People in Harry Potter suddenly become invincible

Chapter 431 Breaking up, in the plan

It can also help him to dry out more books.

Although Dobby is in charge of caregiving, Dobby has too much going on right now.

Luo Chen is not a cruel exploiter either.

You have to take into account Dobby's love life.

At the same time, Dobby's obsessions may not be fully taken care of when he publishes books.

It's good to have someone to help you.

Thinking of this, Luo Chen felt much better.

Fortunately, he had asked Dobby to erase all traces of the Lestrange family on it.

Those are mostly distributed on the title page or cover of the homepage, and Dobby will handle them. Those hidden in the depths were handed over to Luo Chen to deal with.

Therefore, there is no need to worry that Mu Shangxue will find a problem.

Say something.

What a coincidence this topic is too!


A tea party is coming down. Luo Chen felt pretty good.

Yun Xian wanted Mu Shangxue to stay by Luo Chen's side temporarily. It was completely as if he had found a maid for Luo Chen. And Mu Shangxue didn't refuse after looking at it.

But Luo Chen's side is definitely not going to work, he felt that Yun Xian was afraid that he would go back on his word. So he said that when the Christmas ball is over, he will take Mu Shangxue to the family's Buddhist scripture pavilion first.

But it didn't point out that others can go too.

First, this is what I said before.

Secondly, their transaction is not completely completed yet.

With a surge of blood in his heart, Luo Chen took out the Borderland Painting Curse, but the other party had to pay something. After all, with Luo Chen's status at this moment, even if he really became a victim.

People on the Huaxia side did not dare to accept kindness without any hesitation.

After saying goodbye to the two of them, Luo Chen was thinking about what to spend from Huaxia on the way back to the castle. Originally, he also wanted to get some ancient books from Huaxia.

In this way, he can study China's traditional witchcraft, spells and other things side by side.

Enhance your family heritage and satisfy your curiosity. In his previous concept, Huaxia is always a power like the Jade Emperor, Sanqing, Tathagata Buddha, etc., and some basic things are also supernatural powers.

But after listening to Yunxian's words just now, I feel that my idea may not make much sense.

Things that are too basic, for Luo Chen, at most they can serve as a supplement to the Sutra Pavilion.

If Luo Chen is a dedicated and research-oriented scholar, through a little bit of experimentation, try to summarize and improve his strength.

Such a plan is of great benefit to him, but Luo Chen has cheats!

Even if it hasn't been played for a long time, and people think it's a cheat... hang up or get off work.

But in fact, this is also a manifestation of Luo Chen's self-restraint, and at the same time, in order to be able to unwaveringly accumulate the immortality spell as soon as possible.

Now counting it is already December, no more than March, and you can get the immortality curse.

Therefore, what is really attractive to him is those advanced knowledge.

But if this goal is achieved, it will take a lot of effort.

"Forget it, it's a waste of time. It's just a good time to take this opportunity to get in touch with Huaxia!"

Luo Chen thought about the other tasks in his hands, besides attending the dance party, which was to refine the magic crystal on a large scale.

He has mastered this basic method, and in a short period of time, the quality of this magic crystal can be promoted commercially.

The second is the Seven Return Pill Curse.

I've been thinking about refining this potion, but I haven't put it on the schedule, but in a literal sense, it should be in the form of a pill!

Then can he get a glimpse of the essence of alchemy in this way.

I really did it, disassembled part of the core knowledge inside, I believe Yunxian and the others are also happy to trade.

Another good chip.

In the past, Luochen's vision was too short, he only wanted to use this method to impact the potion system of Hogwarts, and then affect the entire wizarding world of the Ruin Kingdom.

This process is very long, but if we can really reach a cooperation with Yunxian.

The world potion market will definitely be impacted, the efficiency will be higher, and the impact will be greater.

So Luo Chen decided, after this dance is over, he will study it as soon as possible.

Besides, he was no longer needed for the construction of the small town. The most important thing is to wait for Voldemort to fully recover, so that the town's next plan can be pushed forward smoothly.

What was left was the incomplete chapters in the Book of Changes that Luo Chen had obtained at that time, but it was a pity to take them back, Luo Chen had no time to read them.

Combined with Sword Seventeen's performance on the field at that time.

Even if this so-called hexagram sutra-like spell is not the top secret treasure in the Chinese spell system, it is still based on the foundation.

Perhaps the goal can be set here.

Luochen returned to the castle unsteadily, and as soon as he entered the hall on the first floor, he saw two people coming down the stairs, Harry Potter and Ron.

Originally chatting lively, but Ron was the first to discover Luo Chen. He nudged Harry Potter.

The latter looked this way suspiciously, then his face changed suddenly, he pulled Ron, turned and ran away.

Luo Chen looked at it expressionlessly. No hello either.

He had expected this scene ever since he spoke about Sirius Black's grievances with the Bichar family.

And he did all of this on purpose.

In the past two years, Harry Potter has just come into contact with the wizarding world. Luo Chen deliberately got close to him because he could discover enough influence value from Harry Potter.

And the other party has indeed provided him a lot in the past two years.

However, with the continuous improvement of Luo Chen and Harry Potter's strength, the influence value provided has been decreasing day by day. Gradually, Luo Chen didn't see him anymore.

And Luochen also felt that Harry Potter had developed a feeling called dependence on him.

At this time, his godfather suddenly appeared, and this feeling was transferred. And Luo Chen timely revealed the grievances between him and Sirius Black.

It will definitely have a huge impact on Harry Potter.

So in any case, this Harry Potter will definitely side with Sirius Black.

There is no choice between life and death.

The conflict of interests between him and Luo Chen appeared.

But Luo Chen, who used to take care of him in every possible way, would also make Harry Potter entangled. And every day he struggled with it, he would provide Luo Chen with a certain amount of influence.

Until he completely completes the transformation.

At that time, there will be a wave of big contributions.

And if Harry Potter had a conflict with Luochen, the Order of the Phoenix camp would also have a conflict with Luochen.

If you add Voldemort and the recovery of the dark forces.

At that time, the magic world will be wonderful, Luo Chen is looking forward to it.

Of course, Luo Chen didn't know this. For a while, Dumbledore chose him in the choice between him and Sirius.

Only later, Sirius provided very good information, which made Dumbledore shake again.

It's not sloppy, and it's not unreasonable.

Because Dumbledore is an extremely complicated person.

Then, Luo Chen came directly to the entrance of the basement.

The students here had been dispersed, but Filch was still fuming over there.

"Why doesn't it work?"

Originally, he only needed one thought to activate the Chasing Wind and Shadow Curse in the white jade ball in his right hand, but after less than an hour.

The mana was exhausted, and the spell could not be triggered. Filch thought he had broken something. I'm also ashamed to come to Luo Chen.

Just stay here and see if you can find the problem by yourself.

This is no bragging.

The current Filch is far from the pitiful key administrator in the original book, who made people hate his teeth.

Of course, these words refer to the positive and good aspects.

For example, with him, this Flitwick, and even Professor McGonagall, can save a lot of trouble in class.

In order to maintain his current status, Filch stepped up his studies. Even third-year students in elective courses such as Runes, Arithmetic and Divination, and Muggle Studies would sometimes come to him for advice.

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