People in Harry Potter suddenly become invincible

Chapter 363 This Voldemort has something

Without saying a word, Luo Chen directly escaped from the dream space.

Seeing that Nagini was still in a dream, knowing it was good for her, she didn't wake her up.

"Sir, let's..."

Marjri and others raised a bonfire. Some rabbit meat was grilled on it, which was sent by the Gu Yue tribe.

When Luo Chen made the arrangements before, he appointed Ma Jieli to contact the horse people from Montenegro.

The horse people of the Ancient Moon tribe naturally thought that Ma Jieli was from Luochen, even though the food in the tribe was not abundant, they still took out as much meat as possible.

"Wait a minute!"

As he said that, Luo Chen directly cast the Jitian Wangdi curse, and disappeared in place in an instant.

"Captain, the spell that Mr. Bichar cast just now doesn't seem to be the Apparition Curse. The Bichar family is really..."

"Eat yours!"

Margery gave the latter a hard look.

And Luo Chen came to the cliff on the right side of the mountain stream they just stepped on at noon today.

Since he had never been to these places, Luo Chen basically set up a space mark after walking a certain distance. At this moment, you can also teleport over directly.

Then the cave is located on the opposite half of the cliff.

Luo Chen tried his best to run the Golden Eye Curse, and slowly penetrated the mortal objects that did not contain magic energy, and peeked into the cave.

As a result, when he penetrated less than 100 meters, his eyes were suddenly blocked by a large dark red area.

He couldn't penetrate it himself.

but that's enough

"Sure enough, this is where Voldemort hides the Horcrux!"

"What a coincidence to be home!"

He took out his wand and put a layer of Illusion on himself, and the magic energy in his body had recovered to 3/5. totally enough.

Activate the floating spell, slowly fly down the mountain stream, and enter the cave entrance. Always activate the Fire Eye Golden Eye Curse to prevent any danger. But the cave becomes more twists and turns and narrower as you go in.

In some places, Luo Chen even had to bend down to pass.

If it wasn't for the large crimson area in front of him, he would have doubted the direction that Luochen was pointing. Is this really the place where Voldemort hides the Horcruxes mentioned in the original book? !

But just as Luo Chen stepped out of another corner and was about to approach the crimson area, a voice suddenly came from ahead.

"Master, that's all I know."

"Back then, the young master was not a real Death Eater. He chose to join the Death Eater group just to maintain the stability and glory of the family, and to..." Old Kreacher spoke.

The original explosion sound was deliberately produced by Black. He and Kreacher left successively, and he wanted to follow behind to disrupt Black's spatial fluctuations.

After several twists and turns, he found a safe place, and after some questioning, Blake accidentally learned the truth of the year.

And the reason for all this is that after the meeting with old Malfoy, Black returned to the old house at No. 12 Grimmauld Place, just in time to see Kreacher punishing himself crazily.

Asked one more question, and then elicited the following information.

But he didn't expect that the Auror would come so soon, so he had to take Kreacher away.

"Shut up!"

Black, who was standing beside him, was in a very wrong mood.

After suffering so many years in prison, his emotions were already on the verge of collapse.

When he got along with old Malfoy, in order to maintain enough rationality, he did slowly adjust his mentality back to a bit.

But when he learned that his younger brother, whom he misunderstood as the heinous Death Eater, Regulus Black, was actually the real hero.

He felt very bad.

Also very painful.

A string in my brain snapped.

At this time, they were in a huge underground cave with naturally formed stalactites above their heads, and in front of them was a dark stone wall connecting the top of the cave.

The surface is irregular and flat, and it doesn't look any different from the natural ones, but after getting close enough, Black can feel the magical fluctuations above.

"Tell me how to open it!"

Blake studied in front of the stone wall for a long time, forcibly pressed and resisted, and did not directly attack with magic.

"I...I don't know." Kreacher took two steps back in fear.

"How could you not know, it was the damn box that you brought out yourself!"

"I really don't know!" Kreacher obviously knew.

But he thought of his little master Regulus, who died so tragically in front of him, and he didn't want to tell Black this method.

He felt that that would ruin the only blood that Black had now.

In the eyes of their race, a married daughter is not counted.


Blake was furious.

Regardless of his previous thoughts, he released an explosion spell on the rock wall in front of him.

A black protective cover suddenly appeared on it.


The walls of the entire cave finally shook.

After blocking the spell, it rushed towards the two like smoke and mist.

An anti-apparition magic circle has been set up here, and Black can't escape at all. Completely enveloped by the black mist, he howled in pain.

As for Kreacher, he could escape.

But his masters are suffering here, and he dare not escape.


They were like two lunatics who were tormented by the spell, and finally both passed out.

Da da!

Luo Chen walked out from the corner, and casually put a layer of invisible armor on himself.

Looking at a person and a family raising elves who fell on the ground.

No obvious injuries can be seen, but the black magic arranged by Voldemort is definitely not that simple.

Luo Chen stepped forward and poked the black stone wall with his magic wand.

no response.

"The true face of Mount Lu."

Just in case, he retreated a few steps before releasing the spell

A large number of runes, like tadpoles, covered the stone wall in front of him, and spread out, and it seemed that they were about to reach Luochen's feet.

He hastily retreated a few steps before dodging.

But Luo Chen couldn't understand this thing at all.

It is somewhat impossible to enter the cave behind this by cracking the magic circle.

Moreover, the Horcrux inside is a fake, so he doesn't seem to need to worry about it at all.

"Yeah, if that's the case, why should I come here in such a hurry?"

Luo Chen didn't think of this until now, and immediately found the answer for himself.

This cave is one of the more important places in the movie screen, and if it is operated properly, it is also a treasured place to earn influence points.

So if you can get in, you can definitely try it.

According to the original book, the Apparition spell cannot be used here, but the house-elf can teleport from here.

And the distance from the space imprint he arranged outside is far from the limit distance of one kilometer.

So Luochen began to communicate with the space imprint and tried.

As a result, it failed.

He didn't believe it, and arranged another space message in front of him.

It still failed.

"This Voldemort, there is something!"

Then his eyes fell on Blake, who was unconscious on the ground.

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