People in Harry Potter suddenly become invincible

Chapter 383 This girl is a weak chicken

Then under the sign of Bagman.

The team leaders left one after another and went to the referee's seat.

And those warriors returned to their respective positions, thinking and perfecting specific countermeasures.

Only Fleur Delacour stood at the door anxiously.

After all, he was going to be the first to play.

Seeing the other party like this, Qidao originally wanted to come up to comfort him, but he didn't expect that the Minister of Magic, Fudge, would not hesitate this time.

He wasn't ready to speak yet, and with an explosion outside, a sentence began.

Fleur Delacour took a few deep breaths, and walked out of the tent with unsteady fast and slow steps.

Seeing this scene, Qidao patted his mouth lightly and said, "Let you talk more!"

And in the southeast corner of the tent.

Percy was comforting Harry Potter. After all, he is stronger, older, and easier to deal with other fire dragons than Harry Potter. Charlie also gave him a lot of advice.

Harry Potter was indeed very uneasy, staring blankly at the silver-blue scaled armor he was holding in his hands, the Swedish short-nosed dragon that was full of ferocious eyes, and breathed out dazzling blue flames.

Harry Potter obviously didn't listen.

Not long after, Bagman, who was in charge of explaining outside, suddenly shouted out under the blessing of the amplifying spell.

"Oh, a neat technique. It seems that our Miss Delacour is very proficient in alchemy."

Fleur Delacour, who was on the field before, just came out.

Facing the ferocious Welsh green dragon, he almost lost his position.

The green dragon (abbreviation, no water) has been imprisoned in the dragon's lair for a long time. Not only was he honestly drawn to the venue by Charlie Weasley and others.

And after protecting the golden egg assigned to her.

I knew what to do, because the poor Hungarian Horntail had been hanging above the dragon's lair for so long and was not let down.

These fire dragons usually have nothing to do, so they often chat, and then slowly guess what they will experience when they are brought here.

Although this man's intelligence is limited, but when there are more dragons, three fire dragons can be as strong as an adult.

So it's okay to be idle, and I made some plans.

First of all, it is impossible for them to kill people. It's okay to hurt them, after all, they are fire dragons, full of arrogance and arrogance, and those human wizards can't let those human wizards think they are easy to bully.

Secondly, this play still needs to be performed well. Don't let them see that they are doing foreign work.

Finally, and most importantly, it is okay to hurt those warriors and those challengers, but they cannot be seriously injured and cannot heal. Otherwise, it would be very difficult for Luochen to pass.

Although they waited for so many days, they never saw Luo Chen again, and they really wanted to know what was the so-called request in his mouth?

But the sisters of the Hungarian Horntail hung on it for so many days, it was obvious what Luo Chen meant, to make an example of others.

What a pity.

Those sisters can't even drink water these two days, they must have been coughing and smoking!

Far away.

So when Fleur Delacour first came on the field, the green dragon followed what they had discussed before. First sell the flaws a little bit, let the opponent make the first move, and understand the opponent's level of strength.

In this way, when it counterattacks, it can also be controlled.

As a result, when these girls came up, they were frightened silly when they saw it. Let's name this Welsh green dragon "Big Lady" for the time being!

The eldest lady yelled at Furong again.

Only then did Fleur Delacour wake up, and the latter was able to cast an impediment spell.


When she was about to be hit, the lady wanted to dodge. After all, Luo Chen's Obstacle Curse, he tried it, and it hurt.

But in order to act, the eldest lady forcibly endured, her whole body tensed up. But when the spell fell on him, it was like scratching an itch.

Now the big lady understands, this little girl is really a coward!

Well, try to end the battle within half an hour.

Of course it has to be a loser.

So the eldest lady pretended to be angry, roared into the sky, spewed out several balls of flames in all directions, but did not attack the four-meter-high and three-meter-wide rock where Fleur Delacour was.

As a result, Fleur Delacour gradually became quieter. She took out an exquisite pocket watch from her pocket, which was the trump card that Maxim had prepared for her.

Can be used for hypnosis.

The flames did not completely disappear, the pocket watch was thrown high into the sky, controlled by the levitation spell, and quickly flew to the eyes of the eldest lady.

The latter was taken aback for a moment, then looked over subconsciously, and then the pocket watch.

It unfolded with a snap, and the dial inside separated instantly.

In just three seconds, a small pocket watch turned into a huge golden dial that only adults can hug.

Various mechanical parts fit together, full of punk style.

But after the transformation was completed, the big lady's eyes became more and more difficult to open.

The light in his eyes gradually dimmed, and finally followed the beating second hand above. He suddenly fell down and fell asleep.

It is hypnotized.

Fleur Delacour waited for a while, then looked up, and found that the golden egg was at the dragon's feet.

Don't hesitate, and start to act quickly.

Although Mrs. Maxime told her that this pocket watch with hypnotic effect is the masterpiece of the great alchemist, Nick Flamel.

But it was she who was desperately present, so she had to be more careful.

But before he touched the golden egg, Bagman suddenly made a loud voice, which startled Fleur.

He felt that the panting sound behind him became a lot heavier, and he turned his head slowly, just in time to see the huge longan eyes of the green dragon.

Fleur Delacour froze all of a sudden, the wand in her hand clicked and fell to the ground.

The eldest lady's longan slowly moved down, glanced at the other party, and then slowly closed it again.

If it wasn't for the heavy breathing, this Fleur Delacour really thought it was still under hypnosis.

Fleur Delacour was silly.

Just stood there blankly for nearly half a minute.


She only came back to her senses when she heard Madam Maxim calling her name on the referee's seat. Regardless of the doubts in his heart, he picked up the golden egg and quickly left the venue.

Then Bagman announced to everyone in due course.

"Congratulations to the first warrior, Fleur Delacour passed the test in 10 minutes and 21 seconds!"

"Now referees please score!"

Fleur Delacour stepped onto the bench and stood on the edge. Madam Maxim came up and hugged her shoulder excitedly.

"I am proud of you!"


Fleur Delacour smiled stiffly.

Now she finally figured it out, this green dragon must be acting, its wisdom is really high.

in addition.

Mrs. Maxim is also really unreliable. Fortunately, she didn't bring her sister this time.

And when she set off, she had a premonition that something was wrong.

Now the signs are starting to appear.

"Okay, now the referees have scored their respective scores. Let's take a look."

"Minister Fudge gave 8.5 points, Principal Dumbledore gave 9 points, Mrs. Maxim..."

"Remove a minimum score of 5 points."

Out of 10 points, 5 points are pass. And only Karkarov gave this score, and the rest of the score was basically above 8 points.

Elder Yunxian is the only one with a score of 10 besides Mrs. Maxim.

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