People in Harry Potter suddenly become invincible

Chapter 499 side effects, drug testing

It was hard to escape later.

But he doesn't have that memory either.

It wasn't that he was eliminated by someone, but because after taking the medicine, he was in a daze for a while, just like a real mouse.

This is also why, obviously, some habits that were formed in a year...nearly two years were slowly restrained and corrected by Pettigrew Peter in just a few months, and made a lot of money. root cause of the outcome.

So the medicine in front of me.

Still pretty poisonous.

Unfortunately, Jian Shiqi didn't know.

Originally, I wanted to bring Mu Shangxue to try, but there was no one.

I can only try it on the spot.

In his concept, practitioners (wizards) like them are still very strong in physique.


"What's up."

Luo Chen had just refined a few magic crystals when he was interrupted by Dobby.

He walked out of the secret room and came to the door of the study, where Dobby was standing.

"Sir, Dobby is sorry to bother you!"

This is Dobby's habit, and he apologizes when he comes up. Luo Chen shook his head to express his indifference, and then the other party continued: "Ms. Mu Shangxue asks to see you. I have already mentioned to her that you have important arrangements, so she can talk about it later, but Ms. Mu Shangxue seems very anxious ,so……"

Luo Chen didn't wait for Dobby to finish talking, and walked past him.

All the way out of the gate of the inner house, only then did I see Mu Shangxue standing at the gate and wandering back and forth.

Seeing Luo Chen, the latter hurriedly said: "Mr. Bichar, I'm sorry to disturb you. The elder has urgently summoned me to return to Hogwarts, so I would like to ask for your permission!"

Dobby was used to it, but Mu Shangxue was really humble from the bottom of his heart.

Luo Chen would never refuse.

"What happened?"

"It's because of the second match of the Goblet of Fire..." Mu Shangxue told Luo Chen the details of the second match.

It was only then that Luochen remembered that Dumbledore had discussed with him some items in the second Goblet of Fire match, but he didn't mention the specific details to him.

"That seems quite anxious, I'll take you back." Luo Chen nodded, and he also recalled what he forgot before.

I originally went to find trouble with the Crabbe family, but because their principals were not there, I met such a strange person as Toyama Leopard Crapo.

It was a little bit late, but the opponent is now at the Fire Cup league scene, which is a good opportunity. The opponent can't fight him on the spot, and he is still the victim.

There are good reasons.

Mu Shangxue wanted to refuse, but when she saw Luo Chen's extended hand, her face blushed, she nodded slightly, and put her small hand on Luo Chen's arm.

Holding it tightly, she guessed that Luo Chen would activate apparition, and the taste of twisting and traveling in that space was not pleasant.

She had to hurry up, otherwise she would be separated, and she would have no place to cry.

As a result, this thought hadn't come to an end, Mu Shangxue only felt the cold water rushing up from the front, making her feel suffocated for a moment, and then the uncomfortable feeling disappeared.

Boiling cheers reached her ears, and when she opened her eyes, she found that they had arrived at the arena.

And the location happened to be on the highest mountain peak in the middle of the field, and his left front was conveniently set up for the competition.

It is nearly 30 meters shorter than here.

As I said before, whenever Luo Chen appears, he must be the most dazzling one.

There were a lot of people at the scene, and within a second of his appearance, no one noticed, and then more and more eyes were cast on him, and the scene became even more heated.

Many people even took off their hats and scarves, shaking them vigorously on top of their heads, trying to get Luo Chen's attention.

Obviously he hasn't done anything yet.

Dumbledore and the others naturally noticed it too, but they saw Mu Shangxue standing with Luo Chen. A very dark light flashed across his eyes.

Fudge, who was standing beside him, whispered, "What's the relationship between these two?"

Luochen's influence is increasing day by day, his every move. It would have been disassembled, analyzed, and extended by caring people long ago.

The last time Fuji sent Luo Chen an invitation letter, the other party didn't even reply.

He has regretted it a little by now, it seems that the idea of ​​taking Luo Chen down forcefully at the beginning was really reckless.

But there was no turning back when he opened the bow, so he could only continue walking, regardless of whether Luo Chen could see it or not. He gently waved his hand in greeting, and Luo Chen also activated the floating spell in due course.

He and Mu Shangxue slowly flew to the high platform.

"Nice to see you again, Monsieur Bichar!"

Before the others could respond, Slughorn hurried over, grabbed Luo Chen's hand with both hands, and shook it violently.


Luo Chen had seen him a long time ago, but this time he was happy to pretend.

Because from the moment he appeared, hints of influence value +1 and +2 kept popping up on his diary board.

Now, in addition to passively receiving the influence value provided by the previous influence every day, if he makes some more eye-catching actions, he will naturally get the influence value, but the value is not stable.

"I haven't introduced myself yet, I'm..." Slughorn wished he could show all the eighteen generations of his ancestors, wasting Luochen three minutes.

Not only did he tell Luo Chen of his more famous achievements, but he even showed off some of the more powerful people or athletes with whom he has a good relationship.

Although he maintained a very yearning tone while speaking, he could feel that he was very excited to be able to meet/speak a word with Luo Chen in person, those small eyes seemed to be shining .

In short, because of Luo Chen's arrival, he wasted another 15 minutes to get in touch with other potion masters.

In the process.

Mu Shangxue and Jian Shiqi had already quarreled.

"You're an idle bastard..." As soon as she said this, Mu Shangxue glanced at Luo Chen, turned around to block the other side, and put a distance away from Jian Shiqi, and continued: "If you are really okay, just Go play with your sword!"

"Didn't you say that you want to go out of your own way of swordsmanship and develop 17 moves against the sky?"

"...Do you still have a lot of time? You came here to learn these useless potions..."

Jian Shiqi didn't speak, and let Mu Shangxue reprimand him.

But in my heart I am complacent, don’t you all look down on me, you all think that I can’t make my own way on the way of potion, now I have made it, and according to the regulations of the competition.

Even if you, Mu Shangxue, don't want to eat it, you have to eat it.

Unless you don't have a sense of collective honor!

"That is to say, now we are close to the second item, and someone needs to test the medicine..." Luo Chen was suddenly interrupted by Feiqiu Kuha.


"It's not a drug test, it's the process of the competition. If a contestant has absolute confidence in his drug, he can choose to give this lady or not. It fails."

Luo Chen didn't even listen, even when he walked to the cauldron.

After staring at the golden and irregular ammunition for a while, the word "dragon and tiger golden pill" that often appears in novels suddenly appeared in my mind.

This thing is poisonous, right?

"Are you sure you want Mu Shangxue to test the medicine?" Luo Chen looked at Jian Shiqi and asked.

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