Yunxian and Luochen didn't just stand there stupidly, and Yunxian didn't urge Luochen to give an answer immediately, but followed Luochen's footsteps and walked aimlessly.

Before I knew it, I came near the Whomping Willow.

"Are there a lot of zombies in Shenzhou?"

Even though Yunxian's Taoist heart was stable, a look of joy flashed across his brows when he heard this.

"a lot of!"

"If you're interested, I can..."

"Of course, I have a lot of time today." Luo Chen interrupted, raising his hand with a light wave. The stones and grass blades at the feet changed rapidly, and finally turned into an Eight Immortals table and two Eight Immortals high-back chairs.

Then Yunxian took the initiative to take out a purple clay pot and two teacups from his sleeve.

Luo Chen smiled lightly, and used the transformation spell to make a stove.

The water-calling spell condenses rootless water.

Then cook over flame.


"During that time, Shenzhou fell, and there was a hundred years of darkness..."

Unzen began his narration.

He also made no secret that Luochen was a wizard noble in the corrupt country at this time.

He began when the old woman came to power in the late Qing Dynasty and brought disaster to the country and the people.

A unique but different China. In front of Luo Chen, the veil was slowly lifted.

At first the foreigners invaded.

In fact, not only Muggle teams were dispatched, but also wizards. The Muggle army plundered treasures and trampled on the dignity of Chinese people.

What the wizard plundered was the treasures of the country, the ancient cultural treasures, and even the mysterious inheritance. At the beginning, the wizards (Taoist priests) of the whole China united together, and they were able to keep these hateful wizards out of the country.

But then the white-eyed wolf Dongying who was not familiar with him.

I don't know how to disrupt the Nine Palaces, Eight Trigrams and Seven Stars Promise Formation covering the entire Shenzhou.

This made it impossible for the wizards of Shenzhou to accurately locate the location of these invaders, and they were repeatedly attacked and looted by them.

The loss was heavy, and a large number of valuable things were lost.

At the same time, in that era, even the Sandaoshan Academy of Magic was only a school. He doesn't have enough dominance, even among the wizards within his own family, fights happen from time to time.

Anyway, since then.

A large number of precious books were lost, the older generation of wizards were isolated and helpless, or various other reasons. A lot of sacrifices have also caused a fault in the wizarding inheritance.

Thanks to Sandaoshan Academy of Magic retaining a large number of basic theories, there is no shortage of grassroots talents.

But after that, the Chinese wizarding world, which hadn't recovered since the entry of the Tartars, turned into decline again.

And then behind.

The entire mainland of China was in turmoil.

There are people who live high in the temple, and try their best to search for the fat and anointing of the people, regardless of the life and death of the people.

There are warlords who support their own self-respect and dig three feet of ground, making people's livelihood even more difficult.

There are thieves and mobs roaming the land, bringing disaster to the country and the people.

In addition, the weather is bad, the law of heaven is impermanent, and it is time for the dynasty to change... That's right, that's what Yunxian said, in the eyes of these divine wizards.

This so-called Little Ice Age and the hardship of people's livelihood mean that the last dynasty has come to an end.

This is the punishment and warning from heaven.

go on.

Back then, China was really a thousand miles away, full of starvation and death. The common people have to change their children to eat, especially not enough to satisfy their hunger.

This is the most tragic world since Jurchen entered the customs.

As for the wizards of Shenzhou, they uphold the morality of Sandaoshan Academy of Magic. They went down the mountain one after another to save the world, but their manpower was exhausted.

In addition, the troubled times have come, and ghosts and ghosts can be found everywhere.

At the same time, there are still remnants of the so-called foreign devils. From time to time, some dark wizards would secretly go to wreak havoc on the land of China.

This makes it even more difficult for them to rescue Shenzhou.

Then back to the 20th century.

The imperial court was finally destroyed, but they had a bigger plan, united with people who lived a good life, established a puppet power, and at the same time deployed it throughout China.

At that moment, everyone found out.

It wasn't that the Nine Palaces, Eight Trigrams, Seven Stars, and Promise Formation were disrupted by people, but that it had already been eroded by the imperial court, a state machine, and was riddled with holes.

That's why it was so vulnerable at the beginning, but after the establishment of the pseudo-power, that group of people united with people who had a good life.

Arrange magic circles and create evil and weird creatures everywhere in China, trying to use this supernatural power to restore the decline and reunite the Qing Dynasty.

And to fight against these evil people.

Yunxian's grandfather and father's generation basically lost five or six out of ten.

This has created a large gap in knowledge. And later they couldn't kill them, so they started to suppress them, leaving the current chaos.

Not to mention the later 1930s and 1940s.

Dongpu wizards are even more omnipotent.

Because they found that keeping the wizards in China busy is the most powerful support for them.

Therefore, it also pursues the "three" light policy, killing everywhere, and cultivating dark and evil creatures everywhere.


The year Unzen was born.

It has long been after the order has been rebuilt, but today. What they deal with the most every year is to suppress zombies and defend the country.

Because with their existing knowledge inheritance, the price of obliterating a zombie is too high.

And this is also one of the reasons why China has been closed to the outside world.

Maybe once someone as powerful as Luo Chen invaded, they would have to kill and injure many elders to stop Luo Chen.

And it has been kept closed to the outside world, which makes this China seem mysterious. It is also a kind of helpless self-protection.

Of course, although they are closed, they have not given up on absorbing knowledge from the outside world.

But whatever knowledge they can get, they will try their best to get it back to the country, and then conduct research and dismantle it.

Therefore, the current shaman culture system in China has been greatly influenced by the West.

After hearing this, Luo Chen felt a little stuck in his heart.

But then he breathed an inexplicable sigh of relief, because from this point of view, the second hurdle seemed to be not a difficult task for Jian Shiqi.

Although, this in itself is a very sad thing.

Yunxian has mentioned this to many people. After all, he is an elder, and he will definitely teach his apprentices and students.

However, Luo Chen could still feel the heaviness and helplessness in the other party's heart.

Gulu Gulu!

The water boiled.

Luo Chen didn't care about it for a while, he leaned on the back of the chair and lost his mind.

He thought that the various strict measures for the entry management of Chinese wizards that he saw at Laoshan, thought that the Chinese wizards were outstanding in the world, and their strength was unrivaled.

But in fact it is already riddled with holes.

But fortunately, Yunxian also said it later.

After more than half a century of rest and recuperation, there is no shortage of middle-level and grass-roots talents, but the repressive level... people like Luo Chen and Dumbledore.

Not really.

"Damn the world!"

In the end, Luo Chen could only give such an evaluation.

Because that topic was also a bit heavy for him.

Just at this time.

Mu Shangxue suddenly walked over quickly from a distance.

Yun Xian noticed Luo Chen's gaze, and explained: "I asked her to come. When she came, she brought some good tea, but she didn't bring it with her just now."

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