People in Harry Potter suddenly become invincible

Chapter 472 The Teacher's Final Message

Wait for the town of Bristol to develop.

Diagon Alley will definitely be affected.

It's better to take this opportunity to sell the land there completely. Anyway, in the past, there were many shopkeepers who tested Luochen's intentions.

Moreover, the land there is very expensive, and any shop can sell tens of thousands of Galleons.

If they sell all of them, the income of several million may be considered small.

In this era of consumption, such as the Weasley family, who only rely on the twenty or so gold Galleons every month to live.

Not to mention a few million makes Luochen the richest man in the entire wizarding world, but being the richest man in a corrupt country is not a problem at all.

Obviously, his tens of thousands of ideas before, the pattern is too small.


"Sir, long time no see!"

Luo Chen walked into the Leaky Cauldron, and the shop owner, Old Tom, was greeted immediately.

"It's been too busy lately."

There are too many people who want to say hello to Luo Chen. When chatting or eating in the bar, they flocked over to say hello to Luochen. It shows his strong prestige in the wizarding world of the corrupt country at this time.

It was hard to deal with them.

Old Tom led Luo Chen into the private room behind the bar.

"Now you also understand why I won't appear here so easily, right?"

Luo Chen said casually, and Old Tom nodded with a wry smile.

"Sir, I wonder if you are coming today?"

"Almost forgot the business, you help me release the news, I want to sell the land in Diagon Alley."

"Sell the land?" Old Tom immediately regained his energy, he was a little surprised.

The land in Diagon Alley has been sold at a very high price.

This is a rotten country with a large land area and a sparse population. I heard that in those densely populated countries, such as Huaxia, there are people who wait all day for demolition to make a fortune, and there are also unscrupulous people who hoard land and maliciously inflate the price of land. merchant.

And for the heir and person in charge of a wizard family like Luo Chen, even if he is the only one.

However, the sale of the land also shows that the Bichar family has encountered financial difficulties, and this is often a sign of a family's decline.

But Luochen just came back, and he also served Luochen not long ago.

How good is this?

No, Luo Chen had to be dissuaded, and he couldn't be allowed to go on this road of no return.

If the land is placed there, money will make money.


Luo Chen directly raised his hand to interrupt, and said: "You don't need to say it, I have made up my mind, and you know that I have the idea of ​​establishing a second Hogsmeade in the Rotten Kingdom, so the business in Diagon Alley will definitely be huge when the time comes." hit."

"And the diagonal line is closely connected with Knockturn Alley."

"The Leaky Cauldron Bar was built here, and I have experienced a lot of dangers." Luo Chen said, "For example, your strength is improving now, and your physique is getting stronger. I heard that many wizards are secretly inquiring for information."

Old Tom's eyes widened suddenly.

He had never told Luo Chen about this matter.

How did the other party know?

Yes, with someone like Luo Chen in his hands, naturally there is more than one line of information like him.

This also put old Tom under pressure immediately.

But on the other hand, for Luo Chen to care about such an ordinary wizard like him, it warmed his heart.

"Huh, sir!"

"Just leave it to me."

"Within half a month, I will definitely give you a satisfactory answer."

In fact, if Luo Chen wanted to sell the land, he could go to those merchants and negotiate with them.

Those hosts with backgrounds will naturally contact the big families behind them immediately.

If it wasn't for maintaining the balance with the Ministry of Magic in the past, Luo Chen would not have taken back the Diagon Alley land so easily when he returned this time.


When Luo Chen was weak, someone sent a black wizard to test him out.

He even planned to kill Luo Chen, but Luo Chen killed him instead.

But in that case, it is definitely not possible to sell at the highest price.

For things like land, the most advantageous option is to go through the auction route.


I chatted with Old Tom casually, and after noon, he was about to leave.

There are still a lot of things to do when I go back. The batch of white jade in my hand has not been refined yet, and the seven-return pill has to be put on the agenda. The town of Bristol wants to stand up.

These two are the strongest secret weapons.

As a result, as soon as he went out, he happened to see Narcissa and Draco coming in from Diagon Alley.

Because of the path they were traveling, they happened to collide with Luo Chen, and it was impossible for Narcissa to avoid it.

"Monsieur Bichar."

"good afternoon."

"Well, hello, Mrs. Malfoy, have you eaten yet?"

This was the first time Luo Chen and Narcissa met alone, of course Draco, a brat, can be ignored directly.

It was the first time Narcissa, who was born as a lady, encountered this kind of answer, so she almost didn't understand it.

"Thank you for teaching my son, Draco."

"In the past few years, his strength has improved a lot, and his horizons have also broadened a lot. I know this is all thanks to you."

Luo Chen's mind was spinning rapidly, this is how to answer? It's inappropriate to just turn around and leave, and Narcissa is only a first-class woman.

And these words were obviously expressing concern for his son and gratitude to him, but to be honest, Luo Chen really didn't teach Draco much.

But one thing to say, the other party was very honest in his class.

For a while, Luo Chen really thought that Draco had completely changed, but the influence value he gained from the other party was very little, almost to the point of being negligible.

It was only later that I heard that the other party would actually challenge Harry Potter and that completely negligible Ron to a duel.

So the inferiority in his bones still hasn't changed.

Not daring to make trouble in Luochen's class was probably out of fear of great strength.

It's in line with their family tradition and Draco's personality.

But there is one thing to say.

In the early stage when the influence value income was very little, Luo Chen once put a lot of hope on guys with such a bad personality like Malfoy, thinking that it would change their character.

A lot of value can be obtained, but later, there are more and more methods and ways to affect the value of the value, which also makes Luo Chen no longer take this matter to heart.


The Narcissa in front of her may not be a good person, but she is a very competent mother.

Feeling it, I chatted with the other party for a few words.

"Although Mr. Malfoy's grades are not outstanding, his strength is about average, he often fails to hand in his homework, his handwriting is sloppy, he often fights, and he refuses to change after repeated admonition... But he is still a teenager, he is still a child, you should Forgive me."

"Again, Mr. Malfoy, there is still a lot of room for improvement."

Speaking of this, Luo Chen looked at Draco, who had lowered his head and was at a loss, raised his hand and patted him on the shoulder. The latter staggered and almost fell.

Fortunately, he was stopped by his stiff mother who smiled.

"Although I am no longer a teaching assistant at Hogwarts, but Mr. Malfoy, here is another word for you."

"Because good good study, so day day up."

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