Goyle, Crabbe, and old Malfoy, who had been hiding on the left and right sides of the door, also breathed a sigh of relief.

Although Luo Chen was precocious, he was still too young.

If he was more sensitive, he could find that the golden-cloaked wizard who opened the door for him had a slightly dull look in his eyes.

The longer one is controlled by the Imperius Curse, the more likely symptoms such as sluggishness and apathy will appear on the body.

"Let's go?"


"Malfoy, what should we do now?" Crabbe and Goyle looked at Old Malfoy, "Staying here all the time, I can't sleep well at night."

"If it weren't for me, Crabbe, there would be only one person left here at night."

"No!" Old Malfoy directly refused. Although Goyle and Crabbe's brains were not very good, but as the leaders of the two big families, they let them go. Old Malfoy was also worried.

And this time.

Many of the Death Eaters who were hired by them to besiege the White Jade Pagoda, as well as the black wizard, had already left.

Of course, before leaving, they all signed oath spells with them, and some of them were simply amended, and then they were beaten up and driven away.

For now, in the White Jade Pagoda, they have maintained a basic balance of power with the rest of the people.

If more than one person among them breaks through the control of the Imperius Curse, then... they also have to withdraw.

But those four layers of secret vaults have already been partly opened. As long as they persist for a while, they will definitely gain something.

And now that he has left like this, he still needs to pay the employment salaries of Gore and Crabbe.

But he can't afford that much money anymore.

His poor wife can only eat one piece of foie gras specially prepared for the master by Iron Tower Oli every day. In the past, I was able to let go of eating.

As a big man, how could he not make money?

"This matter is not negotiable!" After the old Malfoy finished speaking, he explained again, "The last half month!"

"If not, then let's withdraw!"

It's just over a week before Christmas.

Old Malfoy decided to wait until January, no matter what happened here, they would withdraw. His first forfeit was understandable.

If the second game is still abstained, it will be too doubtful. You have to have some sincerity in paddling, anyway, it is a national team.

But it's impossible for him to actually play the game. After so many years, he has been busy with intrigue, and he is not bad in spell fighting, but his level in other aspects has long since fallen to the bottom.

With their resources, they naturally understood the meaning of the phrase in the golden egg. It was determined that the second test should be a psychedelic potion.

After hearing this, Gore and Crabbe looked at each other again and didn't say much.


When Luochen returned to the school hospital, Wagadou's potion master, Fei Chief Kuha, and Yunxian from the Chinese delegation were surrounding Snape and Bourne Longst to check.

Dumbledore, McGonagall who came later, and Madam Pomfrey all stood by, waiting for the result.

Not long after, Yunxian ended first. Dumbledore asked, "How is it?"

"It's not a big problem!"

"This is just the rising fire in the heart, and the dust in the mud. The bad luck is not sinking, and the kidney qi is blocked..." Yun Xian first pointed directly at Berne Langhurst, and then pointed at Snape, "His condition is better, The mud balls are chaotic, and the stupid fire is burning in the heart. Even if these two people are just left alone, within three to five days, there must be signs of awakening."

"So that's how it is!" Because Yunxian already knew that Dumbledore, Luo Chen and others could speak Chinese, so this time he didn't bring their team's full-time translator, Mu Shangxue.

Of course, thanks to this, otherwise the latter would really not know how to translate these short sentences!

That's what Dumbledore said. Whether he understood it or not is unknown. Anyway, Luo Chen understood one thing from the beginning to the end.

The potion master of Castrobuscher looked so thin and dull, so it turned out to be a kidney problem.

Such a toss.

The situation would definitely be worse than Snape's. Could it be that the old guy didn't understand that he and Snape were two decades apart?

Even if they take the same potion, it's clear at a glance who has the upper hand.

But the other party still chose to do this, or as guessed before, this Berne Longster's temper is really bad, and he really refuses to admit defeat.

Either the opponent is highly skilled and overconfident!

"Then did you wake them up now?" McGonagall helped Dumbledore ask this question.

Yunxian pondered, but hadn't answered yet, and Feiqi Kuha had already checked.

After some explanation, although the statement is not very common with Yunxian's, both of them agree that the crux of the problem lies in the brain, and the solution he gave is simpler.

"Unicorn gold liquid, take it internally!" Mag was stunned. Unicorns are easy to talk about, but what is liquid gold?

"It's urine. It's better to be male!" Wenya's words were incomprehensible. African Chief Coeha had no choice but to put it bluntly.

These guys really don't know much. No wonder the African continent was ruled by these white barbarians for so long.

The wisdom of these white savages fell to Muggles, and the wisdom of these noble children of the sun concentrated on wizards.

This increases and decreases.

Such a result is also reasonable.

This African chief Kuha is different from most African wizards. He basically lives alone in his own tribe and researches potions. He is also really a chief, who rules a large tribe of nearly a thousand people. His real name is Kuha. Non-chief translates as the chief, master, and ruler of the African continent, which is an honorific title.

The awkward name of the rotten country became the non-chief Kuha.

He knew very little about Muggle culture. In addition, he has a very profound inheritance of worshiping witch doctors, and he doesn't like to see the world's mainstream potion culture.

Therefore, he didn't have those thoughts of groveling and pleasing the white savage in his heart. Also a not-so-pure racial supremacist.

After Dumbledore and Mag heard this, their faces turned black, and they all turned to look at Luo Chen.

Luo Chen was stunned, what did this have to do with him, he just ate a melon by himself.

However, if Snape really drank the unicorn's golden juice... oh, no, golden water.


From the literal sense of Jinshui, the color should be yellowish. Is this unicorn born with excrement of this color, or do you need to find a unicorn that is angry?


The corners of Luo Chen's mouth slightly curled up, completely ignoring the deep meaning in Dumbledore's and Mag's eyes.

What they mean is very simple.

Let Luo Chen come out to refute this non-chief Kuha. After all, Luochen's identity is very special, and at the same time Dumbledore is the principal of Hogwarts, and McGonagall is the vice-principal of Hogwarts.

With my identity here, there are some things that are hard to say.

As for Madam Pomfrey, forget it, as long as it can save people, she never minds what the plan is.

But if Snape was really rescued by such a plan, he would very likely resign his position as a professor at Hogwarts in a fit of anger, and then live in seclusion.

Don't doubt it, with Snape's character, he can do it.

But in view of the relationship between Snape and Harry Potter, nine out of ten, they will take each other away together.

The period during which the Goblet of Fire runs.

There can be no more accidents and troubles.

Yunxian didn't know much about foreign languages, and he couldn't understand them well, but seeing people's faces, he knew that the plan that Feiqi Kuha said was not perfect.

He rolled up his sleeves and took out a small wooden box.

Open it, revealing a pill sealed with white wax inside. There is also a label on it: Jiuzhitang.

Coincidentally, before Luo Chen traveled through, he happened to see that unhappy layman commenting on this thing.

It is said that in 2020, tens of thousands will be earned.

But this is common medicine!

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