The road ahead is winding, going up and down the slope.

However, the space inside is getting bigger and bigger, and the further you go in, the more it feels like you are walking in a cave-like valley.

Various stalactites emit hazy colors under the light of the talisman, which is magical and blurry.

The stalactites are of various shapes and forms, some are like stalagmites, some are like white lotuses, some are like galloping horses, and some are like tengu swallowing the moon.......

Dongfang Yu followed Lin Yue and admired these beautiful scenery in amazement.

They walked across the majestic and miraculous natural stone bridge between the two peaks.

After walking through a forest-like group of stalactites, we came to a large empty square.

In the middle of this large square, several large stone pillars lifted up the sky above them as if they were falling from the sky.

If it weren't for the drops of water dripping down from time to time to remind them that the sky above their heads was not there, Dongfang Yu would have felt like they were walking in the valley outside.

After passing through the main square, there is another branching road ahead.

Lin Yue and Dongfang Yu followed the old method, carefully analyzing the traces on the ground and choosing a path to walk on.

"This cave is so big and has so many branches, it seems to be more mysterious than the ones that have been developed."

"Brother Lin, where do you think this cave leads to?"

Dongfang Yu asked Lin Yue

"I don’t know where this cave leads or what its specific function is."

"However, the topography here is complex, with well-developed caves and underground rivers and above-ground rivers connected together."

"So the place where we came in was probably not the only entrance and exit, but just a more convenient entrance and exit."

Because he didn't know much about the abilities of the clan leader of the Yugui family, Lin Yue didn't want to use Fenghou Qimen to explore the terrain before meeting the clan leader.

Lin Yue was worried about using Fenghou Qimen to arouse the enemy and be frightened by the Yugui family. The patriarch escaped.

We can only use the most primitive method to find the patriarch of the Yugui family and then control him in one fell swoop.

"Then let’s keep walking forward and see what’s there!"

Dongfang Yu heard what Lin Yue said and knew that Lin Yue didn't want to use other methods to explore at the moment and could only watch while walking.

They continued to walk forward. They walked up and down the slope for several sections.

Then they walked to There was an underground river, and there were sounds of water flowing in front of it.

This underground river flowed down from above and disappeared underground again.

Lin Yue and Dongfang Yu carefully followed it underground. Walking on the bank of the underground river, many places on the road were wet and slippery.

Dongfang Yu almost fell down several times, but she grabbed Lin Yue's arm from time to time to prevent her from falling.

"What the hell is this place? How could a member of the Yugui family take such a difficult road?"

Dongfang Yu couldn't help complaining as he walked.

"The sound of the water is getting louder and louder, and we should be approaching the entrance of this underground river."

Lin Yue comforted Dongfang Yu.

Sure enough, after they turned around another hill, they came to a waterfall.

This is a very wide underground space.

In front of this underground space is a deep pool, and behind it is a deep pool. Below the wall is an underground river.

This space should be several hundred meters high.

The water from the waterfall flows from the opposite side of the mountain wall and flows into the deep pool in front of the underground space.

Then the water from the deep pool flows out from under the underground space. An underground river formed tens of meters below the back wall and flowed downward to where Lin Yue and the others had just seen.

There was no way to go, but they still didn't find anyone from the Ghost Control family, let alone any ghosts. Let’s talk about the patriarch of the Yugui family.

"Brother Lin, what should we do now?"

"There is no way out, shall we go back?"

Dongfang Yu asked Lin Yue

"Wait and see again!"

Lin Yue's eyes were fixed on the direction of the deep pool.

"There is no way out, will the patriarch of the Yugui family get out from under the water?"

Dongfang Yu followed Lin Yue's eyes and looked at the deep pool and said

"There is no need to get out from the bottom of the water, but it should be through the water curtain. Lin

Yue said confidently

"Brother Lin, what do you mean? What did you find? Dongfang

Yu asked doubtfully.

"Come and see this waterfall. There is a hole vaguely visible behind the curtain of waterfall falling into a deep pool."

"Go through the water curtain to enter the cave. Lin

Yue pointed to the water curtain under the deep pool and said to Dongfang Yu

"Brother Lin, you can see it even from such a distance and in such darkness. I really admire you. Dongfang

Yu said with admiration

"There happens to be a path here that can lead you down to the deep pool."

"This path is very steep. You have to be careful as we go down.

Lin Yue told Dongfang Yu. Then they climbed carefully step by step to the bottom of the deep pool.

After reaching the bottom of the deep pool, they walked along the edge of the deep pool to the bottom of the waterfall.

Lin Yue protected Dongfang Yu, and the two of them walked through the water curtain. , and walked into the cave at the back.

As soon as you enter the cave, there is a slope going up. Except that the entrance of the cave is relatively wet and narrow, the road becomes less wet and gradually becomes wider.

The cave is getting bigger and bigger, and it looks like the road we just walked.

After walking for a while, we came to an unusually empty underground space.

We just walked into this large space and didn't have time to see the surroundings clearly..

Suddenly, gusts of dark wind came towards them violently, followed by a hoarse and gloomy voice.

"Who dares to break in!"

Lin Yue pulled Dongfang Yu to avoid it quickly.

With the light of the talisman, they looked forward and saw only a group of black mist floating in the air.

"snort! What a spooky thing! Dare to make a sneak attack!"

"go to hell! Lin

Yue said, and at the same time, the Lihuo Sword flew towards the black mist with blazing flames.

The black mist floated away quickly.

The Lihuo Sword followed closely.

"With a bang, the black mist suddenly exploded and split into several masses of black mist.

The masses of black mist hit Lin Yue and Dongfang Yu from all directions.

"court death! Lin

Yue thought, and thousands of swords flew together.

The flying swords with blue light flew towards the black mist.

Wherever the flying swords swept, the black mist burned, bursts of crackling sounds were heard, and thick smoke dispersed..

There was another"bang", and one of the black mist exploded again, splitting into several black mist masses. Then, one of the black mist masses came with another"bang".

"There was a self-destruction, fissuring into more black mist masses.

Such a large number of black mist masses stirred up strong winds and flew towards Lin Yue and Dongfang Yu from all directions.

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