After all, Luo Chen was a professor at Hogwarts.

Now he still needs to maintain his reputation as much as possible.

Can't take the initiative to come forward.

Then this White Jade Pagoda will continue to be controlled by old Malfoy, which is far better than being controlled by people from the Magic Institute.

Maybe they have a way to quickly restore the White Jade Pagoda.

This is not good.

Of course, being mastered by old Malfoy is not the best way. But in a short time, he has no better choice.

"So be it!"

Making up his mind, Luo Chen controlled the young man first, and came to the side of a big hole he had blown up. Stuffing its entire body into more than half, and then condensing the magic energy, fully activated the Transformation Curse that reached LV4.

With great difficulty, the white jade fragments added in the later period made several spikes extend from the damaged wall, piercing into the left half of the young man's body.

It gives people the illusion that Baiyu Pagoda is turning back on the young man and seizing the vitality in his body.

This person tried to attack him before, even helping to crack the defense system of the White Jade Pagoda. But not killing him directly is already extraordinarily merciful.

Especially the location of the puncture.

Under Luo Chen's exquisite control technique, he was not further seriously injured.


Luo Chen took a few steps back, it looked a bit crude, but he also spent a lot of mana. It is so easy and simple to use the magic circle to refine these white jades.

Simply using magic spells to change, but it will be so difficult.

It's really one thing and one thing.

I don't know how much human and financial resources were spent by the magic institute at that time in order to build this white jade tower?

In the end, Luo Chen cast an illusion spell on himself.

He found Bai Yutang.

The battle between the two sides became more intense, and the dust gradually dissipated, because Luo Chen's instructions to the giant spiders were to keep them in balance.

Now it's almost the same time, they naturally have to run away quickly

Roughly sweep.

In the Malfoy camp, there is only one golden robe wizard left, and the rest are all dead.

There were 13 people left in Death Eater attire. But no trace of old Malfoy was found.

I don't know if he hid, ran away for a while, or died.

There are still 18 people left who were sent by the Magic Institute to capture the White Jade Pagoda.

However, there were 7 people whose bodies were injured to varying degrees, and two of them had unstoppable bleeding from their abdomens, obviously seriously injured by the curse.

Up to now, relying entirely on tenacity.

Luo Chen walked around quietly, preparing to kill those injured first.

Suddenly seeing old Malfoy's side, a tall, thin man stepped out with his hands raised high. Wearing an iron armor curse on his body, in case of any eventuality.

"Stop it all, listen to me!"

His voice was very loud, apparently he had used the spell of expansion, and the magical fireworks in the sky were still blooming, so the movement here has not attracted the attention of the people in the castle.

The fight between the two sides was in full swing, how could it be possible to stop just as soon as they said they would.

He waited until Crabbe emphasized it several times, even at the cost of a spell, flying the only remaining golden-robed wizard on his side.

Only then did the two sides stop slowly, and each returned to their respective camps, confronting each other from afar.

Patriarch Raj stepped forward in person, wanting to hear what the other party meant?

"We have suffered heavy losses so far, there is no need to continue fighting."

"Why don't you just say what you want?"

"You despicable robber, what do we want? Don't you know that this White Jade Pagoda belongs to our Magic Institute, so hurry up and return the pagoda. There may be room for negotiation on this matter!"

A middle-aged wizard who was guarding the Raj patriarch shouted loudly, and he was quite proficient in English.

A gleam flashed in Crabbe's eyes.

On the surface, he was very innocent, "What are you talking about, snatching the White Jade Pagoda? But we were also invited to come and guard it..."

As a result, before he finished talking, Patriarch Raj made a sudden move. A black boulder fell from the sky.

Crabbe scalped and quickly Apparated. .

Just out of place.


This square stone doesn't look big, but its weight is astounding, it just pushes down the surrounding ground by several inches.


Patriarch Raj looked regretful, and at this moment, a miserable green light flashed from the corner of his eyes.


The middle-aged wizard who was guarding him instinctively stepped forward to block the spell, and his aura disappeared in an instant, but when he was about to die, he turned his head desperately to show everyone where the danger was.

In the next second, the conflict between the two sides broke out again.

More than half of the spells flew into the dense forest on the right, smashing several nearby trees into slag in an instant.

Old Malfoy took a hard hit before he escaped.

A huge gash was wiped out on the left arm, and the metal mask on his face was also shattered in two, revealing his true face.

"so close!"

Just now I just felt that the opportunity was rare to make a sneak attack. I didn't expect the other party to react quickly, but it's a pity that there was no leader and he took it down directly.

A metal mask was made with the Transformation Charm and put back on the face.

Crabbe and Goyle looked at each other, and the two apparated and left their camp, and also entered the dense forest on the right.


Crabbe called, seemingly forgetting that this was a battlefield.

Old Malfoy slowly leaned over, not even 1/3 of his magic power was gone.

Panting, seeing the figures of the two men, they confirmed each other's identities, and asked: "Why don't you bother with the manpower and attack in one brain, and divide it into several waves, no brains? I don't object to the golden robe wizard as cannon fodder, but you Forgot, what time is this?"

He came up with a reprimand.

Goyle and Crabbe continued to approach without saying a word.

As he spoke, Old Malfoy sensed something was wrong.

He reached for his wand, but it was too late.


Hit right by the spell.

He didn't cast the Iron Armor Curse on himself before due to mana conservation, but at the very moment, a light red barrier appeared on his body automatically.

A magic item in the shape of a cross star that was stored close to him shattered.

"Whirlwind clean!"

Old Malfoy was making a whirlwind, kicking up dust.

These two people shot at him, obviously they had a bad plan, even in his prime he couldn't fight these two people, let alone now.

Only the driver escaped.

Shot with anger, the power should not be underestimated.

All of a sudden, he killed a lot of the remaining magic energy in his body.

"Never mind!" Crabbe yelled, "Hurrah!"


"There are many obstacles!"

Several people controlled the power and did not use the extremely lethal spell, because Goyle knew Crabbe's plan, and as long as the old Malfoy was not dead, he would have a lot of room to operate.

They can kill ordinary people who are not as powerful as themselves at will, but for nobles who are at the same level as them. They are valuable only if they are alive.

This is a rule passed down from ancient times.

In order to prevent them from falling into the same situation one day and being unceremoniously killed.

Because of their hesitation, Luo Chen also touched it smoothly.

Looking at the dusty scene, he threw out two confinement curses at random, and easily took down Gore and Crabbe with their backs turned to him.

Sometimes, the gap in strength is just that obvious!

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