People in Harry Potter suddenly become invincible

Chapter 458 Really Don't Give Luo Chen an Account

Although they knew in their hearts that even if the two of them were not under the spell, they might not cooperate.

After all, the level of identity is too different.

But people, sometimes you have to learn to comfort yourself.

In this way, life will be less troublesome.

Dumbledore and Fudge also interrogated Gower and Crabbe symbolically.

I was fortunate for a while, thanks to leaving this trouble to old Malfoy to deal with it himself.

Fudge had a guess in his mind that this matter could not be so simple, but there were more troubles waiting for them.

Now a little less is a little bit.

In any case, these three companies stand firmly together. If you provoke one, you will provoke three, or even more.

But those Death Eaters were not so lucky.

In particular, the three Death Eaters who had already stood in the camp of Goyle and Crabbe confided their guesses that Goyle and Crabbe were controlled by the Imperius Curse.

Many wizards who came to the banquet were very interested in this White Jade Pagoda, and wanted to come in to have a look, but they were blocked by Aurors.

However, through their contacts, I learned some inside information, so that most people left in no hurry, and wanted to see how this matter would develop.

Because judging from the facts they learned, both parties were at fault.

But the most present were people from aristocratic families.

In addition, everyone is from a corrupt country.

Under such circumstances, even if they feel bad for old Malfoy, Goyle, Crabbe and other families, at this time, they will stand up for them.

If Fudge doesn't give them a satisfactory answer, I'm afraid the rule of the Ministry of Magic in this corrupt country will be affected a lot.

Fudge obviously understood this too.

After synthesizing the information from Malfoy's side, he came to Raj Xiaoquan's office on the second floor.

Those golden-robed wizards can only limit Aurors below the 6th floor.

There was no way, the rest of the people retreated to Raj Xiaoquan's office on the second floor, firstly as a protection.

The second is to facilitate the acceptance of countermeasures.

So many people died, and they couldn't hide it even if they wanted to. Even though they had already collected or burned these corpses, the people on both sides were still alive.

"Your team leader, how is the situation?"

At this moment, Fudge was overwhelmed with thoughts, couldn't figure it out clearly, felt stressed, and naturally his mood was not much better.

A golden-cloaked wizard who was in charge of guarding the door was about to say something when the door was suddenly opened.

Raj Xiaoquan's arm was simply bandaged.

Luo Chen's Changhong Sun Piercing Curse had a very strong penetrating power, and burned the bones, muscles, and skin of the wound in an instant. But magic is not as difficult as black magic.

Caused mainly physical damage.

So the seemingly terrifying wound has been repaired by them with healing spells.

Of course even so.

Raj Xiaoquan also had to hang his arms obediently over his chest and rest for a while.

"Secretary Fudge, please sit down!"

Raj Xiaoquan was polite, but his face was very ugly.

"No, I'm here to ask you for an answer."

"Why are there so many people trespassing into the border of my corrupt country without permission?"

"We are not invading, we are here to follow up." Raj Xiaoquan was well prepared, "Not long ago, a group of black wizards went to our country to make trouble and hurt countless lives."

"For various reasons, I didn't control them when I was in the territory, but I left a mark on them, and followed them all the way. In order not to scare the snake, I didn't report it from your country."

"Why should I believe you?" Fuji Island smelled something unusual from the other party's words. Although he was invoking the teacher to inquire about the crime, he also knew that his own problem was even bigger.

Although except for the three Death Eaters, who have said everything that should be explained, the other Death Eaters, including old Malfoy, Goyle and Crabbe, all said that they just arrived at Hogwarts tonight. , came to seek revenge.

Never occupied the White Jade Pagoda.

But no one would believe this.

However, Fudge and even Dumbledore did not expose it on the spot, because to some extent, this is political correctness. There's a whole bunch of people out there waiting for a conclusion.

"What I said is the truth. If you don't believe it, I can't help it." Raj Xiaoquan said lightly.

"By the way, our patriarch died heroically in the battle just now. Before he died, he also killed several black wizards who made trouble.

Fudge changed his expression, and asked, "The dark wizards you mentioned were the ones who made big moves at the gate of Hogwarts before."

"That's right!"

Even if Fudge wanted to calm things down, his temper almost exploded on the spot.

These people are really shameless!

Originally, according to his plan, just treat this accident as a fight caused by seeking revenge. Anyway, only those insiders knew how many people died at that time.

There are only traces left on the outside.

No one will ever know about it again, and if he releases such news, I am afraid that the impact it caused would not be much worse than Voldemort's back then.

This is something that Fudge, and even the entire Ministry of Magic, do not want to see, nor allow.

Therefore, they originally wanted to say that although there were injuries, there were no casualties.

Tomorrow's Prophet's Daily will also discuss the theme of the corrupt country wizard's youthful blood.

And he also came to negotiate with Raj Xiaoquan for this purpose. Don't be afraid that the other party will not accept it. Anyway, this is my corrupt country. If you don't accept it, I will suppress it and control public opinion first.

But now Raj Xiaoquan has also proposed a solution, which is a sign of weakness. Although this in itself is nonsense.

But at least the other party showed their attitude.

Although the White Jade Pagoda was damaged.

Although their Warriors directly chose to abstain in the first game.

But this has nothing to do with old Malfoy and the others, it is entirely their own decision.

This will not affect the progress of the Goblet of Fire League.


It is still these dark wizards of your corrupt country who did the wrong thing. You must pay the price and die.

And he was very clever to target the black wizards. For any country, these black wizards are maggots Raj, the source of chaos.

I don't want to see any ruling force, and I even want to get rid of it quickly.

So in the eyes of Raj Xiaoquan, this is already a great concession for them.

After all, the White Jade Pagoda is seriously damaged now, and they need enough time to maintain the stability of the situation around them.

He himself needs time to make a stable transition and accept all the resources of the Raj family.

Although now he is the oldest and most prestigious in the entire Raj family.

But his strength is by no means the strongest.

The young and strong faction of the Raj family has grown up.

Dumbledore, who had been standing aside with a blank face, suddenly interrupted.

"What about Miss Granger?"

Although he is not enthusiastic about politics, judging from the past and the present, he has roughly touched some of Fudge's psychological threads.

Know the other party's psychological tendency.

I also understand that such a solution is currently the most appropriate.

But he didn't agree, after all, so many people died.

He is a benevolent white wizard.

But at the same time, he is still a wizard of the corrupt country, and it is impossible for him to betray.

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