less than 1.6 meters when you filmed "Island Cry", and now it's more than 1.7 meters, right?"

Martin nodded, "One meter seventy-one, my parents are still worried about whether there is something wrong with my body, so they took me to the hospital for a check-up." "

"And what about the result?" asked Nicole with concern.

"Nothing was a problem. Martin laughed.

Afterwards, the two chatted while eating.

Nicole: "Martin, try this abalone." "

Martin: "It tastes great!"

Nicole: "Martin, try this chrysanthemum (flower) sunfish." "

Martin: "Well, it tastes great!"

Nicole: "Martin, try the fattest mid-brisket of this pair of prawns." "

Martin: "Uh-huh, that's delicious!"

A meal, the guests and hosts are happy.

Then the two of them each took a glass of red wine and sat down on the sofa.

Nicole was already slightly drunk, very close to Martin, and her body was still slightly sideways, half-attached to Martin.

Martin could smell the faint smell of perfume on the other person's body, and he could also feel the softness of the "sofa" on his arm. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Like a little girl, Nicole picked up a strand of platinum-blond hair with her fingers and swiped it at Martin's ear, chuckling from her mouth.

He said casually: "Martin, "Island Cry" is about to be a big hit, you helped me get rid of the name of box office poison, how do you think I should thank you?"

Martin shook the wine from his glass and looked at Nicole through it.

The beauty in the wine glass is a little distorted, but it does not look weird and ugly, but it makes people feel more enchanting and charming......


"Don't talk!"

Martin was about to open his mouth when a tender finger pressed his lips.

Then, a "delicate" "rose" like lips came close, with the fragrance and sweetness of red wine.

Martin's ape arm stretched lightly, hugged Nicole's thin waist, and the magic in his body worked, running quickly for a week, and doing an internal visual examination.

Greatly, the internal organs of this body have completely "evolved" and matured under the immersion of his magical power, and the functions of the internal organs are far more powerful than those of normal adults.

Now you don't have to rely on magic to simulate.

Martin put down the wine glass in his other hand, took the wine glass from Nicole's hand again, placed it on the coffee table, and then turned over......

A dark cloud drifted over, obscuring the moon of shame.

What happens next, let your wonderful imagination be unleashed...... Only thinking cannot be restricted......

A little over two hours later, Gordon came to pick up Martin.

In the villa, Martin carried the groggy Nicole to the bedside, gently put her on the bed, covered her with a thin blanket, kissed her cheek again, said "Hello", and then left with satisfaction.

As Martin left, Nicole's eyes opened slightly, and she muttered the name "Martin" before falling into a deep sleep.

Martin took advantage of the night to go home.

It's really "coming in the evening and returning in the starlight", the starlight lives up to what the passers-by say!

The following week, "Island Cry" did not drop much at the box office, earning 25.8 million US dollars.

Two weeks after its release, it was no longer a problem for the film to make a profit.

By the third week, the box office decline of "Island Cry" was still not large, which caused an exclamation from the media.

The Los Angeles Times wrote: "'It seems that Martin's films always have such charm that people want to go into the cinema to watch them, and looking at all the films he has participated in since his debut, it seems that the box office decline is far below the normal level, and the momentum is ......"

The New York Times: "Nicole Kidman has finally taken the box office poison title, and she has to thank Martin, Martin's script, Martin's soundtrack, and Martin's participation in the key factors in the success of this thriller horror film......"

The Washington Post: "For Martin, he's succeeded again, but for Nicole, she still needs to prove herself, and one success is just a ......"

Just as Martin had predicted, the media put the key to the film's success on its head, and Nicole was still being questioned.

That's not a bad thing for Martin - only then will Nicole be more dependent on herself.

When he helped her succeed a few more times, he was sure that Nicole would never be able to do without him again.

This is the usual technique of succubi.

This allows them to firmly control a person's body and mind with only a small amount of magic.

He did the same with Paris Hilton.

He had already thrown the script for "Wax Museum of Horror" to the little princess of Hilton.

But this time, Paris Hilton is not playing a miserable little supporting role, but the heroine.

After getting the script, Paris couldn't wait to go home and ask for money to invest.

The investment in this movie is about 20 million US dollars.

Martin gave Paris a quota of 5 million, accounting for 10% of the film's investment, not too little, that's all.

You must know that the movies written by Martin are now fragrant buns, and the 10% quota of 5 million, once thrown out, some people will grab it.

And Martin's own "Meyers Films" is to invest 7 million + dramas + soundtracks, accounting for 50% of the share.

The remaining 40% was eaten by Warner Bros., who invested 8 million and was responsible for the film's release.

(Brothers, please take care of it, evaluation, flowers, collections, and rewards are all here, thank you.) )。

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