People in Harry Potter suddenly become invincible

Chapter 379 Old Malfoy's Trace

On the way, he specially put a layer of Illusion Curse on himself and Luo Chen, and it didn't appear until he entered the ward.

Because of the sudden invasion of black wizards some time ago, some students were affected. At the moment, there are many people in the school hospital, but because their respective illnesses are different, in order to avoid mutual influence.

Madam Pomfrey, along with several therapists seconded from the magic hospital, opened up some idle classrooms next to the school hospital and temporarily made them into separate wards.

And it was precisely because these ordinary little wizards were attacked that Dumbledore only suspected that the Ministry of Magic had arranged for personnel to attack Hogwarts, but there was no real hammer.

Because he knows.

Because he knew very well that with Fudge's temper, he couldn't do such a crazy thing.

But that day was too coincidental.

There are so many dementors planted in the periphery, but they didn't notice the approach of the dark wizard first. If it wasn't for Fudge's instruction, it wouldn't make sense.

So Fudge must have been involved.

But these days, the other party is also very uncomfortable. If Dumbledore can doubt him, others must be even more suspicious.

The roaring letters that are mailed to the Ministry of Magic every day can knock the entire Ministry of Magic down.

He found a separate ward for Luo Chenan, and then Dumbledore quickly found Madam Pomfrey, who originally wanted to ask her for help in treatment.

But in the end, he gave up, and asked Madam Pomfrey to prepare more wards and potions on the grounds that the Goblet of Fire League would be held soon, in case of accidents.

Madam Pomfrey didn't doubt it either, she expressed her understanding, and went back to work. Dumbledore, on the other hand, gave Snape an ear-reporting spell.

Although he was in class, he still hurried over. Seeing Luo Chen lying on the bed, he was a little surprised... The corners of his mouth instinctively twitched.

"Bichal, what... what's going on?"

"When he used the spell, he suffered a little backlash, but I don't think it's certain, so please come and check."

Dumbledore wasn't really good at it, and Snape scouted for a while.

Then he stood up and said, "Principal, he's fine, he just left."

"That's good!" Dumbledore let out a breath, and then guided Snape to the door in case Luo Chen heard, "During this time, you can come and take care of him, and besides..."

Luochen, like Dumbledore, told Snape the result of his previous divination.

The latter is the dean of Slytherin House at the moment, and he may have more information than him.

"Principal, when you went to Luo Chen to return, you didn't tell him that the locket was fake, did you?"

"I said."

"Then the result of his divination." Snape was a little suspicious.

He felt a little resentful towards Luo Chen in his heart, so he felt that the result of Luo Chen's subsequent divination was also nonsense.

"Severus. I believe in Luochen!"

A few simple words left Snape speechless.

"Since you've said that, I'll look it up." Snape finished. "I still have lessons."

Turned around and left, but did not continue the class. And when he returned to his office, he needed to prepare some recovery potions for Luo Chen.

Dumbledore watched him leave, his eyes flickered for a while, and he cast an anti-unlocking spell on the lock of Luo Chen's ward with his backhand, so that no one would disturb Luo Chen without authorization.

There will be a game the day after tomorrow.

Fortunately, Luo Chen's work has basically been completed, and when the time comes on the field, there will be little impact if he is there or not.

In fact, not long after Dumbledore left, Luo Chen slowly opened his eyes.

He just released a spell on himself just now, and his physical fitness is so high. After the power of the spell faded, he quickly recovered.

"Dumbledore, it really is the same Dumbledore, I've read it correctly." Luo Chen laughed at himself.

Then slowly sat up from the bed, thinking about how to place Ravenclaw's diadem.

I want to make this plan a little better.

In the blink of an eye, it was evening, and Snape came over and poured him a bitter and spicy unknown potion, which almost woke him up on the spot.

And now, he already has three plans in mind, and he is weighing which one is better to choose?


Strong attack?

Logic genius?

The three programs mainly focus on these three aspects.

As a result, there was a sudden slap in his ear, and he turned his head to look, only to find that it was Dobby.

"Dobby, didn't you let me go on vacation?"

"It will continue until tomorrow morning, and I will keep my word."

"Thank you sir." Dobby thanked subconsciously, and then looked hesitant.

The body is wrapped in a white pillowcase, a long sock with yellow and black stripes, and a small foot in a red cotton sock, constantly bumping and rubbing.

Obviously something to say.

Luo Chen's interest, in fact, he has never been able to accept Dobby's aesthetics, but fortunately, when serving the family, he can wear a delicate little suit according to his requirements.

Although it took Luo Chen a lot of talking and even threats, it made Dobby like that.

Now that he came to Hogwarts, he would naturally dress up according to his own preferences during the holidays.

So Luo Chen speculated that Dobby might want to confess to him his relationship with a certain house elf in Hogwarts.

"Just say anything?"

"I, I met the old master just now... Ah, right?" Dobby shook his head frantically, then hugged the bedpost next to him, and bumped into it.

"Damn Dobby, damn Dobby, he is no longer your master." Dobby muttered. With a light wave of his hand, Luo Chen used the floating spell to control Dobby to fly into the air.

"go on."

"Yes, sir, before..." Dobby was taken aback, shrank his neck, and began to talk.

After Luo Chen heard it, he also found it incredible.

Dobby said that old Malfoy was at Hogwarts right now, no... more precisely, he was in the tower of the magic institute.

However, he pretended to be someone else.

Kwon Il-deok, the warrior of the Magic Institute delegation, participated in this competition.

But thinking about it this way, it's obviously not like what old Malfoy could do. With his identity and behavior, it's impossible to risk his life.

Besides, this is Hogwarts, if this old Malfoy is found out, the consequences will be bad, besides, the Marauder's Map is in Lupine's hands, so why didn't the other party find out?

Oh, right.

The White Jade Pagoda has now moved outside of Hogwarts, just outside the big iron gate.

Because they were going to leave originally, after the meeting ended that day, they were ready to leave in the evening.

After all, they withdrew from the match halfway to avoid being too high-profile. They wanted to leave honestly, but they didn't expect to be attacked by a black wizard later, and they were trapped there.

However, the students and teachers of Hogwarts quickly fought back, and the delegation of the magic institute changed their previous plan and chose to stay.

Then in exchange for the asylum of the Ministry of Magic, they also did not have to move the White Jade Tower back to Hogwarts, but there is a saying that the White Tower was damaged in the battle and could not be moved. The people inside are also busy restoring it, rarely seen at Hogwarts these days.

But hearing what Dobby said just now, Luo Chen had a flash of inspiration.

"Perhaps it was really a group of dark wizards who attacked Hogwarts."

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