As Marco announced his surrender, the entire war on the top came to an end.

The rest of the problem can be handled easily.

The navy was divided into two parts, one part to treat the wounded.

The other part controlled the remaining members of the White Beard Pirate Group.

The Ghost Spider Lieutenant General took the Hailou Stone in Marco's hand and blocked his fruit ability.

Upon seeing this, the Warring States period took three steps and two steps, and walked directly in front of Solo.

"The war is over."

The Warring States Period slowly spoke.

I thought Solo would react violently on this matter.

But who knows, Solo, who knows that the war is over, has a calm expression on his face.

He stood in place, his expression calm as water.

Slowly retracted the Zhan Poknife into the scabbard.

Now Solo, who can't understand the idea of ​​the Warring States period?

For him, whether the White Beard Pirates was dead or imprisoned into Pushing City.

There is no difference at all.

Secondly, it can treat more wounded people.

For the Warring States period, how many navies were rescued was more important than how many pirates were hunted down.

Because the members of the White Beard Pirate Group are small characters.

It's not a concern at all.

And the white beard that can make the navy headquarters jealous, Ace.

And the captains of each squad, either dead or injured.

The most important thing is that the Blackbeard Pirates group was directly destroyed by Solo.

The criminals who escaped from Pushing the city didn't even survive.

The biggest winner of this top war.

Undoubtedly the navy headquarters!

As for Luffy.

He said it was important, but it was also important.

Because he is the son of the Dragon of the Revolutionary Army, and he has the overlord look and domineering.

However, Luffy is not really important.

Because of Solo, the one who defeated Krokdal was not Luffy.

The people who killed CP9 were not the straw hat group.

The person who defeated Moonlight Moriah was also not the straw hat group.

This made Luffy's bounty never rise after he left the East China Sea.

He is not even a supernova now.

It has not attracted the attention of the world government at all.

Little characters like this.

Even if you let him live, what effect can it have?

Just continue to be locked into the advance city.

In this way, it can give Karp an explanation instead.

Otherwise, the Warring States Period is really worried.

Karp will lose his mind completely because of the war, and become the next Zefa.

To make matters worse, if Karp and Zefa join forces...

I'm afraid the world government will have a headache.

Thinking of this, Solo nodded slightly, indicating that he could fully understand the approach of the Warring States Period.

On the contrary, his joyfulness made the Warring States somewhat unexpected.

"Solo, let Cap out."

The Warring States took a deep breath and continued.

Now the war on the top is over.

Naturally there is no need for Karp to stay in the sky forever.

Seeing this, Solo didn't refuse, and with one hand he pulled out the Zanpaku Knife, aimed at the sky and earth, and waved it forcefully.

A crescent-shaped sword air galloped out from under the blade.

Hit the earth and explode the sky star.


Along with the loud noises, cracks visible to the naked eye appeared on the earth exploding stars.

And in an instant, the whole earth exploded.

The cracks then penetrated deep into the interior.

The whole earth burst into the sky and the stars began to loosen.

Karp, who has always been inside, has not fallen into a state of addiction.

After feeling all this again.

He clenched his fists with both hands.

Swing out with full force.

Cooperating with the outside power, they directly destroyed the Earth Blasting Star that trapped him.

However, Karp did not know when the war was over at this time.

I don't even know it was Solo who shot and released him.

For a time.

Karp was extremely angry.

Stepping on the moon step, he returned to the square of Malin Vandor, instantly spreading the domineering look and feel.

Firmly locked Solo's position in the square.


Karp kicked his feet hard, and he rushed out directly.

The five fingers grabbed the fist again, and at the same time wrapped the domineering and armed domineering.

Unreservedly swipe out.

In an instant, a thunder fell in the sky.

The roar resounded throughout Marin Vandor.

Many navies were taken aback.

Especially the powerful aura bursting from Karp.

Even the countless navy changed their faces.

No one thought of it.

Karp, who has returned, will shoot again.

Such a scene, even the Warring States was unexpected.

Almost instinctively, he wanted to stop Karp, but he was still a step slower.

I saw Karp appear in front of Solo like a flash, punching out.

The majestic force was crushing towards Solo like an overwhelming force.

Although Solo didn't feel the fierce murderous aura from this punch, it was also Karp's full blow.

If he was hit, the consequences would not be a joke.

There was almost no hesitation.

Solo greeted him with his palm.

Collide strongly with Karp's iron fist.


The sonic boom sounded again, and a shock wave enveloped the two in a hemispherical force, and expanded in all directions.

The square of Malin Vandor was shattered again.

The Warring States' eyes widened even more.

Unexpectedly, the collision between the two would have such a huge impact!


In the end, Solo and Karp took a step back.

"Lieutenant General Karp." Solo spoke slowly, wanting to tell Karp that the war had ended.

But Karp shook his head without thinking, "Between us, there is nothing to say."

"If you want to hurt Luffy, step on the old man's body!"

However, just when Karp was ready to shoot again.

The fist of the Warring States Period came from behind him, knocking him to the ground instantly!

"The war is over, Karp!"

When Karp heard the news, he was stunned for an instant.

The action to get up also stopped abruptly.

The news of the end of the war made him feel at a loss, and even a blank brain.

War on top...

ended? !

What about Luffy?

How is Luffy now?

Was Luffy beheaded by Solo?

Is it dead?

Could it be that Luffy is dead, so Solo has lifted his Earth-Booming Star?

Can you come out by yourself? !

For a while, Karp only felt his blood pressure rise.

Until Solo spoke slowly.

"Luffy is still alive."

"The White Beard Pirates have announced their surrender."

"So, the war is over, Lieutenant General Karp."

Solo's voice came to Karp's ears.

As for the content behind he didn't catch it at all.

I only knew that Luffy was still alive.

My grandson is still alive.

"Luffy is still alive..."

Karp repeated this sentence somewhat mechanically.

And through the spread of the experience and color domineering.

Confirmed that Luffy was still alive.

Suddenly, Karp felt a sense of relief in his heart.


not dead.

That kid is still alive!

Moreover, the top war is over!

Although the one waiting for Luffy will be the imprisonment of Push City, at least, he is not dead!


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