Seeing Martin finish the script so quickly, there was nothing unusual about Jeff.

He had long been surprised by his boss's incredible reading speed.

He asked:

"How does it feel, Martin?"

"Great, tell Peter, I'll invest the money. He wants 130 million, right, give it to him, and shoot it together in the trilogy!"


Distant New Zealand.

Peter was spitting passionately at a few of his friends.

"I've been waiting for this opportunity for three years, and now it's finally possible to make this dream come true, guys, come and help me, special effects, photography, props, sets, I need you. "

"Don't you need to discuss this with Martin?" said Richard Taylor.

"Hehe, Martin has delegated all these things to me, and I will not fail his trust!" Peter Jackson said proudly, holding his belly up.

"Hey, Peter, isn't 130 million dollars enough, after all, this is The Lord of the Rings, and we'll have to recreate another Middle-earth. "

"It should be enough, I will shoot this film in New Zealand, and try to shoot it on location, which can reduce a lot of costs. And Ma 26 Ding allowed me to shoot back-to-back (that is, three consecutive shots), which can save a lot of money, and only if we can't find a place that can be replaced by real scenes, we use special effects!"

"Maybe after the film is released, it will also give New Zealand a boost to tourism, and the government should give me a medal. "

Peter Jackson joked happily, but he didn't expect the joke to come true.

"The Lord of the Rings" brings New Zealand not a little traffic, but nearly 10 million tourists every year.

"By the way, I heard that Harvey guy doesn't invest in this movie anymore?" Richard asked curiously, "What happened?"

As soon as he heard the name "Harvey", Peter Jackson was unhappy, after all, anyone who has been PUA for three years will not have a good mood.

He snorted coldly and explained: "It was Warner Bros.'s New Line Pictures that bought Harvey's share, which is a good thing, I don't have to see the face of that dead fat pig again." "

Richard tried to remind his friend that the word "fat pig" was used incorrectly - as if he was scolding himself, but after hesitating, he still didn't speak.

Peter is angry, so don't touch the mold!

That's right, it was not Warner Bros. who bought Harvey's share in the end, but Warner Bros.'s "New Line Pictures".

As for why?

Because Alan Horn does not have absolute confidence in this movie, and once such a large-investment film fails, the impact on the stock price is also huge.

In order to avoid dragging down Warner Bros., Alan Horn decided to invest in the name of New Line Pictures, so that even if the film fails, the impact will be much smaller.

It's a good thing, there's nothing wrong with it!


Miramax Films.

Harvey was in his office boasting about the investment to those close to him.

"You see, how right my investment is, I've made money before the movie is made, haha. "

"Harvey, congratulations!"

Ben Afflek gave Harvey a toast.

Bob frowned, "In case this movie is a big hit......"

"Impossible!" Harvey interrupted his brother with a wave of his hand, "I know too well that fat man from Peter Jackson, he is also a B-movie director, and he can't control this kind of big production at all." "

Matt Damon also frowned and said, "But why would Warner vote?"

"It's a new line, haven't you seen it yet? It's just Warner Bros. showing favor to Martin, and they don't have confidence in this movie, otherwise why wouldn't Warner Bros. vote for it themselves? Hmph, it's just a little trick!"

"So if we withdraw like this, will it affect the relationship with Martin?" "Matt Damon is indeed smart and sees the crux of the matter.

Harvey hesitated for a moment and said, "It's okay, when this movie fails, I'll go and ask for warmth." Hehe, maybe he can buy the copyright of those books in his hands at a lower price when the time comes. "

Bob glanced at his brother and felt that his brother was a little floating?

Didn't you see that Warner Bros. did not hesitate to lose money for Martin?

If this movie really fails, and there are more people rushing to shout and ask for warmth, will Martin still see us in his eyes?

But he didn't say anything.

Because, Harvey has been a bit arbitrary lately, and he can't listen to other people's opinions!

Let's talk about it later!

Bob thought to himself.

Matt Damon, who was sitting next to him, touched his chin and wondered what was going on in his heart...... (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

He had a hunch that as long as Martin succeeded again, he would probably turn from a pawn of capital to capital itself, after all, he had that kind of family background, if I ......

He glanced up at a triumphant Harvey, and finally let go of that thought.

It's not time yet!


Warner Bros. Headquarters.

Alan Horn is convincing board members.

"In this movie, we have to advance and retreat with Martin, he wants to invest more, we will also add, he wants to give power to Peter Jackson, and we also promise that as long as we have a good relationship with Martin, even if this movie loses, we will make more money in the future!"

"Isn't Martin the producer of this trilogy of films, right? He's just a kid. "

"No, he's a genius!"

"No matter how talented he is, he is only a child under the age of fourteen!"

This director is a bit more serious.

Because it's about his money, of course.

"Believe me, Ma 047 Ding is definitely not an ordinary child, his brain, his thinking is more mature than many adults. "

Speaking of which, Alan Horn recalls the face-to-face conversation with Martin about the investment, and he was impressed by the teenager's mature conversation and quick thinking.

Since that conversation, he has unconsciously become more and more trusting of Martin, willing to trust his judgment, willing to act in concert with him......

He also discovered this, attributing it to Martin's eloquence and affability, which in turn strengthened his idea of following Martin, because—

Isn't it easier for people with these two abilities to succeed!

Isn't the so-called Hollywood also a place where there is a constant pursuit of successful people, and in essence, it is no different from Wall Street!!

Eventually, Alan Horn succeeded in convincing the board members.


When Jeff hung up Alan Horn's phone, he was already shocked.

"Martin, Alan Horn said on the phone, Warner Bros. is willing to be your concerted actor!

"Seriously, it's amazing, how the hell did you convince him?

Martin smiled and said nothing!!

(Brothers, please take care of it, evaluation, flowers, collections, and rewards are all here, thank you.) )。

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