"Master, a small amount of light of blessing and merit appears in the sky above Beijiang City!"

A middle-aged monk with a round face and a rosy complexion said to another old monk with a thin face.

This is a tall and glorious temple deep in the mountains.

The old monk with a thin face is closing his eyes on the futon on the ground in front of the Buddha in the main hall. Sitting cross-legged.

After the middle-aged monk finished speaking, the thin-faced old monk slowly opened his eyes.

"Got it, keep paying attention everywhere."

The thin-faced old monk said calmly to the round-faced monk.

"OK, master. The disciples have been paying attention"

"As soon as there is news, the disciples will report it immediately"

"Master, do you have any other instructions? If not, then the disciple will be busy first."

The round-faced monk said respectfully


"What should come will come, what should go will go!"

"Destiny comes and goes. It's all God's will!"

The old monk with a slender face remained motionless, muttering to himself.

"You go first! After a pause, the old monk with a thin face said calmly to the monk with a round face.

"OK The disciple went."

The round-faced monk slowly retreated.......

Dongfang Yu’s new religion is really good.

He has a large group of capable men who have collected a lot of information about the Ghost Control family.

Guided by this information, Dongfang Yu and Lin Yue traveled all the way to the beautiful town of Longzhu.

This is a stunningly scenic spot in the Midwest.

Precipitous and towering peaks rise from the ground.

The winding caves shuttle between the mountains and the bottom of the mountains.

Sometimes clear and sometimes green rivers meander between mountain peaks and villages.

According to the information, the patriarch of the Ghost Control family practices here.

There are many direct members of the Yugui family, and the branches are even more complicated.

However, they have a clear division of labor internally and manage them in an orderly manner.

They adopted the policy of living dispersedly and gathering signals in case of emergency, and occupied these beautiful valleys.

People from the Supernatural Bureau often attack them, but they can't hurt their roots.

They took advantage of this complicated terrain to spread out and hide, and when they noticed something strange, they disappeared without a trace.

Even ordinary family members are so well hidden, let alone the clan leader.

The patriarch of the Yugui family can be said to be like a dragon that sees the beginning but never the end.

But he still firmly controls all the affairs of the Yugui family.

Such a ghost-controlling family truly deserves to be the head of the seven evil cultivator families.

Lin Yue and Dongfang Yu have been staying in this picturesque scenic spot for several days, but they still haven't found the traces of the leader of the Yugui family.

They just had to stay.

Fortunately, the scenery here is extremely beautiful, and Lin Yue is also in a happy mood.

Not to mention Dongfang Yu, she was not in a hurry.

She was just a spectator, and she was happiest when she could stay with Lin Yue.

On this day, following the guidance of the news received by Dongfang Yu, they came to a remote valley.

This is an undeveloped valley.

There are overgrown weeds everywhere in the valley. There is a creek at the bottom of the valley, and a mud path winds next to the creek.

The sun shines slantingly on this valley, the breeze blows, and the shadows of the trees on the hillside are dancing.

Dongfang Yu felt extremely comfortable and pulled Lin Yue towards the path beside the stream and walked inside.

After taking a few steps, Lin Yue suddenly saw a warm light flashing around him.

These lights revolved around Lin Yue, then slowly penetrated into Lin Yue's body and disappeared.

As the light disappeared, Lin Yue felt that the Qi in his body had a slightly different aura.

It seems that I have gained a little bit of Prajna wisdom

"Is this Buddha nature?"

Lin Yue was stunned for a moment.

As this trace of breath continued to merge with the Qi of Lin Yue's body.

Lin Yue felt that the vast Qi around him was like the warm sunshine in winter, making people feel so comfortable that his thoughts were ethereal.

After a moment of confusion, Lin Yue The reaction came.

What was the light just now?

Why did it revolve around him and then merge into his body?

The most important thing was why did these lights bring him different feelings?

Then Lin Yue fell into these confused questions.

"Brother Lin, what's wrong with you?"

Dongfang Yu, who was next to her, also saw these lights and saw the lights disappearing from Lin Yue's body.

Then Lin Yue seemed to be stunned.

She quickly asked Lin Yue and took Lin Yue's arm to shake it.

"Oh it's all right!"

Lin Yue quickly came back to his senses and answered.

"Brother Lin, that light just now was very strange!"

"Are you really okay? Dongfang

Yu asked worriedly

"It's okay, let's keep going."

Lin Yue couldn't figure it out anyway, so she put it aside for now. She pulled Dongfang Yu inside.

Although Dongfang Yu didn't understand what the light appeared around Lin Yue was about, she didn't know why Lin Yue was startled..

But since Lin Yue said it was okay, it should be okay.

As for Guang Guang's question, we will talk about it later.

Dongfang Yu is a smart and transparent person. Of course, she knows that Lin Yue has a secret, but she will definitely not tell it now. So

Lin Yue pulled her inside, and she happily followed the path along the valley.

The stream flowed along the road from time to time. The birds nearby were startled and flew away from their nests, making a porching sound.

After a while, they reached a relatively open place with various fruit trees..

However, the trees are covered with weeds, and it can be seen that they have been abandoned for a long time.

There is a cliff on the edge of the valley, and a dilapidated old house can be seen vaguely under the lush branches.

"Brother Lin, the information from my staff shows that this old house is a bit strange."

"The owners of this old house are all dead and no one lives in the house, but from time to time there are scary sounds.���"

"Locals say it is haunted. So no one dared to approach this valley for a long time."

Dongfang Yu told Lin Yue the information she received

"What we are looking for is a ghost!

Lin Yue said without caring.

"Then let’s go in and take a look! Dongfang

Yu said eagerly

"Be careful! There's something behind you!

Lin Yue suddenly said to Dongfang Yu with a serious face.

"Brother Lin, are you joking and trying to scare me?"

"In broad daylight, there could still be ghosts. Dongfang

Yu knew that Lin Yue loved to tease her, so she said without caring at all.

"Quack quack! This girl is so brave!"

Suddenly, there was a cackle of sinister laughter behind Dongfang Yu.

Dongfang Yu was so frightened that she rushed to Lin Yue's side and looked back.

An evil ghost with an ugly face and an invisible nose was floating behind her.

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