People in Harry Potter suddenly become invincible

Chapter 408 Are you trying to create a second Hogsmeade?

Then they will naturally be fine.

So in the end it all depends on Luo Chen's attitude.

So this time, perform better. It is more likely that Luo Chen will not pursue it in the end.

"Well, good." Luo Chen's attitude was lukewarm. He raised his hand and spun the Charm of Spring with a Dead Tree to help Charlie heal his arm.


When Charlie Weasley came into contact with the Dead Tree Rebirth Curse for the first time, the comfort he felt at that moment was unimaginable. He let out a low moan uncontrollably.

Then the old man blushed.

Luo Chen didn't care, and continued to treat, but within three minutes, his wound was almost healed, leaving no scars.

It so happened that Fudge and Scrimgeour arrived with another group of Aurors.

"Mr. Bichar, this time..."

"You don't need to say anything, just follow me." Luo Chen interrupted directly. According to his understanding of Fu Ji, this opening must be a blame game.

In this regard, Luo Chen can only say that people are most concerned about their own vital interests.

Fudge and Scrimgeour looked at each other, then followed Luochen and walked towards the farm. Not far away, the original location of the river is now a depression.

After the efforts of Dobby, Margery and others, they have already transported those fire dragons.

Even though they were restrained, these fire dragons were still struggling. Even if Luo Chen arrived, he was still very irritable. If it wasn't for the effect of the Silence Curse, it wouldn't have been eliminated.

At this moment, no one dared to approach at all.

From this aspect, Luo Chen could also see that the use of the Silent Curse was more powerful than he had imagined.

Those who watched and guarded these fire dragons from a distance gave way one after another. Luo Chen walked up to that Ukrainian iron belly first.

"Catch the wind and catch the shadow!"

The spell started to work, and in the eyes of others, colorful breaths gathered towards the air ball in Luo Chen's hand, but within Luo Chen's vision, the crimson smoke wrapped around the fire dragon's nose.

Although it was shaken a bit, it was still firm.

Well, it was a breath after all, and when the ball in his hand was already the size of a basketball after three or four minutes of being torn by the Chasing Wind and Shadow Curse, that breath was also drawn by him.

Under Luo Chen's control, all auras other than this aura quickly collapsed.

Only the strange breath was left, which was drawn into the ball in his hand. This is said to be a smoke, but it looks more like a special kind of creature.

Because it has a form, similar to some kind of bug.

The body length is about 30 cm.

In Luochen's world, it was dark red, but in the eyes of passers-by, it was a reddish-black color.

"This is?"

Fudge realized something at that time, his right hand pointed at the smoke, and shivered violently.

"This is what affects the minds of these fire dragons. I'm not sure if this is the first time I've encountered them. Maybe you..."

Scrimgeour glanced back quickly, a young-looking Auror. From the windbreaker, he took out a special glass bottle. Runes were engraved on the surface, and in Luochen's vision, it was coral red.

"Monsieur Bichar!"

Then Scrimgeour handed the bottle to Luo Chen, Luo Chen thought, this thing can't be trapped!

But still put the smoke into the bottle.

As soon as the smoke entered, it seemed to be conscious, colliding with the wall of the glass bottle. There was a muffled sound.

"It works!" Fudge and Scrimgeour just breathed a sigh of relief.

There was a click.

The wall of the bottle was immediately covered with cracks, and after being hit twice by the smoke, it quickly shattered.


Seeing that he was about to run away, Luo Chen cast a spell and restrained him in his hands again.

"Go and find the utensils donated by Mr. Flamel!" Fudge ordered, and an Auror behind immediately Apparated and left.

This place is not far from the London headquarters, and Luo Chen also took advantage of this time to collect the strange bug-like smoke from the nasal cavity of other fire dragons.

Then put it in a bottle brought back by the Auror. The bottle looks the same as the previous one, except that it is bigger and the color halo on it is also coral red.

Luo Chen was a little surprised for a moment, he thought that Nick Flamel was the best alchemist ever.

Why is it at this level?

Or is it that when the other party refined this batch of alchemy products, it was an early work. Because even if it is a low-quality product, the color on it is also suitable for the creator's own mana level.

On the surface, Luo Chen had already locked in the smoke.

They still kept colliding and colliding, but this dark brown bottle didn't even shake. That is, from time to time, the light golden runes light up.

Luo Chen glanced at it without paying attention, and threw it to Scrimgeour.

Then Fudge immediately arranged for someone to send it to the Ministry of Magic for inspection immediately, trying to get the result in the shortest possible time.

"The cause of the fire dragon riot has been found out, but what are you going to do with the situation in the small town?"

This topic cannot be avoided, after all, so many Muggles have died.

Fortunately, those who survived have been controlled.

Fudge was silent for a while, 13 Muggles died in this town before - of course this did not count Luo Chen's parents.

Although it caused a lot of commotion, in fact, the most important thing was that the perpetrators were Voldemort's lackeys. It was only when Voldemort fell and everyone shouted that they had such a big influence.

And this time, if the Ministry of Magic is willing, in fact, they can pretend that nothing happened, at most they are going to modify the memory of some rulers.

Just like when they got the Hogwarts Express back then.

But the key things, you can understand in private, just do it in private, Luo Chen said it so openly.

Instead, Fudge had to give an answer, after all, there were so many squibs watching.

Although these people are working on Luochen's farm now.

But some people still live in Muggle society, in case one day they don't want to continue to mix in the wizarding world. This spread the news, and the Ministry of Magic of the corrupt country had to face a huge crisis of exposure.

Of course, even without mentioning this.

If it is not handled properly this time, it will also affect the image of the Ministry of Magic at this juncture.

So Fudge was thinking about this issue on the way here.

"We will arrest the murderer as soon as possible and give an explanation to the martyrs. In addition..."

Luo Chen interrupted Fudge with a raised palm, and said calmly: "What I want to say is not this, how can you handle it well. I hope that from now on, no Muggle will step into this area, Can you do it?"

Facing Luo Chenjiao with a questioning tone in the crowd.

Fudge instinctively felt a little uncomfortable, but fortunately his brows kept furrowing. It was impossible for people to clearly feel the change in his mood.


"Bichal, do you know how much it costs to transform a region? Also, do you want to create a second Hogsmeade?"

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