People in Harry Potter suddenly become invincible

Chapter 422 The potion masters who have become dizzy

Because it involves a lot of alchemy knowledge, as well as Luochen's reenactment spell for old tricks, LV5 fluorescent spell, and Xiaguang Myriad Dao Curse, Zhiwei Zhizhang Curse, and Seven Return Pill Curse, which he has upgraded to LV3. The reference and application of the basic points.

Even if Luo Chen contributed all these mantras and asked others to learn, understand, and study them, it would be difficult to get started without a year or two.

After all, the most difficult thing is to understand the core knowledge of these spells. Because of Luo Chen's cheating, as long as he spends the influence value to upgrade, he can directly increase the level of the spell.

It is also possible to thoroughly understand the core points of each level of spells.

Cooperating with his research on these two different runes, and carrying out a certain degree of modification and arrangement, he obtained the current magic crystal that truly has the significance of the modern era.

Say it bluntly.

Luo Chen was able to make the magic crystal that appeared in this state, it was also a piece of shit luck. For a master alchemist, it takes a lot of energy to study alchemy products above the same level. If he can just succeed, he wants to go to magic reform.

The probability of success will only be infinitely close to 0.

Closer to home.

Because Luochen was very close to Filch, when the vision appeared in the opponent's hand, the little wizard who was watching didn't notice anything abnormal for a moment.

It wasn't until Luochen turned to leave that Filch was still in the state of Chasing Wind and Shadow.

These little wizards completely exploded.

"I seem to be dazzled."

"Me too. Those white smokes really have side effects!"

"Look at those guys whose faces are all red!"

"Brother, please see clearly, they are all girls."

"What happened to the girl?"

"The Yule Ball! There were so many letters to Professor Bichar a while ago, the whole Hogwarts knows about this incident, okay?"

"So they..."

"Hey, hey, you're digressing. This Filch... Mr. is a Squib, he, he can cast spells."

"Well, this is indeed quite surprising. But you also saw just now that Professor Bichar gave him two white jade balls. Maybe these things are made of alchemy, and the squib made of alchemy can also be used."

"That's right. If it's Professor Bichar, it doesn't seem to be surprising."

The direction of the wind gradually changed.

What happened to Luo Chen did not cause much discussion, after all, no matter how miraculous things Luo Chen did, these little wizards thought it was understandable.

But after a while.

The chirping sound slowly disappeared.

They found that after Filch gathered compressed mist clusters about the size of an adult's fist, they would quickly stuff them into the glass bottle that Luo Chen conjured up.

Then continue to absorb other fog balls. He was very busy, and the magic crystal in his hand became more and more convenient.

It seems that there is no difference from a wizard who can really catch wind and shadow spells.

Because the position and direction of the condensate ball can be chosen and determined by Filch himself, unlike those rigid alchemy products.

Where is the body of the alchemy product or where is the engraved magic circle?

The position where it has an effect and influence cannot leave its core position.

"This thing seems unusual!"


"Shut up. This is Professor Bichar! What's the fuss about!"

"Speaking of which, why don't we ask Mr. Bichar to come back and give alchemy classes? We will be in the sixth grade next school year, and we are eligible to apply for alchemy classes."

"You have a good idea!"

These little wizards have limited knowledge, until now they have not seen the real effect of the magic crystal.

An alchemy product has a limited amount of magic energy, and it needs to be recharged continuously in the later stage. But after such a long time, Filch has already condensed dozens of mist clusters.

But there was no sign of exhaustion.

He was still full of excitement, but the wrinkles on his face made him feel like a generation of you when he laughed.

Fortunately, his identity and mentality have changed over the years. All the little wizards had a different perception of him. Negative emotions such as disgust and fear were not produced.


Let's talk about Luo Chen's side.

He completely enveloped himself with the Chasing Wind and Shadow Curse, and then disturbed the airflow to prevent the white mist from infecting himself.

The "red spots" on the faces of those little wizards before occupied the entire face, and with the blessing of his Fiery Eyes and Golden Eyes Curse, his body was covered with a red halo of different shades when looking at things.

The red spots are so obvious, obviously these white mist. Not completely harmless.

Be careful.

Because Snape's office and classrooms were all on the basement floor, Luo Chen had no relationship with him.

When Luo Chen taught in the past, he basically stayed in the classroom on the third floor. Or take everyone to dream together, or make the mouse Banban change into various dark creatures to assist teaching.

Few of the other Defense Against the Dark Arts teachers take the students to a field experience from time to time.

As a result, Luo Chen rarely came to this basement floor.

In addition to these white mist, they are also covered with a layer of coral red halo. Although the color is very thin, when they gather together, they interfere a lot with Luo Chen.

He was going in the wrong direction at first.

It took a full three minutes before they found Snape's office.

Walking all the way to the front, I found a silver-white mask around the door in the second ring road. Filter the gray-black smoke inside, so what comes out is gray-white smoke.

"It seems that they still have some security awareness!"

Luo Chen thought to himself.

But now Luo Chen couldn't hear the movement inside.

"Professor, are you all right?"

Luo Chen didn't want to rush in, so he stood at the door and called, but he called several times in a row, but there was no response from inside.

"Could it be this barrier?"

Luo Chen thought about it, but still didn't get started. He thought for a while, took out several white jade balls from his pocket, and temporarily made 6 magic crystals inscribed with the LV2-level spell of Chasing Wind and Shadow.

Because no matter how high the level of white jade balls are, he doesn't have many, which is too expensive.

Secondly, when inscribing the spell, a certain amount of mental power is consumed. The higher the level, the greater the consumption.

They tentatively melted into the barrier, and entered without any hindrance, and then the spell was quickly activated, forming a ball of whirlwind, floating in the air, pulling the surrounding black mist.

The effect is very extraordinary, and the things inside can gradually be seen clearly.

But it wasn't enough, so Luo Chen made 4 more.

When the first batch of mana energy was almost consumed, Luo Chen finally saw clearly.

There were only two people inside.

One was Snape, and the other had gray hair, was not tall, had a thin body, and was dressed in bright green wizard robes, making him look very empty.

But Luo Chen thought of what Dumbledore said before, as well as the half badge exposed on his chest, and confirmed the guy's identity.

Internationally renowned potions master, Burne Longhurst.

But what is his relationship with Snape?

Why are the two still fighting?

Because at this moment they were unconscious at both ends of the medicine table at the same time.

But in the ears or nose, colorful bubbles are constantly bubbling out.

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