People in Harry Potter suddenly become invincible

Chapter 486 The Second Match Begins


In the arena outside the academy.

Nine Warriors have already entered the field, and they are in the second game.

Refining water of life and death.

However, in order to increase the fun of the competition and reflect the all-round strength and skills of these participating warriors, they redesigned and transformed the competition.

First of all, they will provide some potion materials for the warriors.

But the quality of the magic materials provided is average.

If the refining process of the water of life and death is not perfect, then this part of the material will also become an important reason for the failure of refining.

at the same time.

In that huge field in the first game. It took the Ministry of Magic and Hogwarts Professor Sprout nearly a month to open up several temporary production areas for medicinal materials.

Because a large number of materials related to life and death have been planted, of course more than 90% of them are interference options.

There are quite a few low-quality ones, of which there are only 5 copies in total of above-average quality.

This is also doomed, under theoretical circumstances, at least four people cannot refine the dead water perfectly and quickly.

Of course.

Some highly skilled, even common materials, as long as the properties are not absolutely conflicting, they can successfully refine the water of life and death, and achieve good results.

After refining the dead water, regardless of success or failure, they are the only test objects.

It was their dance partner at the time.

This time, it also comes with a test of courage.

Because most wizards are very confident in their skills during the competition, after successful refining, they have to use this kind of potion on their closest "closest" people.

There will also be hesitation.

What's more, in this kind of competitive competition, it is very likely that all types of potion materials cannot be collected, and temporary magic changes are needed, so the potion is refined.

If you continue to take it for your dance partner, the psychological pressure will definitely be enormous.


"Harry Potter, give me the narcissus root in your hand." At the foot of a mountain, this place has been converted into a temporary swamp with a small area.

There are several daffodils found inside, but the one with the highest quality grows in the middle.

Harry Potter was one step ahead.

Because some people cheated on him, he didn't need much effort to understand the competition this time, so he made up for the refining method of the water of life and death.

Dumbledore also suggested that he learn from Snape.

He did go for the competition, but Snape has been researching potions these days. Although he has given him some guidance, it is not too much, and his sarcasm has never been less.

In addition, the students in the academy have treated him very badly recently, and the outside media has even considered the pure relationship between him and Luo Chen as an unwarranted couple relationship, which made his mentality explode for a while.

If it weren't for Lu Ping and others to be able to stand firmly on his side, it would have given him some psychological comfort.

Even Sirius Black, after hearing about this, wrote a letter himself, letting him deal with the game with peace of mind, and there is no need to worry about the rest.

Before the opening, the nine warriors entered the arena at the same time from different positions, and when he came up, he encountered Narcissus, so he naturally wouldn't miss it.

Just accepted it and was about to leave, but was stopped by the team.

"Student Krum, there are many more here, you can choose other ones."

Harry Potter glanced around, making sure there was no other ambush, and prepared to run away.

Lu Ping and others have already explained to him in detail the key and risks of this game.

And after breaking up with Luo Chen.

He desperately needed prestige now, from outside Hogwarts.

This Goblet of Fire is a great opportunity.

It is also one of the main reasons why he has persisted until now and finally did not decide to abstain.


"Give me your weapon!"

Harry Potter, who had been prepared for a long time, responded with a disarming spell.

The two spells collided in the air, shooting out brilliant cremation lightning. Maybe because he is Destiny's Child.

Most spells are cast with special effects.

"I feel really good."

"You are the most difficult." Krum loosened his shoulders, and slowly leaned forward in a tiger pounce.

It seems that he intends to fight hand-to-hand with Harry Potter.

With his physique and physical fitness, he does have such an advantage.

Harry Potter is only in the third grade now, and his body is very thin.

"Krum, it's just a game."

"Flocks of birds!"

Krum suddenly launched an attack. Pointing at the wand, the gravel in front of Harry Potter. They all turned into a crow with a steel-colored beak, and pounced on Harry Potter.

Harry Potter rolled out of the way, he was only a third year. Even though he is much stronger than himself when he participated in the Goblet of Fire competition in the original book, his choice of spells is more refined than numerous.

"All petrified."

Krum predicted and rushed towards Harry Potter. The other party hadn't fully stood up yet, so he definitely couldn't react.

But Harry Potter is so incomprehensible, and because of the weird posture, he used the Disarming Charm.

Although he didn't face the basilisk in the second year, and didn't use it to gain reputation, this Harry Potter still mastered a lot of spells, and he used them more and more superbly.

Bright red lightning rays shot out.

Together with the petrification curse.

All of this petrification was obviously only a one-off, and there was no sign of confrontation, but it happened to be guided by Harry Potter.

A large number of sparks burst out, and Krum had to desperately output magic energy to fight back.

This pair, he felt the pressure.

But the problem was not big, and he was still under control. While increasing his magic power, he approached Harry Potter and controlled the wand to be raised high.

Harry Potter was suppressed for a while.

Harry Potter half prone on the ground, facing the enemy with a strenuous posture.

The huge pressure made him hardly want to resist when he was overwhelmed, but as soon as the idea came up, the wand in his hand suddenly shook, as if trying to break free. After being held tightly by him, a huge wave of magic energy , gushing from the wand.

Krum, who had just walked forward for less than three steps, didn't pay attention, and was sent flying by a bright red light.

The wand flew in a circle and landed in Harry Potter's hands.


Krum was a little stunned. He had a lot of force just now, but after being knocked into the air, it didn't cause too much damage to him.

But this also made him puzzled. He clearly had the upper hand, but why did he suddenly lose?

Harry Potter was also a little confused, but after holding the other wand, he quickly got up.

Pointed his wand at Krum.

"Hand over the materials on your body!"

Now, it's the other way around.


The cave where Voldemort and Pettigrew lived.

It took a lot of means and materials to basically heal Pettigrew Peter's injuries. Of course, he couldn't do anything about the things he lost.

When he is fully revived, change him into an aluminum alloy!

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