People in Harry Potter suddenly become invincible

Chapter 417 Successfully refining the magic crystal

"Stuff money, what do you mean?"

"It's the Ministry of Magic, seeing the recent turmoil in the country, and wants the major media to promote the Ministry of Magic, boost the confidence of wizards, and enhance the government's credibility!"

"Heh!" Luo Chen disdained, and it was obvious on his face, "They only have this little ability. With this time, why not study how to improve their strength!"

"Yes, you are right." Xenophilius nodded repeatedly.

The Ministry of Magic would end up where it is today. In addition to the solidification of class and various reasons that are not easy to explain, the most important thing is their lack of ability.

Once upon a time, being an Auror of the Ministry of Magic was a very honorable thing... Of course it is counted now, but at that time it was really relying on strength to be able to sit in this position, but now.

The key is to look at your own connections and relationships.

Except for the Aurors who worked hard at the bottom, most of them had to have someone behind them to get a position in the Ministry of Magic.

And such people are not only not strong enough, the most important thing is that they sit in such a position, so the interests of those big figures who support them are considered.

So after going back and forth, the entire Ministry of Magic slowly rotted from the root.

The comprehensive strength of the entire system will naturally decrease day by day.

Luo Chen chatted with Xenophilius for a while, but he really had nothing to say, so he left.

Then he told Dobby not to disturb him these days, and then he plunged into the study. Going to the bookshelf on the left wall, I tapped a few large books on it with my wand, and took the bookshelf and separated it to the two sides, revealing a downward passage.

This is also an underground secret room temporarily opened by Luo Chen to refine the magic crystal.

A few days ago, because the time when the construction materials would be in place was uncertain, it was impossible for Luo Chen to wait in vain and start refining the magic crystal.

Unfortunately, there is no finished product so far.

The secret room under the study is not big, that is, more than 80 square meters.

Surrounded by metal tables, there are a large number of citrines, rubies, sapphires, and even top-grade emeralds piled on them.

These are the main materials used to refine magic crystals.

Others should be matched with some rare materials such as mithril and fine gold, and common minerals such as cinnabar, refined iron, and pure lead.

"Crystals and gemstones have already been used, and the effect is not good. The tolerance to magic energy is too low."

Luo Chen rested his chin on his hands, and glanced at the valuable gemstones that were placed outside on the table.

Although he has thoroughly researched the refining method of magic crystals, he only found out that it is extremely difficult after doing it, and according to the tendency of each type of magic crystals, it is also suitable for different types of gemstones.

Secondly, even if the refining is completed, different types of magic crystals will be refined into finished products.

It is also suitable for spells of different attributes. For example, ruby ​​is more suitable for fire attribute spells, and sapphire is more suitable for water attribute spells.

This is very similar to the settings in some games. Luo Chen was not sure whether the inspiration came from the settings in the game, or the game maker's perception of the types of gems of different colors, which resulted in the different settings in the game.

According to the actual situation, it should be the latter situation.

After all, it is the maker of the magic crystal, from the Bichar family who did not know how many years ago. At that time, they did not have such words as video games, runes, and magic stones.

Logically speaking, Luochen's mana was obtained from cheats, and his mana didn't have any attribute inclinations, which meant that the spells in front of him, no matter what attribute they were inclined to.

He didn't have any resistance to Luo Chen, just like those wands in Ollivander's wand shop.

As long as Luo Chen touches it, he will automatically choose to surrender.

However, when Luochen was refining this thing, he would always encounter various troubles, such as using rubies as the main material, and when the runes were about to be engraved, the rubies would suddenly burst, or the brightness would suddenly decrease, or The sudden rise in temperature and so on are all kinds of anomalies, which lead to the failure of refining.

"Do you really have to put the Immortality Curse back?"

"Five chances, how can Wulian come up with something that can come in handy, this host and the system are one!"

Luo Chen was entangled again, the sooner this magic crystal was revealed, the more helpful it would be to him.

Then Luo Chen immediately shook his head, driving this ridiculous thought out of his mind, "The big plan can't be changed!"

"Maybe it's just that the purity of these crystals is not enough."

Luo Chen tried his best to find a reason, just like the bloody ruby ​​on his wand. None of the top pure rubies on the table can compare to him.

Of course, Luo Chen didn't deny it, maybe after the ruby ​​was refined, there was a bonus effect.

After emptying out his messy thoughts, Luo Chen began to rummage in his storage bag again.

He had piled up all the gems that had been found for him before, and suddenly he found a candle-shaped life candle that looked like suet and white jade.

There was a flash of inspiration in my mind.

"By the way, this thing might work!"

"And according to the refining method, this can also be used as a carrier." A trace of excitement flashed across Luo Chen's face, mainly because the magic crystal refining method recorded on the golden cup was too simple.

Luo Chen needed to complete everything bit by bit, otherwise why would he waste so much effort and time.

Later, he came to the center of the room.

The ground is depicted with complicated lines, vaguely like a large number of standard geometric figures nested together, and those vacant positions are also written with oracle bone inscriptions and runes.

Properly, a combination of Chinese and Western.

Silently chanting a spell in his mouth, he poured mana energy into the life candle in his hand, and then threw it into the air.

And immediately lit up the magic circle under his feet, and in Luochen's field of vision, a crimson energy gushed out from the magic circle. Immediately bound the life candle in the air.


There was a slight cracking sound, and Luo Chen frowned, showing signs of failure just at the beginning.

"It still doesn't work!"

He muttered in his heart, but the next moment.

The fate candle was indeed broken, but only the outer case was broken, exposing the whiter and more oily top-grade white jade inside.

Luo Chen's movements paused slightly, but judging from the reaction on the magic circle, it didn't seem like a failure, so he immediately concentrated and continued to concentrate on refining.

After 10 minutes, the life candle, which was originally in the shape of a long strip, slowly melted and gathered into a ball, about 1/3 the size of a baby's fist.

"It seems to be able to be divided." The rest was also very smooth. When it was nearing the end, Luo Chen noticed something from the reaction of the magic circle.

I pinched a seal formula in my hand, and saw that the ball of "life candle liquid" was divided into three parts.

Some of them were lost, so in the end, these three nearly round white jade balls with bubbles on the surface were comparable to 1/9 the size of a child's fist.

The surface flashed white.

The suet white jade balls solidified quickly, two were incomparably spherical, and the other was flat like a pebble.

"It's done!"

Luo Chen's face was cheered up, this was really an unintentional insertion!

Stop the circle.

With a wave of his hand, three white jade balls lined up in front of Luo Chen one by one.

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