But the wizard's alert cry was finally heard by the lurking wizards.

After a chirping sound sounded, they kept getting closer.

But there were faster and denser rustling sounds, and they arrived at Luo Chen's side first.

Then he turned his head and saw that it was Dazhu who was at least twice as big as the last time he met.

"According to plan!"

"Let them maintain a balance of power!"

Da Zhu clicked his black fangs twice to show his understanding.

Then with a group of younger brothers, they passed Luo Chen and rushed into the dense forest. The Japanese wizard who was still alive at his feet also disappeared.

A series of noisy voices came, except for "Ba Ga", Luo Chen couldn't understand it, but he probably could understand it. They should be talking about these acromant spiders who made a surprise attack.

This really caught them off guard.

Originally, the acromantia had not stopped fighting with the centaur tribe for more than a year. Whether it is a frontal charge, or an assassination by burrowing into the ground, throwing from high altitude.

Already practiced proficiently.

Coupled with the protection of the night, there is a dense forest around here, and it is normal to have biological activities.

So until the raid happened, nothing was wrong.

Put all your attention on the White Jade Pagoda.

Kind of stupid!

"I'm going to start here too." Luo Chen's figure flashed, disappeared, and reappeared. He came to the edge of the Forbidden Forest, looked at the house elves busy on the grass in front of him, walked slowly, and went from the storage A whole bunch of magic sparklers poured out of the bag.

"Monsieur Bichar!"


Because Luo Chen has to give gifts to these house elves every year, so their attitude towards Luo Chen is much better and more casual than others.

Of course, this "arbitrary" is also limited.

But Luo Chen could feel that their respect for him came from the heart.

Luo Chen nodded slightly, and Ke Ke appeared beside him with a snap.

"Sir, shall we begin now?"

"Do we have to wait for Dobby to come over?" Luo Chen teased.

The appearance of this house elf is iron gray, which is not obvious. Coco lowered her head shyly and didn't speak.

"Okay, let's get started. I'll give Dobby some time off tomorrow."

"Yes, sir!" Coco finished.

I hurriedly teleported away, suddenly thought of something, came back with a snap, and added: "Sir, if you don't mind...I, we want to visit your town and find new ingredients along the way."

Luo Chen naturally understood Ke Ke's thoughts, and did not refuse, and readily agreed.

He wished to abduct all these house elves to the small town of Bristol.

A turn or two might work.

But all, forget it. You can't expect those teachers to cook for the students. Even if they are hired from outside, they are far less useful than house elves.

Coco is like a big sister, constantly flashing in the group of these elves to give instructions, and then two seconds later.

In the direction of the gate, there was just a glimmer of light.

The first magical firework was ignited, turning into a phoenix and rushing into the sky.

It exploded with a bang.

Immediately after, there are all kinds of fireworks, which are continuously released, and Dobby moved here a full 1/3 of the family's inventory.

According to the plan, at least half an hour can be put on.

It is already very luxurious.

Then he snapped his fingers, and many young wizards used the windows of the auditorium to see the scene outside, and approached the windows one after another.

Later, they discovered the lights and shadows of those magical animals that shuttled around the auditorium.

It was penetrating through the wall, flew outside, and went straight to the big lawn outside the teaching area.

"Look, what's that?"

"Someone is setting off fireworks."

"Who will it be?"

"Professor McGonagall, I didn't say that before!"

The fireworks fly so high that even from here, you can vaguely see the brilliance of the fireworks blooming.

These little wizards can bear it.

He also chased him out, walked through corridors, and walked onto the lawn from the gate of the teaching area. I saw a lot of house elves busy.

The sky has long been occupied by colorful fireworks.

Coupled with the magical effect most of these fireworks have, once released, they can stay in the air for a long time.

The density is extremely high, directly covering the starry sky, which is not bright at all, completely.

All wizards staying in the castle, regardless of minors, adults, or invited guests gathered here on the big grass.

It is human nature to join in the fun.

At the same time, 99% of the people also thought that this was a surprise prepared by Hogwarts. They have no reason not to cheer.

In fact, McGonagall and Dumbledore were a little stunned.

It's just that when they saw clearly the blurry figure standing on the grass, they suddenly understood.

Looking at each other, Mag leaned over.

"Luo Chen, you've spent a lot of money."

"You're welcome, Professor. Hogwarts is my second home. For such a grand banquet, without fireworks, what's missing?" Luochen said with a smile.

What Luo Chen said was right, if it was just a simple dance, the Goblet of Fire, which was only danced in European circles before, would indeed be enough.

But this is the first World League.

World-class, or the old rules, always feel almost something.

This will naturally affect Hogwarts' international status.

Some people will definitely say, isn't it just setting off fireworks?

can have such a big impact.

But in fact, the impact can be great.

This is the same as the Olympic Games in Muggle society. As the organizer, it is natural to come up with something that fully expresses its own characteristics, and all scales are extremely grand.

This is a sign that reflects its growing strength in certain aspects and demonstrates its own soft power.

They Hogwarts, also can not escape the shackles.

Besides, there was news that Luo Chen spent a huge sum of money to buy all the magic fireworks in Diagon Alley.

After so many days of brewing, it was suddenly released at this time.

Naturally, everyone will understand why Luo Chen put in so much effort.

This can also make the leaders and team members of many delegations feel a sense of importance.

The next time I come to their country to hold it.

Your platoon is small, but you will be laughed at.

"However, professor, I left for a while before and spent a lot of mana to bring these fireworks here. I think I should go to rest now!" Luo Chen shook his robe, which was covered with dew.


"Thank you for your hard work." Mag thought of the way Luochen fled in embarrassment before. Can't help feeling amused.

The eyes are full of tenderness.

This Luochen is wholeheartedly for Hogwarts.

What a good boy!

It's just that Sirius Black's place is really annoying.


This is also Luo Chen's trick.

Although there are some accidents, it is easy to use. Most of the members of the Order of the Phoenix come from Hogwarts. It is impossible to say that they have no affection for this school after leaving the school.

Coupled with the previous layout, it will naturally have a greater impact on the members of the Order of the Phoenix.

"Professor, I suggest you... it's best not to go too far."

"These fireworks can be set off for a long time."

After Luo Chen finished speaking, he turned and left. Mag followed his gaze and found many lion cubs, headed by Fred and George, sneaking towards the lawn.

Because of Luo Chen's special arrangements.

There are also the magical effects of these fireworks. If you want them to fully exert their effects, you must naturally spread them as much as possible.

Those little wizards were at the age of restlessness, and it was bearable to watch Elf add fireworks everywhere.

Naturally, I also want to mix it up.

"Fred, George, it's you again!"

Mag's face darkened, and he ran over quickly.

He thought that Luo Chen had already made arrangements.

Don't let these mischievous ghosts disturb you.

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