People in Harry Potter suddenly become invincible

Chapter 359 This Couldn't Be Nagini

Although he is not good at physiognomy.

But when I saw this guy, I felt that this guy was not a good stubble.

The soul-suppressing order hanging behind the door.

He took it in his hand and confirmed it, and it really belonged to Maoshan, and it was at least 200 years old.

This thing is usually buried in the ground with the Taoist. But now it appears here, which means that the resting place of the Taoist priest has been dug up.

It doesn't matter whether the person dug up is the owner of the shop in front of him or not.

In short, he can't keep these memories.

Of course, what was eliminated along the way was also the cooperative relationship between him and Luo Chen.

And from the perspective of watching from the sidelines just now, Luo Chen didn't seem to be as friendly as he thought at the time. In such a grandiose way, he wants to do business with others in smuggling cultural relics.

In the eyes of these Taoist priests whose mission is to protect the people and the country, they are not good people.


On the occasion of parting, Luo Chen saw that Le Kai had kept the Dementor Bell in his arms, and didn't take it out to show him.

I know that the other party wants to deal with it on their own.

And the method of this is probably to be kept secret.

But after this incident, it was impossible for Qidao and Le Kai to continue to visit Diagon Alley, so they bid farewell to Luo Chen.

He left on a flying broomstick.

Originally, they could use the Floo network, but Qidao insisted not to ride, and Lucky still chose a more time-consuming and labor-intensive method.

"Let's go too!"

Now there are a few Aurors on duty inside the Leaky Cauldron, and Dumbledore and Scrimgeour don't know where they went. Luo Chen also took Margery and the others on the road to the small island near London.

After using up a lot of mana today, Luo Chen simply flew to the coastline east of London with everyone. It took less than 40 minutes, and the sea was already in sight.

The waves slammed against the black, lifeless cliffs.

They randomly settled on the cliffs on both sides of two broken mountain streams, and Luo Chen took out a map to look at it. I estimated the position.

Pointing to the southeast direction, he said, "Continuing 20 nautical miles from here is the destination of our trip, Acorn Island."

Ma Jieli didn't dare to neglect, took the map to study it carefully, and confirmed that what Luo Chen said was correct. Everyone set off again, but at that moment, Luo Chen felt something in his heart, and subconsciously looked back.

It was discovered that there was a deep hole in the mountain stream, and it seemed that a very deep red had flashed just now.

"That is?"

Luo Chen subconsciously stopped, staring at him non-stop, but nothing unusual happened. Even if he pushes the Golden Eye Curse, it forcibly penetrates the part of the rock.

It's just a dark and tortuous hole.

"Sir!" Seeing Luo Chen lagging behind, Ma Jieli thought that something happened, and turned back.

"Go ahead!"

Luo Chen gathered his spirits and continued to set off towards their destination, and walked for about 5 minutes. Then I saw an island that was wide at the top and narrow at the bottom like an oak fruit, and the surrounding area was relatively round. The total area reached more than 20 square kilometers.

The island is generally relatively flat.

Even at this time, the top is still green.

However, there are many spells arranged near the coastline of the island.

Although it was a bit incomplete, it was the existence of the spell that prevented those Muggles from approaching without authorization. As for whether they found it, it was uncertain.

After all, the current satellite detection technology is already very developed.

"same as usual!"

Luo Chen sent them to measure, while he floated in the air, looking down at the island.

Surprisingly, it was found that in many places on this island, in addition to large areas of orange and bright red land, there are also many scattered colors, different herbs, and magical animals.

"Is the Ministry of Magic out of its mind?"

Judging from the previous situation of Bigfoot Island and Littlefoot Island, it is impossible for the people from the Ministry of Magic to leave without scraping the ground three feet.

After thinking about it, Luo Chen thought, maybe there is an unknown risk on this island.

Feel the magic energy in my body, there are still 2/5.

It was enough for him to deal with most of the dangers, so he activated the magic spell of ear retribution, and summoned Margery and others to stop at the periphery of the island, so as not to go deeper.

He plunged into the dense forest of the island.

Going around, it took nearly half an hour to visit most of the island, and found more than one kind of magical animal.

But most of them are similar to magical animals with relatively low risk factors such as Flobber caterpillars, cattail velvet, Bowtruckle, hairy crabs, tree monkey frogs, ball escape birds, fairies, ghouls, and goblins.

They form a good symbiotic relationship with this island.

Maybe it was the Ministry of Magic's conscience that found out, and Luo Chen couldn't help thinking this way until the end of his patrol.

Finally, I came to a mountain wall, where there was a house made of dead branches and fallen leaves, which was about 1/3 shorter than ordinary human houses, and it was close to the mountain wall.

But the rough craftsmanship is obviously not from human hands.

Moreover, the living area on this island is far away on the other side.

"What is this, could it be the masterpiece of some brat?"

Thinking about it, Luo Chen activated the Fire Eyes Golden Eyes Curse, which penetrated the ordinary dead branches and leaves outside, and then his eyes slowly widened.

He unexpectedly found a long-bodied animal with a bright red halo inside.

No, that is a snake.

In this way, Luo Chen carefully observed the surroundings. Although the vegetation is lush, you can see the traces of a lot of grass and bushes being crushed by some kind of reptile.

But this snake should be small in size.

The body length is about three meters, and the waist circumference will not exceed 30 centimeters.

This can be easily identified from the different characteristics of the distribution of those traces.

Just let Luo Chen think about it, other than the basilisk, he really couldn't think of anything else similar to the snake-like animal he discovered.

Thinking about the previous question again, the Ministry of Magic is so kind.

Is the thing in this nest a basilisk?

Thinking of this, Luo Chen directly released an ignition spell, and threw it on the broken house.


The fireball exploded, turning into strands of small snakes as if they were spiritual, spreading to the corners of the house, quickly igniting and burning them.

The snake-like creature was awakened immediately.

It ran around in panic, and finally escaped at the cost of a small part of its body being burned.

Luo Chen had already prepared himself well and kept his head down.

Even the Fire Eye Curse was firmly suppressed. He wasn't sure if observing from a 360-degree radius without any dead angle would also trigger the "sight-to-death" effect of the basilisk.

It has only been stable for a few days, and he doesn't want the Star Shifting Curse to be forcibly cooled.

"Hiss hiss~~"

The snake was neighing.

It seemed to be asking Luo Chen something.

Anyway, it won't be a good word.

Luo Chen sensed the direction, and threw a curse of weakness.

He wanted to catch this basilisk, maybe it would come in handy in the future.


As a result, the spell failed, and a pit exploded beside it, and the big snake hid in it. But he didn't continue to confront Luo Chen, and quickly ran away.

Listen to that crawling sound.

There was a trace of surprise in Luo Chen's eyes, isn't this kind of creature bound to take revenge?

He glanced quickly, and then the whole person froze.

"Not a basilisk!"

"It's a cauliflower snake... No, it should be some kind of adder, but it's so big."

Luo Chen's body floated up slowly, and landed behind the fleeing viper. In the next moment, a flash of inspiration flashed in his mind.

"I'll go, isn't this Nagini?"

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