People in Harry Potter suddenly become invincible

Chapter 361 Abututu Bichar Guyue, the Great King

Clang, clang!

An Iron Armor Curse that reaches LV3 level.

It is more than enough to defend against these wooden points.

"Wait, stop!"

At this moment when Luochen was about to fight back, summoning raging flames, to teach the group of horse men a lesson.

The leader who ordered everyone to attack before suddenly turned around to stop the centaur's attack.

Luo Chen could only stop temporarily. I wondered, could it be that they were just probing, and when they saw that they couldn't beat him, they gave up?

"Where did you get that magic wand in your hand?" the leader asked.

Luo Chen froze for a moment, then looked at the magic wand in his hand.

What did you suddenly think of?


"Family?" The leader suddenly became excited, pawing the ground restlessly. Is this true?

Taking two steps forward, the horse man behind seemed to realize something.

Followed cautiously forward, more is to protect their leader.

"Can I have a look?"

Luo Chen frowned, wanting to refuse. But seeing the earnest eyes of the leading horseman. Although the other party's facial contours are particularly tough, it can also be seen that the other party is suppressing his excitement.


Luo Chen didn't land either, he used the floating spell to control his wand, and flew down slowly.

There are many spells that he can cast without a wand now, and he is not worried that the other party will take the opportunity to take his wand or something.

Besides, this wand has not been seen to be used by anyone other than him until now.

The leading centaur held up his wand carefully and observed carefully. Especially on the bloodstone-like spar at the back, it paused for a long time.

Then kneel on all fours.


"Abututu Bichar Gu Yue, great king, we finally have the successor of the Bichar family!"

"Great King!"

"Great Your Majesty!"

The other centaurs in the tribe also gathered around one after another. They surrounded the leader holding the wand, and started running in circles, as if they were performing some kind of ceremony.

Luo Chen floated high in the sky.

It's a little embarrassing to see this.

This is too sudden!

Fortunately, their ceremony did not last long. Five minutes later, a group of centaurs returned to the tribe together after bowing down to the leader who was holding a wand in his hand.

Only the leader is left here.

"Young man, may I ask, who is the patriarch of your Bichar family? Can you let me go and see you!"

Luo Chen looked at the leader, there were still tears on his face. He didn't feel any danger, and slowly fell from the air, standing three meters away from the opponent.

With a flick of the palm, the wand automatically flew back to him.

"What do you want from our patriarch?"

Logically speaking, the other party should know that the Bichar family has disappeared for many years.

Besides, when the Ministry of Magic was running the island, he didn't believe it wouldn't deal with these centaurs.

Regarding Luo Chen's vigilance, the leader of the horse people expressed his understanding.

He stood up slowly, crossed his hands and held them in front of his chest.

"We want to complete the new generation's contract with the patriarch of the family and offer our loyalty. For generations, we, the Ancient Moon tribe, have regarded the Bichar family as their duty to protect the territory, and it has been passed down for nearly 2,000 years."

"Maybe you are just a junior in the family, so you don't know these secrets."

"But please believe that the Gu Yue tribe is absolutely loyal to the Bichar family. This is the ancestral motto, and it is something engraved in our blood."

Seeing the other party's sincerity, Luo Chen was shaken.

But he still doesn't quite believe that there are good things going on in the sky.

You must know that the judgment of the entire shaman tribe in the rotten country is that they are eccentric and hate to reject wizards.

And the group of horse people in front of me should be no exception... No, the hair of these horse people is black!

For a moment, Luo Chen thought of a possibility, and subconsciously said in Chinese: "Aren't you native horsemen?"

The leading centaur's eyes widened suddenly, tears streaming down his face.

"Finally... finally heard the last voice of our ancestors again!"

Luo Chen pursed his mouth tightly, always feeling that this guy was scolding him.

What is a legacy? !

"However, there are still many mistakes in your words, but it doesn't matter. As long as you have talent, you can learn it slowly in the later stage."

The other party also used Huaxia language to communicate with Luo Chen, but the accent in the words was extremely heavy, like a certain local dialect, Luo Chen analyzed for a long time before he figured out the general meaning.

Hearing the discomfort, he simply resumed English and communicated with the other party.

Then I learned an amazing fact.

The Bichar family has actually existed for more than 2,000 years.

They also migrated from the East.

Coupled with Luo Chen's previous guesses about the origin of the Bichar family, combined with what the horseman said, flashes of inspiration flashed through his mind frequently.

The horse people said they were the ancient moon tribe?

Gu and Yue add up to "Hu"!

And 2000 years ago, it happened to be the time when the Xiongnu family became bigger and Donghu was forced to split.

I go!

Could it be that there are horsemen in the Chinese land?

Thinking about it this way, the prairie, horses, and humans are not impossible!

However, now a centaur tribe suddenly ran out. Obviously, the legacy left by the Bichar family is not just as simple as what was in the stone box back then.

Thinking about it, Luo Chen still decided to hide the news that he is the only one in the family at present.

Then I asked my doubts.

"Looking at you like this, it should have been a long time since you have communicated with the outside world!"

"No, we follow the orders of the Bichar family and defend the land in all directions. We will try our best to drive away any invading humans!"

"However..." Speaking of this, the leader was a little embarrassed, and said: "They are too powerful, so since the defeat 70 years ago, we have not regained the land on the other side of Montenegro."

"Black Mountain?"

Seeing this doubt, the leader pointed to the tall mountain not far from their dense forest.

The mountain range is only more than 500 meters, but because it is steep enough, it is located in the narrower part of the Acorn Island

completely split them apart.

So the horseman wants to go to the opposite side.

Either climb the mountain, or go around the shallow sea.

Neither is easy.

But there is one thing to say, except for the so-called Montenegro here, the rest of the island is really flat.

That's why Luo Chen commented on how plain and ecologically rich it was before.

"However, the people we are in charge of monitoring have already found out that the other party has evacuated from the island for almost a year."

"We'll be able to..."

Luo Chen raised his hand to interrupt.

"No, the land has been taken back now, and I'm here to inform you on the order of the patriarch, to recuperate temporarily. There will be more important tasks for you in the future!"

"This..." The leader hesitated, and said: "Defending the territory is our duty. Now that the Bichar family has taken back the ownership of this land, we should perform our duty even more, unless you can come up with the family's decree !"

Luo Chen's pupils dilated slightly.

It seems that his decision just now was correct.

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