Old Malfoy, thought the man would do it.

But I didn't expect it to be solved so quickly and so easily.

Thinking of the man in the black wizard robe and the white mask, Old Malfoy became depressed for a while.

Just after recovering, he asked Goyle to use the Chasing Wind and Shadow Curse to collect the nearby breath.

It's a pity that apart from the three of them, as well as this mountain forest, there isn't any one that belongs to Luo Chen.

That is to say, that person.

The identity background is not simple.

Although the spell of chasing wind and shadow has been handed down. But those who can learn are now the heirs of pure blood families with higher status.

Although those Aurors with ordinary backgrounds have the right to learn, they are ordered not to spread it.

Otherwise, upon discovery.

For Azkaban, the half-year package.

On the grounds of privately revealing the secrets of the Ministry of Magic and causing heavy losses to the Ministry of Magic.

It may even make people feel that this sentence is light, and it is the mercy of the Ministry of Magic.

And similar cases have occurred before.

Lincoln, who was a victim of political struggles at that time, was listed among several charges, and one of the charges was that he leaked the precious knowledge of the Ministry of Magic without authorization.

As for whether it is true or not, no one knows.

Anyway, until now, no one has caught it.


Old Malfoy asked Goyle to let go and stood by himself, and Crabbe woke them up one by one.

The Death Eaters saw Goyle, Corab and old Malfoy back safely. First, there was a burst of exclamation, and the tone was full of joy.

After all, it was his side that won.

Although I don't know why the incomprehensibly strong guy before didn't kill them, he obviously looked like a ruthless master.

But it's good to be alive.

At the same time, there are also some people who feel uneasy in their hearts. They are the real diehards of Gore and Crabbe.

Although some died, among the remaining 10 people.

Three are survivors.

Fortunately, they had masks on their faces, so they couldn't see their expressions, but other Death Eaters might not let them go.

Someone has already looked this way, and the eyes under the mask are full of jokes.

Can't wait to get revenge.

So as Crabbe approached, the three whispered to Crabbe, what was the charter?

But Crabbe was re-wowed by "Old Malfoy".

Crabbe just smiled slightly, continuing the instructions given to him by old Malfoy. So the three Death Eaters suddenly realized that Crabbe might be under control.

The person standing next to Gore is probably not a figure at the level of the patriarch.

He understands the stupid rules between those pure-blood families.

And now it seems that the person is not in good condition, if he suddenly explodes, can he be caught?

But seeing Gore beside him, the three of them looked at each other and gave up.

Take one step at a time!

But after they were all untied, the three of them got together and apparently formed a small circle. If something bad happens, they run away immediately. Go all out.

They would have fled long ago if the untied Death Eaters hadn't already set their sights on them.

"Today, I see everyone's hard work."

"At this point in the battle, there are still no cowardly and greedy fugitives. I am very satisfied. At the same time, everyone present has tripled their original salary..."

Old Malfoy briefly talked about the arrangement.

The three breathed a sigh of relief. It seemed that the old Malfoy had no intention of pursuing them.

The rest of the people are also very excited. Although they were summoned for their former ideals, they have also experienced a lot of hardships in recent years.

Only a fool will refuse when a lot of money is offered.

For a moment, he didn't even care about those three traitors.

Both Gore and Crabbe were under control. They believed that the mysterious man in front of them would give them a satisfactory answer.

Then old Malfoy waved his hand and told them to untie the remaining fourteen Japanese wizards from the tree, re-bundle them, and prepare to take them to the White Jade Pagoda.

And he, Gore, and Crabbe went one step ahead.

After standing there for a while, his legs were already trembling.

For people without cheats, the consumption of magic energy also represents the loss of physical strength.

It turned out that they had just arrived at the gate of the White Jade Pagoda.


A ball of white light suddenly hit the three of them in front of them.

"It seems that I came here, just right!"

Old Malfoy was taken aback, and Goyle and Crabbe, who were under control, naturally stepped forward to protect Old Malfoy.

It doesn't matter.

Old Malfoy felt a lump in his heart, no wonder he felt something was missing.

The leader sent to the castle for this so-called Yule Ball, and the 4 wizards in gold robes, and the common man.

They're all back now, but they've tied up one more person, Hermione.

This made old Malfoy temporarily confused about the other party's thinking.

This is Hermione Granger!

Is this courting death?

The relationship between Hermione and Luochen is well known.

There were 4 golden-robed wizards over there without Raj Xiaoquan's order, and immediately separated three of them to attack the old Malfoy and the other three.

"Stonewall Fortress!"

"The front tooth contest is great!"

Goyle and Crabbe fought back instinctively. Old Malfoy's mana had been exhausted, overdrawn, and hadn't been replenished yet. He could only watch helplessly.

Sure enough, within two rounds, he was taken down.

They wait for work at leisure.

On my own side, I am naturally not an opponent.

Originally, the melee battlefield was not too far from the White Jade Pagoda, only more than 200 meters away. The movement here quickly attracted the attention of the Death Eaters.

However, there was a battle between them.

The state of Bigol and Crabbe is only bad.

They all surrendered, and some people sneaked over to release the Raj patriarch's people, and now they are completely at a disadvantage.


Old Malfoy was pointed at by Naraji Xiaoquan's wand, not daring to move at all, and threw his wand out.

As for Goyle, Corab, and the other Death Eaters, they were either tied up with ropes or knocked out so that none of them could move.

A golden-cloaked wizard who had gone to rescue before turned back and said something in Raj Xiaoquan's ear?

The latter's eyes were fixed, and his face changed wildly.

"Damn it, you actually killed the patriarch of our Raj family."

"Damn you!"

As he spoke, a violent spell hit old Malfoy directly in the stomach, sending him flying far away.


A lot of blood that had already accumulated sprayed out, and old Malfoy fainted again.

But he clearly remembered that Patriarch Naraj was in good condition.

Although very old and with blood on his face, Crabbe checked and was not dead.

The golden-robed wizard had an idea and understood what he should do.

"Of course, the most important thing now is to collect the corpse for the patriarch so that his soul can return to his hometown."

Raj Xiaoquan waved his hands and closed his eyes, his body swaying.

It's sad to watch!

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