People in Harry Potter suddenly become invincible

Chapter 592 The small town rises into the sky, a terrorist force

So it seems that the problem is their side.

There was no other way, Luo Chen took out the proof of ownership of the island as before.

Because these areas are very ancient existences, carrying the atmosphere passed down from the Bichar family. When the leader saw it, he softened on the spot, knelt down to salute, and the watching clansmen did the same.

With a light wave of his hand, Luo Chen dragged them up. Eyes fell on those Centaurs who had died fighting for their families, and a stirring speech was delivered.

In the eager eyes of all the horsemen.

With the lives of these captives, the dead centaurs were transformed into solid fighting spirits.

The centaur tribe burst into joy.

It seemed that he recovered from the sorrow of his companion's death in an instant.

Originally, Luo Chen planned to talk about the tribal union, but seeing how excited they were, let's forget it for now.

talk about it later.

Go back and stay at home, see how to create a big wave in the Muggle society, and then let the real King Luochen return.

Even the chief of the Gu Yue tribe didn't notice Luo Chen's quiet departure.

He teleported back to the town.

I was taken aback, and saw a huge crater with a diameter of more than 10 kilometers in the center of the town.

Luo Chen was in a trance for a while, thinking that he had made a mistake, if not for the town lying obediently at the bottom of the bomb crater at this time.

Most of the river, which had been evaporated to dryness, had continued to flow up and was storing water into the crater, surrounded by wizards wearing the Absolute Defense Curse and the Iron Armor Curse.

Pointing around the crater, he might turn around and leave.

"Sir, you are back."

"Get out of the way!"

Someone soon noticed Luo Chen. Besides Margery, Bonaparte, and Scrimgeour from the Ministry of Magic were responsible for the dispatch.

He had just finished dealing with some incidents at the Ministry of Magic when he received a report that the town of Bristol had been attacked by powerful magic.

"Your Excellency Bichar!"

Scrimgeour, Bonaparte, and Margery all came over and bowed down to say hello. His brows were tightly frowned, with unresolved sadness.

Especially Scrimgeour, he was fooled by Luo Chen. I really can't imagine that such a powerful spell can be used, who else but the people on the other side of the world wall?

Even if he was the deputy minister of the Ministry of Magic, he wouldn't know about the mushroom bombs that are regarded as a secret weapon in the rotten country. As for the fact that there are so many squibs and Muggle-born wizards here, don't they know?

But you must know that the squibs that Luo Chen is gathering now are those who live in the wizarding world and are unwilling to leave. No matter how miserable these squibs have been before, they have a natural rejection of Muggle society, and they are products of Muggle society. , Naturally, all kinds of disdain.

It's like a chain of contempt.

Those who buy real goods look down on those who use high-quality imitations, those who use high-quality imitations look down on those who buy A goods, those who buy A goods look down on those who use fake goods on the street, and those who buy fake goods on the street do not understand and do not eat or drink buy real...

Those Muggle-born wizards who attend Hogwarts from the age of 11. Wizards in other countries have similar experiences. They naturally lack understanding of these secrets, and after learning magic, they naturally understand that wizards are the most powerful in the world.

Naturally, it will also be substituted into the chain of contempt.

It's unreasonable, but it's the status quo in the wizarding world.

Coupled with the constraints of the "Secrecy Act", no matter how much they know about Muggle society, it is useless.

This is vividly expressed in the original book and the movie world.

Luo Chen just came here, so he didn't add the Absolute Defense Curse on his body.

Immediately felt discomfort, hot, numb, bare skin, and soon a red rash appeared.

With his current mana and physique, would he still have such a reaction?

After listening to the descriptions of several people, his heart skipped a beat. Isn't this a fucking mushroom bomb?

Without further ado, he teleported away from this place directly, and then used the Dead Tree Rebirth Curse to heal himself, which worked, otherwise he would have to activate the Immortal Mark in his chest.

Then put on a layer of absolute defense spell, and then return.

He was still thinking about how to stir up the situation in the Muggle society, good guy, this person directly sent the handle to the door.

Scrimgeour was still wondering why Luo Chen left suddenly, and was relieved to see him coming back soon. Then they saw Luo Chen and walked to the edge of the big pit.

"System, upgrade the Great Thousand Worlds Curse to LV3."

9000 influence points deducted.

I thought it was quite a lot before, but now it costs me a lot.

With his current mental strength, this is equivalent to the knowledge flow brought about by his ascension, which has minimal impact on him.

Extreme heaven and earth curse, activate.

Luo Chen appeared in the formation, changed several subtle structures, and added a floating spell.

But in the eyes of outsiders.

The town that fell below the ground slowly floated up amidst the rumbling sound.

Rise higher and higher.

It has been nearly 30 meters higher than the horizon before stopping.

All the sorcerers who watched were stunned, how much magic energy is needed to control the flight.

This Luochen's elder brother, Luoxing Bichar, is really unfathomable.

The fear of Luo Xing in his heart was even higher in his heart.

But the changes are not over yet, the upper section of the river, under Luo Chen's traction, encircled the entire town, and then fell from the edge of the town, forming a ring-shaped water curtain, blocking the jagged bottom of the town. Strange rock.

The area above the entire town has already reached three square kilometers.

This is the entire range covered by the Great Thousand Worlds Mantra.

But there is only so much water in the river, which is obviously not enough, so the next moment, the sky is overcast, and the nearby rain clouds are quickly called, and then accompanied by rumbling thunder, heavy rain pours down.

The 5-square-kilometer crater below was filled at a speed visible to the naked eye.

an hour later.

The rivers at both ends returned to normal, and the original big pit became a huge reservoir. People who didn't know it would only think that the water flowed down from the edge of the town.

However, the water flow of the small river is very low.

So you will feel that the huge reservoir below has taken a long time to accumulate.

Then a gust of wind blew away the rain clouds above, and also lifted the robes of the surrounding people.

An invisible air mass condenses in the air and grows bigger and bigger.

Gradually revealed in front of people.

At a certain moment, a wizard noticed the change, and he subconsciously revoked the defensive spell on his body.

The discomfort was found to be gone.

They knew that it was gathered up by Luo Chen.

Moreover, the area affected by the storm is getting wider and wider, and people who are very close have to move more than 20 miles away.

The sound of the wind is comparable to the sound of thunder.

Finally, the wind stopped.

The night is dark and the stars are shining.

If it wasn't for the reservoir below, if it wasn't for the violent explosion annihilation or the uplifted hills around it, if it wasn't for the destruction of four pillars in the town.

It's hard to imagine that this place was almost in desperation.

"Okay, let's go back!"

Luo Chen's figure appeared in mid-air, but he ingested various toxins within a 5-kilometer radius and condensed them into powder.

This really is totally taken out of the air.

The powder is highly toxic, even Luo Chen had to be careful to wrap them together tightly.

Then raise your wand and summon the Knight Bus.

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