People in Harry Potter suddenly become invincible

Chapter 522: Promoting Strength to LV5

Bonaparte, Dobby, and several nearby guards trembled and looked in the direction of the sound.

At some point, Luo Chen had already appeared in front of them, and besides the flower garden outside the courtyard wall of the inner house.

He was reaching out to tease a butterfly.

It is now mid-April.

The British climate is already suitable for the growth of these fragile little creatures, not to mention this is a magical world.

Look at Luo Chen again.

A head of silver-white long hair was draped over her shoulders, rippling in the breeze, dazzling.

He has a tall and straight figure, and after not seeing him for a month and a half, his size has grown a lot.

And it is true.

The study of the Immortality Curse gave her an unexpected joy. Let him use the knowledge inside to sort out the veins of his body from the inside to the outside, and remove all hidden hidden wounds.

In the past, Luochen transformed himself into silence by causing emotional turmoil, allowing the dark magic to strengthen his muscles, bones, blood vessels and meridians.

Although it will be cured quickly every time, but if the number of times is too many, it will naturally leave behind the hidden disease.

These hidden diseases may not be found for a while, even if it is the curse of the dead tree.

But the accumulation of a little becomes a lot, and it will eventually become a big problem.

This time, he solved it all at once.

At this moment, his character panel has also undergone earth-shaking changes.

【Name】Rochen Bichar

[Race] Human (blessed by Immortal India)

【Magic Energy】Lv5

[Props] Trace Education Revised Version Encyclopedia of Spells

[Remaining number of draws] 1 time

[Influence value] 10286

[Skills] Immortality Curse LV5, Torrential Rain Curse LV5, Catching Wind and Shadow Curse LV5, Full Garden Spring Scenery LV5, Painting the Ground as a Prison Curse Lv5, Withered Wood Spring Curse LV5, Wisdom and Wisdom Curse LV5, Abi Hell Curse LV4 (passive LV5), Seven Return Pill LV4 , Fengjiang Huajie Curse LV4, Jitianwangdi Curse LV3, Changhong Guanri Curse Lv4, Fighting Star Shifting Curse LV2 (passive LV3), Nanke Yimeng Curse LV3, Ear Rewarding God Curse Lv3, Lushan True Face Curse LV3, Weakness Curse LV4, Injury Muscle-moving Curse LV4, Fiery Eyes Curse LV3, Xiaguang Ten Thousand Dao Curse LV5, Great Thousand Worlds Curse LV2 (active).

——Luminescent Curse LV5, Transfiguration Curse LV5, Levitation Curse LV5, Restoration Curse Lv5, Healing Curse LV5, Patronus Charm LV4, Illusion Curse LV4, Ignition Curse LV4, Legilimency Charm LV4, Universal Dispelling Curse LV4, Iron Armor Curse LV3 , Cleaning Curse LV3, Disarming Curse Lv3, Repelling Curse LV3, Body Binding Curse LV3, Cutting Curse LV3, Muggle Repelling Curse LV3, Safe Guarding Curse LV3, Absolute Defense Curse LV3... (LV2 and below are not suitable for expansion)

That's right, mana level LV5!

After completing the special mark of the Immortality he named it the mark of Immortality, he immediately combed his whole body.

The original standard publicity column has successfully reached the level of 1210:1000:1899.

Not to mention, Luo Chen decisively raised the mana level.

Fortunately, Luo Chen made a defense in advance.

Otherwise, the whole town would have been overthrown by him.

Before, he only thought that LV3 to LV4 would be a qualitative change, so the change must be strong.

But now LV4 to LV5 is an incomparably powerful qualitative change, and after reaching this level, he feels a layer of oppression that is faintly felt.

According to the routine of the novel, this should be the limit of the world.

Once you break through, you will ascend, or you will need to leave this world.

There is a feeling that a full-level strong man has finally made it through.

By the way, the magic spell used for defense is of course the absolute defense spell, and it won't work later, and it took a lot of fighting to survive with the [Great Thousand Worlds Curse].

【Great Thousand Worlds Curse】: It is a world of its own, and it is hard to find traces.

Because Luo Chen's strength has been promoted to LV5, he cannot be promoted through the influence value in the future, just like that curse. To break through, rely on yourself.

Moreover, because it was a breakthrough in mana, it was called the first LV5 in the history of this world, so Luo Chen was rewarded with two draws, plus April's, a total of three times.

I used it twice on the spot, because Luo Chen felt that in this D sequence, the chance of getting a good product was greater. And the luck of whoring for nothing is usually not too bad.

This thing is simply a combination of the Scarlet Loyalty Curse, the Space Demon Modified Absolute Defense Curse, and the Peaceful Guarding Curse, so the price of its upgrade is also very touching. From Lv1 to LV2, it cost 3000 influence points.

If we talk about the current town of Bristol, what is it most in need of? Naturally, it is a defensive spell.

However, the various defensive native spells that Luo Chen has come into contact with now have limited abilities and do not meet his requirements and standards.

So the Great Thousand Worlds Mantra appeared very timely.



Bonaparte and Dobby shouted again, first in surprise, this time in bewilderment.

Because Luo Chen was clearly standing there, but they felt that Luo Chen was far away from them.

Rub your eyes again.

Luo Chen's whole body returned to normal, and there was a very detached and elusive aura about him.

"I've worked hard for you recently."

Luo Chen was not being polite, it was a fact.

After the mana reached LV5, he gained the additional ability brought about by the increase in mana level.

As long as it is something with magic energy, it cannot escape his perception.

And now that range is 5 kilometers.

The whole town is under his shadow.

If you have to look at it visually, Luo Chen feels that this is very similar to divine consciousness, but because he has just broken through, this kind of power has not yet been perfectly controlled.

Fortunately, before Luochen wore the Golden Eye Curse, he was doing errands everywhere, and he had already accepted the impact of various information flows.

Now the level has increased, and the spiritual depth has also been enhanced.

So within the 5 kilometers range, the message could not impact him at all. Besides, what can be perceived is only things with magic energy.

In this perception, the town is still full of people coming and going.

It's not like the wizarding world in everyone's impression.

Luo Chen could see that the area of ​​the town had expanded by 1/6 compared to before.

After all, the original size of the town is not small.

However, to achieve this level, even with Luo Chen's previous deterrence, Bonaparte, Margery and the others needed a lot of energy.

This is one of them.

Second, it was because Luo Chen simply wanted to pretend to be aggressive.

Sure enough, after he said this, Bonaparte and Dobby were too excited to speak. Although they only did what they were supposed to do, it felt like being recognized by Luo Chen.

Let them get great satisfaction psychologically.

Especially Dobby, who cried without hesitation. Luo Chen said, "Okay Dobby, now I'm hungry."

"Ah, yes, sir, I'll go right now..." Dobby teleported away subconsciously, but he snapped his fingers, but his body still stayed in place.

Luo Chen seemed to have directly called his name just now, and the next moment, he looked at Bonaparte fiercely.

The latter looked as usual.

No surprises.

They have long suspected the identity of this house elf with a very special personality!

"anymore question?"

"No, no, sir!"

Dobby shook his head hastily, then teleported and really left.

Luo Chen didn't explain this issue either, but asked Bonaparte to find out what happened in the town recently.

This is really quite a lot, there are too many things that need to be decided by Luo Chen, because it involves the cooperation of many big families.

The main thing is.

The reserves of magic crystals are already insufficient.

It was also because Luo Chen had stayed for half a month longer, otherwise he would have come out earlier. With his refining speed, such a situation would not have happened in fact.

He waved his hand to let it back down.

He went back to the yard by himself and lay down on a lawn casually.

"There are two problems to be solved now."

"First, quickly collect 30,000 influence points."

"Second, suppress the speed of strength improvement."

The second question seemed outrageous, but it was indeed a problem that happened to Luo Chen.

Because he could feel all substances containing magic energy, as long as it was within 5 kilometers of Luochen.

But this way of induction is similar to Luochen's horned mana and spiritual power fused together, and then resonated with the outside world.

So during this process, some foreign alien magic energy would spontaneously enter Luo Chen's body. In addition, Luochen's mana was endowed by the system from the very beginning, without any tendency, it was extremely clean.

It also means strong inclusiveness, when the outside mana enters it, it will be refined and purified by Luochen's own mana.

Then take it for his own use, if Luochen's own mana remains fully charged, this effect will affect Luochen's body and spirit.

Make his physical fitness and mental power constantly improve, and keep approaching the total amount.

But in fact, at this moment, the ratio shown by Luochen's standard formula is 342:1000:927.

As for the reason, Luo Chen can understand, it's like when you have hundreds of millions or billions, you will feel that making money is not difficult.

Moreover, the magic energy and strength in Luochenjiao have become unimaginably strong, so it seems that the timing is changing, and the heaven and earth work together to actively help him improve his strength.

If it was in the past, Luo Chen would be overjoyed.

At this rate, he estimated that within a year, he might have to break through to the next level.


Still don't need the kind of system assistance.

This is very weird, as if the world is actively helping Luo Chen get out of here.

But the problem is that Luo Chen still has a lot of things to do, it is impossible to leave right away.

Let's say he has to have a baby.

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