People in Harry Potter suddenly become invincible

Chapter 411 How the Ministry of Magic Sentences

The second picture then appeared.

This location should be a fairly prosperous small town. The specific location cannot be distinguished, after all, the scope of this memory is limited.

Then this Sam entered a residential house, where a family of three was sharing Thanksgiving dinner happily. But after Sam went in, he killed them very cruelly.

The reason!

It was he who was hungry.

The spirit is also a little tired.

After he enjoyed it, he set fire to it and burned the whole house down.

At this time, there were already some chirping sounds in the crowd, as if someone was clenching their fists, or someone was grinding their back molars.

Without thinking about it, Luo Chen knew that among this group of people, those who were so angry must be those squibs the most.

These people live in the wizarding world.

In addition to not being reconciled, this also reveals another hidden reason.

They are afraid of fully assimilating into Muggle society.

Lose his identity as a descendant of a wizard.

Then he was killed like a pig like this.

There is no resistance.

Nor did it leave any traces in this world.

The third image follows.

This wizard was also killing people, but he chose a village, a very backward village.

It was an elderly couple who were killed, but before the old couple died, they were all clamoring about whether this Sam in front of them stole their granddaughter who had just passed the moon.

Then the screen ends.

There was panting all over the venue, and some people's eyes were red. A few female squibs turned their backs quietly and wiped the corners of their eyes.

Without changing his expression, Luo Chen took back the memory and locked it in the bottle.

"Everyone saw it."

"Then Minister Fudge, what crime do you think this man deserves?"

Fudge took a deep look at Luo Chen, not knowing the meaning of his question at this time.

But he was very calm in his heart, because of this scene, Fudge has experienced a lot.

The reason why wizards and the Muggle world were so separated before is that wizards are high above them, and they have the power to kill Muggles.

Of course, if you do this, you will be called an evil dark wizard, and you will be wanted by the Ministry of Magic.

But in reality, as long as you don't get discovered by others, even if you kill ten or a hundred people, then you can still be a white wizard, at least you won't give you the name of an evil person casually.

After Luochen's Chasing Wind and Shadow Curse was popularized by the Ministry of Magic, they arrested many decent people

"Such a person will be imprisoned in Azkaban for the rest of his life!"

"Okay, I'll provide the address later, and then you can go arrest people!"

Fudge and Scrimgeour thought, maybe Luochen tortured this guy very badly. Bringing it back to the scene may cause discomfort and resistance among everyone.

I didn't think too much about it.

"Everyone has heard it. Even if they did such evil deeds... gangsters, there will be judges from the Ministry of Magic who will sentence them to the crimes they deserve according to the law. But now, you are just ordinary people who just want to live in peace friend!"

"In order not to be troubled anymore, and to restore a stable life, at the same time, the officers of the Ministry of Magic are monitoring. You can rest assured that your privacy and rights will not be violated."

"If you don't agree, I won't force it, but you need to make an unbreakable oath, and if you reveal what happened today, you will suffer unpredictable consequences."

This is the second plan prepared by Luo Chen. Of course he won't be able to break the unbreakable curse, but he feels that someone from the Ministry of Magic will definitely.

And no one should choose this second option.

This time, the "secret" that is not a secret is hard to keep in my heart for a lifetime. But if you accidentally expose it, you will have to take your own life, and the curse will not be broken, which is not so easy to bear.

Violating the oath, there is only one result, death!

This is memory not selected to be erased. It was the only plan under the condition that Luochen promised not to infringe on their existing privacy.

pick one of two.

Of course, having said that, there are also options for neither.

Clap clap!

Several explosions were heard, and four people ran away in a row.

"Hurry up..." Jealousy listened, and felt that Luo Chen's plan was becoming more and more perfect, which felt pretty good.

In the end, someone fled again, and he subconsciously turned his head and ordered his men to pursue him.

But Luo Chen raised his arm and said without looking back.

"Hold on!"

Then he also Apparates away.

in a minute.

His figure reappeared, leaving behind a knocked-out wizard, and then disappeared and reappeared again, three times in a row.

Everyone was captured by him.

The cumulative time spent was less than 5 minutes.

This also made everyone clearly realize Luo Chen's formidable strength again, and there was no longer any way to run away.

"You two, it's a pity that you don't need achievements, otherwise these few would be enough for you to be promoted two ranks!" Luo Chen laughed.

A gleam of clarity flashed across Scrimgeour's eyes, no wonder he felt that some of Luo Chen's words were redundant, so it turned out that he was fishing!

At the same time, he can also take this opportunity to clean up the unstable factors in his territory.

Now, those who did not accept Luo Chen's plan have been eliminated.

Then no matter which one the remaining people choose, at least they will not oppose Luo Chen in the future.

This guy……

In the future, I am afraid that it will really have a great impact on the normal work of the Ministry of Magic, or it will be now...

"Director Scrimgeour, I think you can get them to act. Luo Chen's plan is definitely the best." Seeming to have noticed something about Fudge, he ordered suddenly at this moment, looking at him calmly.

Scrimgeour and Fudge looked at each other for less than two seconds, and immediately lowered their heads. Although the relationship between the two of them seems to be very good now. No matter where you go, another person is almost always by your side.

But the relationship between them has cracked.

"Okay, Mr. Minister!" Scrimgeour finished, and turned to give instructions to the Aurors.

Started to move, completely surrounded the presence of nearly 160 people, including the squib.

"If you choose the first plan, please stand on the right, if you choose the second plan, please stand on my left!"

Although the crowd was still a little excited, Luo Chen was already very satisfied with the current effect.

Magery was the first to move, moving to the right.

The people below also started to act.

"Oh, Charlie, just stand to the left with your men, no need to think about it!"

In the end, apart from the Charlie Fire Dragon breeder's team, there were 10 wizards of different ages who stood to Luochen's left.

All the rest stood to the right.

"Minister Connelly, these people will trouble you." Luo Chen said referring to the team on the left.

Fudge nodded yes. They were about to help Luo Chen, and the unbreakable spell was also a spell that senior officials in their departments must learn.

But these Aurors may not be able to, it is estimated that he and Scrimgeour will need to do it.

The number of people is also not enough.

But for Luo Chen to clear the memories of so many people, in his opinion, it would take a lot of time. At that time, he will definitely ask him for help, so Fudge can sell his favor.

"Okay, everyone, please follow me!" Luo Chen called Dobby and asked him to go to his study to get some things, and then led the more than 100 people on the right to go a little farther.

Of course, Fudge was in charge of those wizards who were unconscious.

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