"Thunder plow hot knife! ah!"

The Fourth Raikage was like a human bulldozer, his right arm blasted towards Namikaze Minato who was hiding behind the tree.

"not good!"

Namikaze Minato's pupils shrank, and he immediately activated the Flying Thunder God and teleported to another Kunobu place that was thrown in advance.


The Fourth Raikage successfully destroyed a century-old tree.

Teleportation is still better than simply physical movement after all. The speed of the Flying Thunder God depends entirely on the reaction of the caster. As long as Namikaze Minato reacts , he will be able to avoid the attack of the Fourth Raikage.


"Spending it like this is not an option."

Namikaze Minato wiped the sweat from his forehead.

Flying Thunder God is not a special ninjutsu that consumes chakra, but it cannot withstand non-stop use.

It is said that the third generation Raikage once fought with the Eight-Tails to exhaustion, as his son The amount of chakra of the Fourth Raikage is definitely stronger than that of an ordinary person without any blood.

It is not that the Rasengan cannot break through the Thunder Armor of the Fourth Raikage, but the time of contact is too short. When touching the Thunder Escape Armor, the Fourth Raikage will dodge.

"Wait, he chose to dodge, which shows that he is not good at defense, so as long as……"

Namikaze Minato instantly analyzed the difference between the Fourth Raikage and the Third Raikage. He held the kunai in front of him and his eyes gradually became serious:"Next, you must not be distracted. That person defeated the Third Raikage has nothing to do with me. Even if he appears in front of me now, I shouldn't……"

Before Namikaze Minato finished his self-suggestion, he saw the approaching Qianfeng in the distant sky from the corner of his eye.

At this moment, the figure of the Fourth Raikage appeared in front of him

"not good!"

Namikaze Minato hurriedly threw out the kunai and used Flying Thunder God at the same time.

At the last critical moment, he dodged the attack.

——After a long battle, many of the kunai he scattered around had been destroyed by the Fourth Raikage.

Many of the remaining ones were set up by the Fourth Raikage as detonating talisman traps.

It can be said that the opponent has begun to understand how to deal with his Flying Thunder God.

"Huh? The old man didn't come, no wonder Namikaze Minato was in such a mess."

Qianfeng looked at the battle below and said while touching his chin. He didn't realize at all that it was his appearance that distracted Namikaze Minato.

"Who is Lao Ba?"

Terumi Mei blinked, a little curious about this strange name.

"Oh, it's the Eight-Tails Jinchuuriki. Last time I saw them, they were still two brothers, inseparable. Unexpectedly, they disappeared this time."

Qianfeng looked down at the fighting figure below, but he had already guessed the reason in his heart.

In the original work, the fourth generation Raikage and Kirabi first fought against Namikaze Minato. The battle between the two was similar to now, but Namikaze Minato ended up fighting It left a mark on Kirabi's tail, and it was a tie between two and one, and it was still a tie between one and one.

I don't know whether Kirabi's failure to fully control the eight tails was a help or a hindrance.

After that, there was a battle between Iwagakure Village and Kumogakure Village. The third generation Raikage fought against tens of thousands of ninjas and died of exhaustion.

Because of his father's death, the fourth generation Raikage prohibited Kirabi from leaving Kumogakure Village and asked him to stay. In Yunlei Gorge, even if there is an enemy approaching, the tailed beasts are only allowed to be released from a distance.

It was not until the fourth ninja war that the two of them solved the knot. Now, the third generation

Raikage was eliminated by Qianfeng in advance.

Raikage's mentality naturally collapsed in advance, and he imprisoned Kirabi in Yunyin Village

"Did you actually fight against the Eight-Tails?"

Terumi Mei's eyes widened. Among the rumors in the ninja world, there was only the conclusion that Qianfeng killed the Third Raikage, but there was no process.

It turned out that he actually faced off against the Fourth Raikage and the Eight-Tails at the same time in that battle. ?

"It's the Eight-Tails Jinchuriki, and it's not even a perfect Jinchuriki."

Qianfeng corrected Terumi Mei's wording error.

The strength of a perfect jinchuriki is stronger than a single tailed beast plus a ninja.

But for an imperfect jinchuriki, the two of them together are subtractions.

This is why the solution to Kirabi at that time was just Let Nasus hit him with his scepter.

"Defeating the Jinchūriki is awesome, okay?

Terumi Mei couldn't understand why Qianfeng considered himself"third in the world" before and now suddenly became humble. He pointed at the two yellow and blue flashes below:"Then what should we do now? They have already marked us. Still going down?"

"Of course... wait until they come to your door. Qianfeng paused for a moment.

The next second, a dark-skinned muscular man covered in lightning appeared behind him.

"I want to avenge my father! Thunder level!! Ahhhh!!"

The fourth generation Raikage suddenly appeared with red eyes, staring at Qianfeng, his eyes filled with anger and hatred.

His right hand was formed into a shining lightning sword!

With this move, he was preparing to hit Mi Mei and Qianfeng together. Cut it off at the waist!


Lei Ying's right hand was tightly grabbed by Qianfeng, unable to move forward an inch, and the lightning seemed to have stopped flashing at this moment.

"You go down first. It seems that our surprise plan failed. This Raikage classmate has discovered me."

Qianfeng shrugged at Mei Mei, and didn't even turn around to look at Raikage who had his wrist grabbed by him.

"well. Terumi

Mei looked at this scene in astonishment and nodded blankly.


After letting Terumi Mei leave, Qianfeng heard a strong wind in his ears and knew that it was the Fourth Raikage who had launched an attack with his other hand.

"You want to fight, right?"

Qianfeng turned around and raised his hand to block another attack from the Fourth Raikage.

"How can it be?"

The Fourth Raikage's eyes were filled with bloodshot eyes. He couldn't believe that Qianfeng was clearly a ninjutsu type ninja. Why was his physical skills so powerful?

"I'm kindly asking you to discuss prisoner exchange, but you want to fight, that's fine."

Qianfeng kicked away the fourth-generation Raikage who looked in disbelief, and a red light flashed in his eyes. The fourth-generation Raikage who was kicked away fell downwards, but he saw Qianfeng's back suddenly turned scarlet in the sky. The wings rushed towards him. The sword hilt made of flesh and blood slowly condensed in Qianfeng's hand.

Boom! The fourth generation Raikage was struck by this sword. The ground was shattered with a bang. Qianfeng fell to the pit and walked over slowly.

"stop! Don't come any closer!"

A Yunyin team arrived and stood in front of Qianfeng.

"Bastards, get out of my way!"

The Fourth Raikage stood up from the pit and pushed away the Kumo ninja who was protecting him.

It can be seen that the thunder escape armor on his wrist and the special armor of Yunyin Village were completely shattered, and there were also There is a deep knife mark

"He really kept his word and came to support us!"

Seeing this scene, Namikaze Minato breathed a sigh of relief.

This shows that the price they paid for Konoha was not in vain.


Namikaze Minato looked at Qianfeng and suddenly discovered a question.

What did he use to attack the Raikage just now?

Judging from the action just now, it seemed to be a sword.

However, there was only a sword hilt floating behind Qianfeng. ?

Just using the hilt of the sword to break through the Raikage's defense?

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