People in Harry Potter suddenly become invincible

Chapter 393 This Honey Has Expired


"Do you think you can beat my old lady?"

After all, the fire dragon is proud, unless you completely subdue it, how can he tolerate other people's wanton provocations.

Klein raised his hand and took a few steps back.

"Don't get excited, I'm just saying it's possible!"

"That's right!" Kleins took out a very delicate white flower from his bosom. It had six heart-shaped petals and no leaves.

It wasn't deliberately ripped off, it was just like that.

A pole with flowers on it.

"This is a creature that our team leader gave me to deal with fire dragons before I left the field. You may not have seen it. It is a specialty of our side. And it has been personally cultivated by our college's potion master, Professor Burne Longst. .”

"Just bake it, and the breath it releases will make you fire dragons lose their minds!"

The fourth lady was a little dazed.

This guy in front of him is stupid, right?

This makes it urgent, what good is it for him, wouldn't it be more difficult to pass, and if he accidentally destroys the golden egg. According to the rules, this guy failed.

"You don't have to guess, I'm right, because I know your weakness."

"If we can negotiate and complete the deal peacefully, then I won't have the chance to use this flower."

Si Niangzi thought, what weakness does it have?

Even among the five green dragons, its strength can be ranked second.

Kleins didn't respond when he saw it.

Take a breath, these guys' IQs are too low, it's really difficult to deal with!

He raised his arm and pointed to Ravenclaw's seat.

Si Niangzi had paid close attention to that side, but now she understood.

This is really a weakness.

But this guy is too despicable.

In the past, they discovered that the person in front of them was able to communicate with them without barriers, and they also felt that this wizard was different from other humans.

After all, when communicating, he may have considered the characteristics of the Fire Dragon Clan, and Klein's mouth was full of praise.

It was like honey.

Not at all like today.

Honey has expired.

But no matter what, as a noble fire dragon, he still feels uncomfortable being threatened.

She didn't reply for a while, and it remembered that the leader had repeatedly mentioned the rules to them. It seemed that the longer the time, the worse the score of the final passer was.

Then spend it!

Kleins saw Si Niangzi's intentions, he estimated the time, it was almost three minutes.

"If you don't agree, then I will start!"

As he spoke, he summoned a ball of flames with a spell, and slowly approached the white flowers. The four ladies didn't care, and they didn't even look there.

But just when the fireball and the white flower were about to touch, Fourth Lady roared fiercely.

"I promise!"

The voice was really loud, and the gravel within five meters away was shaken steadily.

She really used the most arrogant tone and said the most embarrassing words.

"It's okay, don't worry, I won't treat you badly, let's make a condition, or you can go down first, let's talk about it later."

"You think I'm as stupid as Da Hui, Xiao Hei, Er Hei, Xiao Lan, and Xiao Hong!" Fourth Lady raised her faucet high, her eyes staring.

Although they belong to the same family of fire dragons, but they are of different clans, naturally they cannot talk about how good the relationship is.

"First of all, I want 100 carts of fresh steaks, the kind of blood-stained hula...the kind of mine carts that you humans used to dig garbage in the caves where we live."

Kleins nodded, and then one person and one dragon began to negotiate.

This is definitely a big mouth for lions.

But Kleins didn't say no.

In other words, before I felt that the Norwegian Ridgeback's dragon intelligence was limited, and the vocabulary that could be used was so few, why the four ladies in front of me.

Can express such rich and detailed content.

This is first of all because of Klein's own talent.

He didn't understand the language characteristics of these magical animals, but because they matched their frequencies, he could naturally understand the meaning of the frequency changes in each of his roars.

Regarding the principle of it, their college...or Professor Bourne, the most powerful potion master in South America, has not studied it to understand.

But Kleins thinks it's good for him, not bad.

Secondly, the Welsh green dragon is a kind of dragon species native to the rotten country after all, and compared with other fire dragons, they don't have much resistance in terms of gregariousness.

After a long time, many languages ​​that only their ethnic group can understand will naturally be born.

Regarding this point, it is estimated that those self-proclaimed masters of fire dragon research are just a guess.

But predictable.

From today onwards, Klein's will surely be a favorite of all kinds of fantastic zoos around the world.

For example, Fudge on the referee's bench, when he looked at Kleins, his eyes became a little more dignified, and he was also thinking about whether he could poach Kleins to their corrupt country.

After promising a bunch of outrageous conditions.

Kleins finally got the golden egg at 4 minutes and 49 seconds.

There was no hand injury during the whole process.

People realized the powerful power of mouth escape.

Similarly, there were not many people cheering in the arena.

Some even suspected that there was an inside story in this game.

But anyway, Kleins achieved the clearance goal.

The referees scored one after another, and finally he got 8.9.

Although it took more time than Qidao, his skills and talents are extremely brilliant in the eyes of these big shots with broader horizons.

It is naturally good to have a good relationship at this time. Even Karkaroff gave a high score of 7.8.

Before he said anything, he had given Qidao a score of 7 or more. Of course, except for Krum here, after all, his perfect score must be removed.

After everything was over, Kleins bowed lightly to the side of Lawancrow's seat.

It's not that far away.

At that time, he had been paying attention to Kleins, but his actions, in his opinion, were not thanks, but more like provocations.

Of course, it's not that Luo Chen is caressing.

There is one thing to say.

It just felt annoying and weird.


Next up was old Malfoy.

This guy has already made plans. Just stepping into the gate of the competition venue, the fifth lady was about to roar and open her voice.

It turned out that old Malfoy raised his arms high.

"I abstain!"

There was a moment of silence in the field, and then it exploded with a bang.

"Did I hear correctly just now, he abstained!"

"You heard me right, this is probably the style of magicians."

"That's right, there are so many people, he's the only one who signed up, this kind of method is really disgusting!"

"I think you feel sour here because you feel that you are inferior to Harry Potter and Percy Weasley, and you were not selected by the Goblet of Fire!"

"Who are you talking about? Who the hell is upset."

"It's you, if you don't want to go out with us and try now."

"Just try it, the one who doesn't come is the grandson."

However, no one moved!

"Spirits are terrible." This is wiser. He found that the people behind were deliberately guiding the debate and weakening the scandal of the Institute of Magic.

Although I don't know what connection this guy has with magic.

But this is a corrupt country.

This kind of person is disgusting from the bottom of his heart!

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