Dumbledore saw Luo Chen frowned, and knew that he had other thoughts.

Although it was a bit unexpected, Luo Chen, after all, is the main staff member of this competition, so he must be given enough sense of participation.

And as a teacher of Hogwarts, no matter what opinions he puts forward, he must be on the side of Hogwarts.

"Luo Chen, what do you think?"

"There must be something strange about this matter, forehead cough cough... I do have some ideas."

"But first I want to know how you guys will arrange the next match." Luo Chendao didn't express his opinion rashly.

Dumbledore explained his plan in detail, and Luo Chen thought to himself that it was indeed the same as the plot in the novel, that is, they would tie up a table, put some refining utensils on it, and then they would compete with each other.

Finally, some more potion masters with international status will be called for appraisal.

Luo Chen pinched his chin and took two steps on the spot.

"Professor, this Goblet of Fire League has changed from a regional to a global one. This is a big change. Therefore, in our first competition, the determined projects may be inherited by latercomers. We must set a good example effect……"

Luo Chen spit out the thoughts in his mind one by one, and Dumbledore nodded frequently.

From time to time, Luo Chen would be corrected, and in the end their second competition was completely new.

That is to carry out a deeper transformation on the basis of respecting the tradition of the Goblet of Fire.

The event of the final competition was still potion refining-the water of life and death.

Even Luo Chen would not refute this point. After all, except for the Huaxia delegation, he didn't know the details, and the others were basically the way of the International Federation of Wizards.

Then Luochen could only help the Huaxia delegation earn points in other ways, for example, he joined the self-selection and self-seeking of medicinal materials.

In terms of image.

That is, they only provide part of the materials for refining the water of life and death. But what is lacking, these warriors need to find it by themselves, but they will determine a range, and they will just use the field on the north side of the first game before, and there is no need to dismantle it immediately.

It was outside Hogwarts College, and there were countless satellites floating in the sky.

After a long time, it is easy to be detected by the Muggle world, and there is a risk of complete exposure.

Although the Ministry of Magic had made some preparations and personally notified the prime minister of the corrupt country to help keep it secret, it was impossible for the other party to keep it under control.

But now the words.

Under the coordination of Dumbledore, a few masters who are proficient in alchemy were found, and some magic circles were arranged within the original venue.

In this way, when the satellite looks down from the sky, it will become a pile of ruins or other scenes like Hogwarts College.

Of course, even Dumbledore didn't understand the concept of satellites, Luo Chen still used "these are the eyes of the Muggle society in the sky" to make an analogy.

Only then did the other party find out the previous solution.

As for whether it is useful or not.

Luo Chen didn't know either, it was also his first time in this world.

Well, when these warriors are searching for these medicinal materials everywhere in the venue. There are bound to be some fights. Although there is already the shadow of the third level in the original book in advance. But this change did follow the tradition of the Goblet of Fire.

Dumbledore thought it was fine too.

Then the two separated and made their own arrangements.

Luo Chen realized that he was useless in the next event.

It happened to be happy to be free, and planned to study the method of refining the magic crystal.

Although he was teased by the buggy system before, Luo Chen still decided to save the Immortality Curse first.

When he made up his mind, he was also influenced by Lucky.

At the beginning, Luo Chen just felt that there was a sudden bug in this system. Although he took advantage of it for nothing, it was quite disgusting. It was simply messing with Luochen's Dao heart.

But since Le Kai suddenly asked Jian Shiqi to send him a bunch of books.

This means that Le Kai has returned to Huaxia.

And in all likelihood, he would take away the soul-destroying bell that he got from the Lanzhou ramen restaurant at that time.

In addition, he said at the beginning that the location where he sits is Zhaiyue Mountain.

It was very close to Luochen's hometown in his previous life, and it was also within his radiation range. Luo Chen felt that it was impossible to say that there was nothing to do with it.

After all, this system had a lot of problems when it followed Luo Chen to Huaxia.

The most obvious is the decline in IQ.

So there is a bug in the system again, so it can be seen as an act of lowering intelligence.

According to the system's behavior style, he was at a pure disadvantage.

What is the connection between this, Luochen HIA can't figure it out. But using the system to improve one's strength as much as possible has always been the top priority.

In case one day this system fails completely.

What should I do if the cheater leaves him?

Although in terms of the current situation, Luo Chen's overall strength is definitely top-notch in the entire rogue country's wizarding world and even in the world.

But he is not invincible.

Coupled with the fact that there are so many mysterious cases in this world, such as the Holy See, Luo Chen doesn't think that the other party doesn't have a wizard at the bottom of the box.


They are all preaching and influencing Muggle society.

To some extent, this is already playing around the edges. Some conflict with a series of behaviors required by the "Secrecy Law".

But unfortunately.

The Federation of International Organizations and even the Merlin Sirs did not set their sights on the Holy See. Instead, they regarded it as an ordinary Muggle force, and they could do whatever they wanted.

But it can be seen from Dumbledore's mouth that he understands the roots of the Holy See.

Even if you take a step back, this ordinary wizard doesn't know, it's been too long, and the relevant information has been lost.

But the ruling power of this country.

Is it not clear at all?

Of course, this possibility cannot be ruled out, for example, their information was indeed destroyed uniformly.

But this also means that the Holy See and others have unparalleled power.

So Luo Chen had to guard against it.

Just like the name of this plug-in, achieve the supreme wizard.

Sooner or later, he will have to confront these so-called Holy See, so-called hidden forces.

So the combination of all these factors made Luo Chen's heart gradually calm down.

Focus on the most critical aspects.


On the other hand, Harry Potter and Ron also reconciled.

The scene of Harry Potter desperately trying to win the golden egg had a great impact on him. He also understands that if Harry Potter is not stupid, it is absolutely impossible to take such a risk.

So the two of them were waiting for McGonagall to "reprimand" the little lion of Gryffindor College and leave. Then he left quietly, went to the office on the third floor, and found Lupine.

Because there is no class today, Lu Ping is preparing lessons in his office.

Seeing the two people coming, he smiled naturally: "Are you here to ask about Sirius again? He is fine, and this morning I still..."

"Professor, I didn't ask this. We want to know the relationship between Luochen and Sirius." Harry Potter was extremely nervous, and he had already had a premonition that something was wrong.

So at the end, Ron asked instead of him.

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