At night, in Brooklyn, New York, Peterson was hurriedly walking down the street with a little boy in his arms, as if there was some beast chasing him behind him. Brooklyn is an area with poor security in New York City. The races are mixed, and stowaways from all over the world are hidden in the streets and alleys. Every morning, the police patrolling will find one or several unknown bodies in the streets and alleys. , even those working in the media are too lazy to waste time on this.

He's not a big shot with a big name. People are dying every second on the earth. It can't bring me any benefits, so don't waste my time. It's better to go see which celebrity in Lower Manhattan has caused another scandal. In such a general environment, there are not many pedestrians on the streets of Brooklyn every night, at least those who do serious work, because they know that Brooklyn at night can swallow them up at any time, and only those who Only those who come out at night will enjoy it.

The man holding his child also walked through several streets in half an hour until he saw an ATM open 24 hours a day. There was also a convenience store opposite, with only one clerk inside. When the shop opened, there were very few customers. Also, at this point, who had nothing to do to go out for late-night snacks? Losing money is a small matter, but losing one's life is a big deal.

Seeing that there was a bit of fireworks here, the man who was carrying his child on the way was relieved. He took his child to the ATM. At least there was enough comfortable air-conditioning inside for him and his son to relax. Because of the heat caused by the rush

"Dad, why do we have to leave the hotel?"Put down on the ground by his father, the little black boy with curly hair looked at his father with sweat on his face, with doubts in his eyes.

"Mike, be good, dad can't tell you why, but you just need to know that dad is protecting you, there are bad people looking for dad."Looking at his son who was woken up from a deep sleep, Peterson was also full of apologies. If he had the chance to do it again, he really didn't want to participate in the so-called Superman experiment.

Peterson is a laid-off technician, 35 At the age of 18, he knew nothing but the skill of repairing cars. Originally, by relying on the skill of repairing cars, he had enough funds to support himself and his son, as well as send him to school. Peterson did not have high demands and he ate by himself. Because of his lack of education, he could only place his hope on his son. At least he could not let his son follow his old path. Going to a good university would give him more choices in life. So he worked hard In terms of work, he had the most work in the entire factory, and his salary was much higher than others. For his son, he gave up all bad habits, did not smoke, and even drank alcohol when gathering with his coworkers. After a few drinks, he wanted to spend the rest of his time cultivating and accompanying his son. He no longer had his mother's company. If he, as a father, had not fulfilled his due responsibilities, then Max's life could still be What hope is there?

With such a goal, Peterson is also trying his best to teach his son. He can't help his son academically, but he can teach his son how to be a good person and be a responsible person. , this was the example Peterson set for his son. Everything was going in the right direction until the battle to defend New York. An attack from the alien Chitauri, these locust-like bastards. Flying down from the open hole in the sky, driving the aircraft, holding weapons, constantly destroying the Stark Industrial Building as the center. Unfortunately, the garage where Peterson worked was among them. The accident happened too suddenly, When the huge insect-shaped mothership passed by, the garage where Peterson worked was turned into ruins. Peterson climbed up from the ruins and saw only the bodies of his co-workers and his boss. At this time, he understood, He is unemployed. More importantly, he has to go to school quickly. His son is still in school! The Battle of New York only lasted three hours, and the damage brought to New York was that nearly fifty blocks were devastated. , mostly concentrated in Brooklyn, Queens, and Harlem, because the buildings in these districts have the largest number of aging buildings. They are usually fine, but once they encounter such a military attack, they are basically dregs. It’s just that Spreading the bulk of fifty city blocks into three urban areas is acceptable. It can be used for reconstruction and at the same time make a lot of money, for those contractors and politicians. At first, Peterson, who lost his job, still He could live by receiving subsistence allowances, but it was just barely enough to support himself, but it was not enough to take care of his son's studies. So from the beginning, Peterson followed the engineering team to rebuild these destroyed neighborhoods. , a lot of manpower is needed. Peterson relies on his own skills and strength, and works as if risking his life. He must earn enough money to alleviate his own difficulties. At least these project funds can It took a long time to help himself and his son.

But the good times did not last long. Before Peterson felt lucky to find a job that could temporarily support his family, the engineering team was disbanded because of the disaster that Stark Enterprises established in cooperation with the government. The loss department took over all the projects that were originally allocated. The boss of his engineering team only received a just enough compensation, and the compensation was distributed by the boss to his workers. Peterson could not say anything to the boss, he already had a conscience. , because he knew that this boss also used his wealth to win the contract for all the projects in Queens.

Even they worked first and waited until the boss got the project payment before settling the bill. However, it was over before long before it started. The compensation money was not greedy and ran away. It was just handed to him. What else could Peterson say? Even so, Peterson did not complain about the unfairness of his fate. He only blamed himself for not giving his son a good life, so he started doing odd jobs, counting every penny clearly, and did not tell his son that he was now However, the good times did not last long. As a single father, he did not have any skills to make a living. Even if he worked odd jobs, he could not support himself and his son.

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