People in Harry Potter suddenly become invincible

Chapter 420 Luna: I like the smell of you

I thought Luna had changed a lot, but in the end, nothing seemed to have changed.

Luo Chen also felt that he had hinted enough.

But this time Luochen had to reflect on everything he had done before. Is it worth it?

After thinking for a long time, there was no result.

Luo Chen left Tower 3, intending to find Dumbledore. It was the letter he sent to himself before.

As a result, by accident, he made a big circle and passed by the location of the Ravenclaw tower. As soon as he came out of the corner, his footsteps stopped.

He found that at the end of the corridor in front of him, in front of the large French windows near the outer edge of the castle, there were two figures, talking happily.

Standing on the right is Luna.

On the left is Klein.

Because of his special talent, Luochen was very impressed by this guy with brown skin.

Before, I just wanted to talk to him, but there were too many trifles, Luo Chen forgot about them as soon as he got busy.

The distance was a bit far, Luo Chen couldn't hear what they were talking about. With a light touch of his right hand on his body, the Illusion Curse, which has reached LV4 level, was activated immediately. A cool feeling poured down his head, and Luo Chen's figure slowly disappeared under the influence of the spell.

To achieve this level of illusion spell, as long as you don't run with all your strength, or you are in a special area, you won't show your feet.

He also cast the Silence Charm on his feet later.

Approaching quietly.

"Damn, this kid is smiling very happily!"

Although he still couldn't hear clearly, Luo Chen's eyesight was really good right now. This corridor did not exceed 500 meters, and with the help of his piercing eyes, Luo Chen could see every crease and wrinkle on his face.

As for Luna, because his back was completely turned to this side, he couldn't see the other party's expression clearly.

"Student Lovegood, although you firmly believe in the existence of magical creatures such as the horned snoring beast and the harassing beast. But with all due respect, the Amazon jungle is the region with the largest and richest variety of magical creatures in the entire world. Based on our thousands of years of history in Castrobushe, there is no magical creature in this world that has not been discovered and known by our academy."

"But they really exist!" Luna whispered, her tone still calm.

Klein's face changed slightly, Luna has repeated your words many times.

It is a bit unreasonable to make trouble without any stronger evidence.

If it were someone else, he, Kleins, would have left long ago, but this Luna gave him a very special feeling, and the other party also had the ability to communicate directly with magical animals.

Although in terms of convenience, it is far inferior to him.

But the opponent's advantage lies in being able to clearly perceive the emotional fluctuations of magical animals, which is very complementary to his ability.


Both of them are more or less independent in their respective groups. He smelled something of the same kind in Luna.

He instinctively felt that if he got Luna, it would be of great help to his future.

That's why I have patience. Explain to Luna over and over again, in order not to leave a bad impression on the other party!

"Forget it, I can't beat you, can I admit defeat?" Kleins raised his hands.

Luan still didn't respond, quietly watching the little wizards frolicking on the grass outside the window.

Seeing this scene, Klein's mouth twitched again. He has also been in contact with Luna a lot these days, but each time the other party's expression is extremely calm. He smiles once in a while, and it's really cute when he smiles.

However, this will make it impossible for Kleins to feel any progress in the Raiders.

After estimating the time, he simply showed his cards and said, "Beautiful Miss Lovegood, I wonder if I have the honor to invite you to this Christmas ball?"

Speaking of Kleins, he stepped back a little. With the back of the right hand, the body bowed slightly, and the left hand was stretched forward, facing Luna.

And Luna finally reacted.

She turned around suddenly, but what she was facing was not in the direction of Kleins, but directly behind her.

Kleinsi noticed the movement of the other party, and his face was happy.

Sure enough, the potions master Berne Longster, who claimed to have been in the flower city for decades, was not touched by a leaf, and was still an old bachelor until now. It's all bullshit.

Why is there no woman in this world who cannot be subdued by profound knowledge?

It doesn't work at all.

Or what their leader said was right!

Women chase men across the mountain, and men chase women through layers of gauze.

Although it is different from the mainstream view, who made them people from the southern hemisphere?

The times are completely opposite throughout the year.

It's a bit of a cultural difference, so what?

And he's taking the initiative now.

Didn't it work too?

Before racking his brains, he tried to convince Luna with his profound knowledge, but he failed.

Thinking of this, he suddenly saw Luna move.


Not his side.

He hastily raised his head to call out to the other party, but before he could speak, he suddenly felt an inexplicable depression rushing towards him, making his chest feel tight, and he backed away.

Fortunately, the windows are strong, otherwise he will fall from the 7th floor.

Then Luna took five or six steps forward, stopped and raised her hand in the middle of the corridor, and gently stroked the passage in front of her.

Just touched the solid, soft, and then she smiled and said: "I like this smell."

Luo Chen froze for a moment, lifted the illusion spell, and appeared in shape. He thought about many reasons, including Luna's special talent, but he didn't expect that it was the smell on his body that exposed his identity.



"A new issue of The Quibbler has arrived, and I haven't had a chance to read it to you without you here!"

"Well, although I'm very busy, since you said so, let's go, I just haven't read it." After Luo Chen finished speaking, he naturally took Luna's little hand, turned and left, and returned to Tower 3.

As for Dumbledore, just wait!

The two of them had already walked more than a dozen steps, and Kleinsi came back to his senses, and hurriedly shouted: "Miss Lovegood, do you agree or disagree?"

With such an obvious answer, do you need to ask?

Luo Chen was going to show Klein what "seeing is believing", but Luna replied before him.

"Mr. Kleins, haven't you heard that, Mr. Principal, our junior students are not allowed to participate in the dance?"

Klein's face froze suddenly.

I felt a few hoarse and screaming crows flying over my head.

He has never heard of this rule!

These days he has been leaning next to Luna, Yue...

Cough, it should be that their team leader forgot to mention it, not his problem.

This Luna is not a rejection.

He still has a chance.

As for the relationship between Luna and Luochen, Kleins had already heard about it. He didn't think Luochen would be his competitor.

According to the information he heard, Luo Chen was an investor in the Quibbler magazine under Luna's father.

And his own strength should not be underestimated, and he is also a professor at Hogwarts.

Rounding down equals "adults".

How can an adult have evil thoughts about a little girl? This is against ethics and morals.

In addition, those ordinary people can't appreciate Luna's talent at all, and only think that he is crazy and difficult to get along with.

Therefore, the relationship between Luochen and Luna should be the temporary guardian and ward under Luna's father entrusting Luochen to help take care of them.

This is also very common in their college.

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