"I heard that my mother’s grandmother was so beautiful. She was beautiful and beautiful like jade."

"There is a beautiful woman in the north, peerless and independent. Look at the Qingren city once, then look at the Qingren country!"

"The charming eyes are closed shyly, and the red lips are smiling"

"Looking back, you can smile with all your charms, the pink and white in the Sixth Palace are colorless!"

Dongfang Yu was really generous with her words when describing her great-grandmother. She collected all the words, poems, and sentences she knew about beauty.

It seemed that she was eager to use the most beautiful words in the world, regardless of whether they were appropriate or not.

As long as it’s beautiful!

"Stop it, stop it!"

"You are talking about the imperial concubine!"

"Let’s get to the point!"

Lin Yue couldn't listen anymore and quickly stopped him.

"But although she is extremely beautiful, she is also the eldest daughter of the Yugui family."

"It's just a pity that due to physical problems, she is considered a useless girl by her family and cannot practice."

Dongfang Yu's tone changed and he said regretfully

"But that's exactly what happened, she lived a free life"

"She is carefree and wanders among the mountains and rivers all year round. This also resulted in a lasting marriage."

Dongfang Yu's tone changed again, his peach blossom eyes blinked, and he said longingly

"One day, my great-grandmother was exploring a steep mountain peak. She accidentally stepped on the air and fell into a deep pool in the mountain stream."

"It happened that the adopted son of the leader of Wudang was also on the other side of the mountain."

"Hearing the call for help, he was so brave that he risked his life and jumped off the mountain without hesitation, saving her from accidentally falling into the water."

"Heroes save beauties, beauties love heroes. Always a beautiful and timeless story!"

"She was also deeply attracted to him by her beauty and kindness!"

"In this way, they are together in the world of beauty, with the world as their company, in a carefree and vigorous way!

"Later, there were my grandmother, my mother, and me."

The joy Dongfang Yu mentioned, the peach blossom eyes twinkling when she was happy, were extremely beautiful, as if the person she was talking about was her.

"Because of this reason, maybe I inherited a bit of the special physique of the Ghost Control family."

"Brother Lin, my physique is special, but yours is incredible!"

Dongfang Yu finished speaking. After a detour, she got involved with Lin Yue again.

She expected that Lin Yue could also tell her about him.

"I am born against nature. No source!"

What Lin Yue said can be considered the truth. He vaguely understood that the system had all this, and it was innate.

However, Dongfang Yu was very disappointed after hearing this. This is not nonsense. It means he didn't say it.

I wanted to take the opportunity to understand it. Lin Yue's, it seems there is no chance again

"Dongfang Yu, did your great-grandmother talk to your mother about their family affairs?"

Lin Yue looked at Dongfang Yu, who was drooping his head and a little disappointed, and found a topic to ask her.

"We didn’t talk much. Although my great-grandmother was from the Ghost Control family, she didn’t practice cultivation and was not a core member. only know a little bit"

"But I heard that my great-grandma’s mother liked my great-grandma very much and would often visit her."

"Whenever I see her, I tell her some stories and tell her something through the stories."

"Only in this way did she know some things about her family, otherwise she might not understand them at all. Dongfang

Yu said

"Oh, what story are you telling?"

Lin Yue is a little more interested.

"What a ghost story!"

"Brother Lin, do you want to hear ghost stories?"

Dongfang Yu deliberately dragged out the word ghost.

As he spoke, he stared, opened his mouth, gestured, and made faces like a child.

"Tell me."

Lin Yue looked at Dongfang Yu's look and wanted to laugh. He was stunned but held it back.

Hearing Lin Yue say this, Dongfang Yu retracted her grimace and pulled Lin Yue to find a place to sit down.

She knew, Lin Yue is more interested in her ghost story!

No, I should say he is interested in the story of Yugui family!

I don't care, as long as he is interested, Dongfang Yu will be happy.

"When I was a kid, I heard my mother tell a lot of ghost stories."

"These ghost stories were told by my great-grandmother to my grandma, my grandma told them to my mother, and my mother told them to me."

"Simply put, it is a story passed down from generation to generation."

When Dongfang Yu tells a story, she also needs to give her story a prologue.

Lin Yue looked at Dongfang Yu next to him speechlessly, feeling really helpless.

"Let me tell you a story about a red-haired ghost! Dongfang

Yu moistened his throat and finally got to the point.

"It is said that once, the patriarch of the Ghost Control family opened the secret method again, hid his figure, and sneaked into the ghost world secretly."

"It was quiet and dark all around the ghost world. The ghosts are all resting"

"The patriarch followed the familiar ghost road that he often walked step by step and came to a hidden mountain forest."

"Dark clouds of yin energy floated in the forest. The dark wind blew by, and the leaves kept rustling."

"Suddenly, the patriarch saw two weak little lights hanging on a big tree in the forest, flashing and looming."

"He quietly approached"

"Slowly, he was only a few meters away from the big tree."

"Suddenly, several figures swishing around him rushed toward him."

"There was a long roar, and the two small lights on the tree suddenly brightened and suddenly attacked."

"It was a red-haired ghost with red hair and blood-red eyes as big as the mouth of a bowl."

"The patriarch quickly took out his magic weapon to challenge"

"The clan leader's magic weapon continued to release thick and choking white smoke, which soon enveloped the surrounding area."

"The few kiddies who attacked in front fell unconscious under the clouds of white smoke."

"The red-haired ghost was quite able to carry it. Not only did he not fall down immediately, he also grabbed the clan leader's magic weapon."

"The clan leader was not a light-hearted person either. He struck with his sword and cut off one of the red-haired ghost's arms with a snap."

"The red-haired ghost lost an arm and found that his whole body was feeling weak. He finally realized that the situation was not right and quickly got away."

"But how could the patriarch let him go? A ghost-tying rope immediately tied up the red-haired ghost tightly."

"The patriarch took out another treasure and flashed it at the red-haired ghost. The red-haired ghost disappeared into the treasure with a whoosh."

Listening to Dongfang Yu's vivid and emotional description, Lin Yue seemed to be in the other world watching others fight.

"This is one of the ghost stories my mother told me when I was little"

"At that time, I only knew it was the ghost world, but now I know that place is called the other world."

"My mother tells a lot of ghost stories, but they all boil down to the same thing."

"It tells the story of my great-grandmother’s father, who was the patriarch of the Ghost Control family at that time, who went to the ghost world to catch ghosts."

"Once I caught a red-haired ghost. Another big-headed ghost was caught. Once again I caught a beautiful female ghost with long hair and a shawl, etc."

After Dongfang Yu told the ghost story, he also gave a summary at the end.

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